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博碩士論文 etd-0712121-210703 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0712121-210703
Explore the Influence of Marketer-Generated Content and User-Generated Content on the Attractiveness of Internet Celebrity's Facebook Fan Pages
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Internet Celebrity, Word of Mouth Marketing, Marketer-Generated Content, User-Generated Content, Attractiveness
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在社群媒體的蓬勃發展之下,許多品牌商逐漸重視對於社群媒體上的粉絲專 業經營,開始透過不同行銷手法與不同的廣告方式吸引消費者的目光,品牌商也 開始朝向尋找網路紅人來進行廣告合作,藉由網路紅人的高關注度與粉絲數來提 高產品之銷售量,他們會請網路紅人替自己產品發布相關的推薦文或是使用心得 來產生業配營銷生成內容 (Marketer-Generated Content, MGC),然而過往的新聞與 主觀研究皆顯示了用戶或消費者對於網路紅人的業配營銷生成內容文會產生負面 的觀感,以往研究中並沒有以客觀資料從網路紅人本身作為出發點進行分析。本 研究透過 Python,爬取網路紅人臉書粉絲專頁之客觀資料進行分析,以探討當網 路紅人發布業配營銷生成內容時,是否真的會對自己的喜愛度、粉絲互動產生負 面的影響。網路紅人的用戶生成內容 (User-Generated Content, UGC)是否對網路紅 人就有正向影響。研究結果顯示: (ㄧ)業配營銷生成內容會對網路紅人的粉絲互 動產生負面影響。 (二)用戶生成內容越多也就是粉絲互動越多、吸引力越高,對 於網路紅人產生正向影響。
Lots of brands have begun to pay attention to their fan pages on social media because of the flourishing of social media, they have begun to attract consumers' attention through different marketing strategies and different advertising methods. Brands have also begun to collaborate with internet celebrities to increase the sales of products through their high attention and followers. They ask them to post relevant recommendations for their products or the experience of using the products. It is commonly known as the Marketer-Generated Content post. However, literatures have shown that users or consumers have a negative attitude toward these Marketer-Generated Content posts. We used Python to crawl the data of internet celebrities' Facebook fan pages and analyze them to find out whether internet celebrities will have negative affect on their likes and fan interaction when they post Marketer-Generated Content posts. Whether the User-Generated Content has a positive impact on internet celebrities. The results of the research show: (1) Marketer-Generated Content posts will have negative affect on fan interaction of internet celebrities. (2) The more User-Generated Content and more Attractiveness, which has a positive impact on internet celebrities.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論....................................................................1
第一節 研究背景............................................................1
第二節 研究動機............................................................3
第三節 研究目的............................................................6
第四節 研究流程............................................................7
第二章 文獻探討............................................................8
第一節 網路紅人............................................................8
第二節 網路口碑行銷....................................................9
第三節 營銷生成內容..................................................10
第四節 用戶生成內容..................................................16
第五節 粉絲互動..........................................................19
第三章 研究方法..........................................................21
第一節 研究架構..........................................................21
第二節 研究對象..........................................................26
第三節 資料搜集與處理..............................................31
第四節 業配貼文判斷準則..........................................33
第四章 資料分析..........................................................37
第一節 分析工具..........................................................37
第二節 變數說明..........................................................37
第三節 模型說明與檢定..............................................44
第四節 模型結果討論..................................................50
第五章 結論與建議......................................................54
第一節 學術貢獻..........................................................54
第二節 實務貢獻..........................................................55
第三節 研究限制與未來建議......................................55
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