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論文名稱 Title |
社群與行動支付使用行為之研究-以 Line Pay 與街口支付為例 A Study on Usage Behaviors of Community and Mobile Payments: Comparisons of Line Pay and JKO Pay |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
82 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2021-06-28 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2021-08-15 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
行動支付、社群、網路外部性、品牌態度、品牌熟悉度、LINE Pay、街口支付 mobile payment, community, network externality, brand attitude, brand familiarity, LINE Pay, JKO Pay |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 289 次,被下載 76 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 289 times, has been downloaded 76 times. |
中文摘要 |
近年來行動支付的使用大量成長,而國內行動支付的相關論文較著重在探討行動支付的使用者行為,較少去探討社群功能與行動支付結合是否會影響消費者使用APP。因此本篇研究鎖定台灣目前具有支付業務同時又有發展社群功能的APP,以LINE Pay、街口支付作為探討,並比對社群在行動支付裡的關聯及差異性,同時針對構面的品牌態度、網路外部性、品牌熟悉度來加以探討,了解消費者在兩個支付品牌的使用因素。 整體而言,LINE Pay相比街口支付在社群滿意度具有較高的分數,因此LINE Pay可被視為較被滿意的行動支付,本研究先定義社群滿意度為「能在社群聊天又能使用轉帳」的滿意度,這是行動支付結合社群的主要功能,而且滿意度通常與採用行為相關。研究再進一步針對可能會影響到社群滿意度的變數作探討,發現社群滿意度與社群功能在2個支付軟體都是具有顯著性的,從結果來看社群功能與社群滿意度有顯著的關聯,而品牌態度對社群滿意度是有顯著的關聯,網路外部性對於社群滿意度則無顯著關聯,品牌熟悉度也沒有顯著關聯。因此在LINE Pay與街口支付的各自研究架構圖中,假設1與假設3成立,而假設2與假設4不成立。 總結來說,社群軟體的發展策略將會影響到其使用率的普及,進而影響到行動支付的使用,因此企業若要發展社群軟體可優先由社群功能及品牌態度的提升,進而吸引消費者。 |
Abstract |
In recent years, the use of mobile payment has grown a lot, and domestic mobile payment related papers focus more on the user behavior of mobile payment, and less on whether the combination of community functions and mobile payment will affect consumers' use of APP. Therefore, this research focuses on the apps that currently have payment services and community development functions in Taiwan. It uses LINE Pay and JKO Pay as a discussion and compares the community’s relevance and differences in mobile payment, at the same time, the research focuses on the dimensions of the app. Brand attitudes, network externalities, and brand familiarity are discussed to understand consumers’ use of the two payment brands. On the whole, LINE Pay has a higher score in community satisfaction than JKO Pay. Therefore, LINE Pay can be regarded as a more satisfactory mobile payment. In this research first defines community satisfaction as "Able to chat and transfer in the community”, which is the main function of mobile payment combined with the community, and satisfaction is usually related to adoption behavior. The research further explored the variables that may affect community satisfaction and found that community satisfaction will be affected by community functions in these two payment software. Another finding is that brand attitude has a significant correlation with community satisfaction, and network externality has no significant correlation with community satisfaction, besides, brand familiarity has no significant correlation with community satisfaction. Therefore, in this research framework diagrams of LINE Pay and JKO Pay, Hypothesis 1 and Hypothesis 3 are valid, while Hypothesis 2 and Hypothesis 4 are not. In summary, the development strategy of social software will affect the popularity of its usage rate, which in turn affects the use of mobile payment. Therefore, if companies want to develop social software, they can give priority to the improvement of social functions and brand attitudes, and then attract consumer. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 致謝 ii 中文摘要 iii Abstract iv 目次 vi 圖次viii 表次ix 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機、問題與目的 1 第二節 研究方法、架構與流程 3 第二章 文獻回顧 5 第三章 產業發展現況 11 第一節 行動支付的發展 11 一、 行動支付的採納因素 11 二、 現今主要的付款系統 12 三、 行動支付的參與者 14 第二節 行動支付的發展與差異 15 一、 社群對支付的影響 15 二、 行動支付的發展趨勢—以微信支付為例 17 三、 行動支付的發展趨勢—以LINE Pay為例 17 四、 行動支付的發展趨勢—以街口支付為例 20 第三節 小結 21 第四章 研究架構與問卷設計分析 23 第一節 研究架構與研究假設 23 一、 研究問卷架構 23 二、 研究架構 26 三、 調查內容 26 四、 分析方法 28 第二節 問卷設計 29 第三節 問卷分析 31 第四節 小結 48 第五章 結論與建議 51 第一節 研究結論 51 第二節 研究貢獻 51 第三節 研究限制 52 第四節 研究建議 52 參考文獻 54 |
參考文獻 References |
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