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論文名稱 Title |
紙包材產業永續經營策略之探討-以D公司為例 A Research on Sustainable Development Strategies of Kraft Liner Board Packing Industry - The Case of D Company |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
65 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2021-05-24 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2021-08-11 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
牛皮紙、紙包材、SWOT、TOWS、經營策略 Kraft Paper, Paper Packaging Materials, SWOT, TOWS, Business Strategy |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 269 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 269 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
紙包材一直以來,在包裝產業中,佔有主流地位,近年來更因數位科技興起、COVID-19延燒不止,大大改變了消費者行為,人們更關注永續環境議題,綠色經濟是消費者感興趣,而企業更要好好把握的趨勢商機。紙包材取自大自然、可分解的特性,絕對能輕易擠下其他包材,是綠色包裝未來的重中之重。 而全球紙業由於中國及東南亞的低價傾銷策略,使得各國都深受削價之苦,面臨嚴峻的競爭考驗台灣更由於市場的受限性,造成大者恆大,表面平衡、少有競爭者進入的穩定狀態,實際情形是隨著社會趨勢快速更迭,需求版塊挪移,中小企業、貿易商應避免被擠壓的競爭窘境,即時掌握科技及環保大商機,創造優勢,站穩市場一席之地。 本研究以D公司為例,如何著眼全球環境變動的大商機,創造競爭優勢,制定永續經營策略。以SWOT分析內外部環境的強弱勢及機會、威脅,再以TOWS矩陣擬定對應各個情境之策略,深挖出D公司的關鍵優勢及利基,及所應瞄準的潛在市場,制定出能發揮優勢綜效、改善現狀弱勢的經營策略,以期穩紮穩打推進公司的永續發展。 透過所蒐集相關資訊的探討發現, D公司應聚焦的方向如下 : 一、 科技浪潮下的數位消費及包裝創新商機 二、 健康議題(COVID-19)帶來生活型態改變的新商機 三、 避免地球反撲的永續環境綠色新商機 經SWOT及TOWS的深入分析及策略配對,建議發展方針如下: 一、 客製化服務的核心競爭力快速搶佔市場 二、 產品剩料再利用永續經營創新利潤模式 三、 善用科技瞄準且管理高獲利客戶及市場 |
Abstract |
Paper packaging materials have always occupied a mainstream position in the packaging industry. In recent years, the rise of digital technology and the spread of COVID-19 have greatly changed consumer behavior. People are paying more attention to sustainable environmental issues. As green economy now stands in rapidly growing trend, It’s the potential opportunities that corporation should focus on. Paper packaging materials are taken from nature and are decomposable. This is the top priority of choices from other packing materials to use in green packaging in the future. Due to the low-price dumping strategy of China and Southeast Asia, the global paper industry suffers from price cuts and faces severe competition, including Taiwan. Since Paper industry is mature in Taiwan, it maintains a balanced and stable that few competitors join in recent years. Yet, market changes rapidly in social trends and in demand, small and medium-sized enterprises and traders should avoid the competitive dilemma of being squeezed, and immediately grasp the great and growing potential opportunities, due to the advantage of digital technology and environmental protection. This study takes Company D as an example, how to focus on the big business opportunities of global environmental changes, create competitive advantages, and formulate sustainable business strategies. The study analyze the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the internal and external environments with SWOT, and then use TOWS matrix to formulate strategies corresponding to each situation, dig deep into the key advantages and niches of company D, and the potential markets that should be targeted, and formulate the advantages that can be used Synergies, improving the current weak business strategy, in order to steadily and steadily promote the company's sustainable development. Through the analyzing of the collected relevant information, the direction that Company D should focus on is as follows: 1. E-Commerce and packaging innovation business opportunities under the rise of digital technology. 2. Health issues (COVID-19) bring new business opportunities for lifestyle changes. 3. New business opportunities in a sustainable environment to avoid the earth's counterattack. After in-depth analysis and strategic matching of SWOT and TOWS, the proposed development guidelines are as follows: 1. Best use of the core competitive advantage of customized services to quickly grasp the potential market. 2. Reuse and recycle of product leftovers to maintain sustainable operation and to create innovative profit model. 3. Utilize the advantage of digital technology to increase the efficiency of managing high-profit clients and markets. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 摘要 ii Abstract iii 目錄 vi 圖目錄 vii 第一章 研究背景 1 第一節 公司業務 1 第二節 紙材原料 3 第三節 紙品分類 4 第四節 研究動機 7 第五節 研究目的 8 第二章 研究設計 9 第一節 研究架構 9 第二節 SWOT分析 10 第三節 TOWS矩陣 12 第四節 研究流程 13 第三章 趨勢觀察 14 第一節 消費行為趨勢 14 第二節 產業趨勢 19 第四章 現狀觀察 26 第一節 產業現狀 26 第二節 公司現狀 28 第三節 需求現狀 31 第五章 分析及策略 35 第一節 SWOT分析 35 第二節 TOWS矩陣 38 第六章 結論 54 第一節 目標與任務 54 第二節 結語 54 參考文獻 55 |
參考文獻 References |
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