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博碩士論文 etd-0713101-142244 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0713101-142244
Biogas desulfurization: Performane study of a full-scale scrubber for biogas desulfurization
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desulfurization, absorption, biogas, hydrogen sulfide, scrubbing
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本研究標的為以二串聯之吸收塔(內徑0.6 m,填充4"K6 Heilex-Type或2.5"Crown-Biopacks塑膠填料,堆填高度分別計5 m及3.65 m) ,利用一廢水場之活性污泥沉澱池排出水,以吸收由該廢水廠場UASB(上流式厭氣污泥床)排出沼氣中之硫化氫。吸收硫化氫後之循環水再排入活性污泥槽中,藉其中之微生物將液相中之硫化氫氧化。
於為期 20 週之實場試結果顯示,在液體及氣體空塔流速分別為 13.2-28.1 及 304.0-644.0 m/h,吸收塔可將硫化氫由378- 18,923 ppm去除至1-2,100 ppm,平均去除率>96%,出口硫化氫濃度在 300 ppm以下。結果亦顯示,當循環水pH值由 7.7 提高至 8.8 時,吸收塔之整體去除效率由 86% 提高至 98%。硫化氫經由循環水吸收後,約有 1/3 之總硫以硫酸鹽 ( SO4-2 ) 或硫氧化物 ( S-2 ) 之型態在吸收塔底出流水中被檢出,其餘推測是於水中被氧化後以固體硫磺型態附著於濾料表面,此為吸收塔操作時壓降日增之主因。
經由硫化氫之氣-液平衡公式及硫化氫於吸收塔中之質量平衡計算,可得知循環水 pH 、氣體流量、循環水流量、及濾料填充高度等與硫化氫去除率間的關係﹔經由計算得知,在系統溫度 30oC,循環水pH = 8.0 時,吸收塔最小氣液比為(L/G)min =0.043 m3 /m3﹔循環水 pH = 8.5 時,(L/G)min =0.014 m3 /m3。經將試驗數據代入模式計算知,在單位面積氣體及液體空塔流速分別為GL = 304.0-644.0 m3/m2.h及 GV = 15.1-28.1 m3/m2.h,循環水pH = 7.7-8.6時,硫化氫傳入循環吸收液之總氣相質傳係數 Kya = 1.15×1017×GV0.94×GL -3.03。Kya隨GL增加而降低之原因主要因為GL增大使氣-液接觸表面積a減小而不利於硫化氫的吸收。沼氣進入吸收塔後,其硫化氫濃度隨填料高度及循環水pH值之變化情形,可以由模式計算出。

In this study, a set of full-scale two-stage-in-series scrubbing tower was constructed to test its performance for desulfurization of biogas from three anaerobic UASB (upflow anaerobic sludge blanket) reactors of a wastewater plant for treating corn-syrup processing wastewater. Each stage of the absorbing towers was constructed from a 0.6m × 6 m (I.D. × H) plastic column packed with plastic packings (4” K6 Heilex-Type or 2.5” Crown-Biopacks with packing heights of 5 m and 3.65 m, respectively). Effluent from the activated sludge sedimentation tank of the wastewater plant was used as a scrubbing liquid and the tower effluent liquid was discharged into the activated sludge tank for oxidation of the absorbed hydrogen sulfide.
Results of a continuous operation period of 20 weeks indicate that H2S of 380-19,000 ppm in the biogas could be reduced to 1-2,100 ppm by the scrubbing towers with superficial liquid and gas velocities of GL = 13.2-28.1 and GV = 306-642 m/h, respectively. On an average, the effluent gas contained a H2S concentration of less than 300 ppm and the removal efficacy was more than 96%. Results also indicate that as pH of the scrubbing liquid increased from 7.7 to 8.8, the overall H2S removal efficacy raised from 86 to 98%. About 1/3 of the absorbed H2S-S was detected as H2S-S and SO4-2-S in the tower effluent. The rest was supposed to be as elemental sulfur in a slimy form which sticked to the packing surface. This might be the reason for the increasing pressure drop with the operation time.
A set of performance and gas-liquid equilibrium equations were proposed to estimated the influence of liquid pH, gas and liquid flow rates, and packing height on the H2S removal efficacy. Calculation results indicate, at 30oC, the minimum liquid/gas ratios (L/G)min for the absorption are 0.043 and 0.014 m3/m3, respectively, for fresh absorbing liquids with pH = 8.0 and 8.5. Based on the proposed equations and the experimental data, the volumetric mass-transfer coefficient Kya for H2S absorption in the towers could be expressed approximately as Kya =1.15×1017GV1.0GL-3.0 with GV =304-644 and GL = 15.1-28.1 m3/m2.h, and liquid pH 7.7-8.6. It was supposed that too much liquid loading leads to a decrease in the specific area a for mass transfer which results in the Kya decrease.

目次 Table of Contents
謝誌摘要英文摘要目錄表目錄圖目錄第一章 前言 IIIIVVVIIIIX1
1.1 惡臭物質定義及來源 1
1.2 研究方法及目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2.1 常用之排氣控制技術簡介 8
2.2 硫化氫之控制技術 12
2.2.1 物化處理控制技術 12
2.2.2 生物處理控制技術 16
2.3 吸收塔理論 24
2.3.1 氣體吸收基本原理 24
第三章 實驗模式 28
3.1 吸收原理 28
3.2 質量傳輸理論 3.2.1 雙膜理論 2828
3.3 吸收時伴隨化學反應的影響 34
第四章 實驗設備與方法 37
4.1 實驗設備 37
4.2 實驗材料 40
4.3 實驗方法 42
4.3.1硫化氫去除試驗 42
4.3.2氣相質傳係數Kya之求取 43
4.4 分析方法 43
第五章 結果與討論 45
5.1 操作結果 45
5.2 循環水對去除效率的影響 45
5.2.1 循環水pH值改變與去除效率之關係 45
5.2.2 循環水中硫酸鹽濃度與硫化氫去除率之關係 46
5.2.3 循環水量與去除率之關係 46
5.3 進流氣體濃度與硫化氫去除率之關係 46
5.4 進出口之氣液硫流量變化情形 47
5.5 Kya值之計算 47
5.5.1 實際Kya值 47
5.5.2 Kya與循環水流量及氣體流量之關係 48
第六章 結論與建議 61
6.1 結論 61
6.2 建議 62
參考文獻 63
附錄一 塔內實測硫化氫濃度與模式計算結果比較 66
附錄二 以多元迴歸分析計算Kya與氣-液流量之關係 75
附錄三 實場吸收塔沼氣脫硫原始數據 78

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