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博碩士論文 etd-0710122-173012 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0710122-173012
The Study of Team Diversity and Innovation Behavior: Exploring the Moderating Effects of Transformational Leadership, Perceived Organizational Support, and Psychological Collectivism
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team diversity, knowledge sharing, innovation behavior, transformational leadership, perceived organizational support, psychological collectivism
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In today's environment of rapid information dissemination and continuous technological development, enterprises need to continuously improve through innovation to maintain competitiveness, and this is also regarded as the primary goal that enterprises need to achieve. In order to let enterprises, have the ability to continuously innovate, it is necessary to cultivate talents who are good at innovation, and through the way of forming a diverse team, and then through knowledge sharing and brainstorming, to enhance the possibility of innovation. Additionally, enterprises can achieve this goal by forming diverse teams, choosing transformational leaders, and providing employees with organizational support for innovative behaviors. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between diverse teams and innovative behavior, as well as the variables that may have an impact. First, ten middle and high-level executives in Taiwan were interviewed by semi-structured interview method, and according to the results of the interview and follow-up questionnaire analysis, it was found that: 1. Team diversity has a positive and significant impact on knowledge sharing; 2. Knowledge sharing has a positive and significant impact on innovation behavior; 3. Team diversity has a positive impact on innovation behavior; 4. Knowledge sharing has an intermediary effect to team diversity and innovation behavior.; 5. The stronger the transformational leadership traits, the stronger the relationship between team diversity and knowledge sharing; 6. Perceived organization support positively interfere with the relationship between knowledge sharing and innovation behavior; 7. Psychological collectivism will negatively interfere with the relationship between knowledge sharing and innovation behavior. Finally, this study provides suggestions for enterprises to achieve their goals based on the research results. From team composition, selecting leaders and providing organizational support, and paying attention to the degree of psychological collectivism of team members, and then make strategies and plan to improve innovative behavior.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 iii
圖次 vi
表次 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 1
第二章 文獻探討 3
第一節 團隊多元化 3
第二節 知識分享 4
第三節 創新行為 4
第四節 轉換型領導 5
第五節 知覺組織支持 6
第六節 心理集體主義 7
第七節 各構面關係探討 7
第三章 研究方法 13
第一節 研究架構與假設 13
第二節 變數衡量與操作型定義 15
第三節 量化研究樣本與研究流程 15
第四節 量化樣本基本描述 16
第四章 研究結果 18
第一節 變量基本描述 18
第二節 相關分析(相關矩陣) 21
第三節 信度分析 22
第四節 因素分析 22
第五節 結構方程模型 25
第六節 質性訪談摘要 35
第五章 結論與建議 39
參考文獻 41
附錄一 50
附錄二 53
附錄三 59
附錄四 64
附錄五 72
附錄六 79
附錄七 81
附錄八 83
附錄九 85
附錄十 88
附錄十一 90
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