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論文名稱 Title |
類比IC設計公司競爭優勢探討以A公司為例 The Competitive Advantages In Analog Design House.The Case Study Of A Company |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
71 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2022-05-13 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2022-08-10 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
五力分析、SWOT、賽局理論、藍海策略、ASIC、布局、元件 Porter's Five-Force analysis model, SWOT, Game Theory, Blue Ocean Strategy, ASIC, layout, device |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 360 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 360 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
本研究是藉由年營收台幣六、七十億的中型IC設計公司的個案研究方式,以類比IC設計公司茂達電子為研究對象,建立良好的營運/成長策略,並展開相對應的具體行動方案,培養並保持其競爭優勢。 本研究是透過波特五力分析模型探討個案在產業吸引力的高低、SWOT分析來探討個案在產業的競爭力、以賽局理論強化競爭力,以企業成長策略分析搭配藍海策略尋找可能的發展方向,再以業界專家訪談個案公司的高階經理人和業界精英,以實務面作為學術理論的驗證和調整。 就像一個國家國力的展現包括了政治、經濟、軍事、文化的整體表現一樣,一個公司的競爭力也包含了研發/工程、業務/行銷、生產、財務、人事行政的各項競爭力的總合。研究發現其中幾個公司應立即並持續耕耘以保持競爭優勢重點如下:1.持續加強研發的深度與廣度,開發高附加價值(高功能、高效率、低能耗、低阻抗、低熱阻、低成本、小面積)的產品以增加客戶價值,開發不同類型的產品線(自行研發、購併)、不同的市場(歐、美、日、第三世界)和不同的應用。2.和客戶建立長期穩定的合作關係,開發客製化產品(ASIC)並開發國際一線品牌大廠的客戶,提高國際知名度3.建立適合公司發展的外包策略,和供應商建立長期的夥伴關係4.彈性機動的產銷協調 5.內部組織管理系統的優化和效率的提升6.其他支援工程能力的提升,如元件、布局、應用、晶圓製程、封裝製程/材料、測試工程、品質工程和可靠性工程等。 |
Abstract |
This study is based on the case study method of medium-sized analog IC design companies with annual revenue of NT$6 to 7 billion. Notably, it focuses on IC design company Anpec Electronics Corporation, which establishes a good operation/growth strategy and carries out specific action plans to cultivate and maintain its competitive advantages. The study explores the attractiveness and competitiveness of cases in the industry using Porter's Five-Force analysis model and SWOT analysis, strengthening the Game Theory's competitiveness. First, it analyzes the possible development directions with the enterprise's growth strategy, then consults the top managers and industry elites of the case companies with industry experts, and takes the practical aspect as the verification and adjustment of academic theory. Just as displaying a country's national strength includes the overall performance of politics, economy, military, and culture, a company's competitiveness also includes the sum of R&D/engineering, business /marketing, production, finance, and administration. Finally, the study found that several of these companies should work promptly and continuously to sustain competitive advantage: 1. Continue to strengthen the depth and scope of R&D and develop high added value (high functionality; high efficiency; low energy consumption, low impedance, low thermal resistance, low cost, small chip/package size); IC products to increase customer value, the development of different types of product lines (self-development, merger & acquisition); expand different markets (Europe, the United States, Japan, the Third World) and different applications field. 2. Establish long-term and stable cooperative relations with customers, develop customized products (ASIC) and develop the customers with well-known international brands to increase international visibility 3. Create an appropriate outsourcing strategy for the company's development and establish long-term partnerships with suppliers 4. Demonstrate flexible, mobile production, and marketing coordination 5. Improve optimization and efficiency of the internal organizational management system 6. Provide other support for engineering capabilities such as device, layout, application, wafer process, packaging process/materials, test engineering, quality engineering, and reliability engineering. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書i 誌謝ii 摘要iii Abstract iv 目錄vi 圖次viii 表次ix 第一章 緒論01 第一節 研究背景與動機01 第二節 研究目的02 第三節 研究流程03 第四節 研究範圍與限制03 第二章 產業現況04 第一節 整體產業趨勢 04 第二節 國內外產業現況11 第三節 其他 13 第三章 文獻探討19 第一節 五力模型分析19 第二節 SWOT分析22 第三節 Porter的一般性競爭策略23 第四節 企業成長策略24 第五節 藍海策略分析25 第四章 研究設計28 第一節 研究結構28 第二節 研究模式29 第三節 研究方法30 第五章 實證分析33 第一節 個案公司簡介33 第二節 訪談資料彙整41 第三節 五力模型分析 44 第四節 SWOT分析47 第五節 藍海策略分析51 第六章 結論與建議54 第一節 結論54 第二節 建議55 第三節 管理意涵58 參考文獻59 |
參考文獻 References |
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