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博碩士論文 etd-0717102-224436 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0717102-224436
A Study of Schubert's Sonata in A Minor “Arpeggione”
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Schubert, Cello, Arpeggione
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「阿貝鳩尼」琴(Arpeggione)是一八二三年由維也納樂器製造者約翰•喬治•史塔非(Johann Georg Staufer)所製造出一種以吉他的外形,結合大提琴拉奏方式的「吉他型大提琴」,然其生命短暫,前後不出十年便消逝於樂壇。本研究以舒伯特(Franz Peter Schubert)於一八二四年為「阿貝鳩尼」與鋼琴所寫的A大調奏鳴曲D821,來探討此樂器之歷史背景及此曲之創作手法,並針對大提琴改編版本的演奏詮釋與拉奏技巧作深入探究。舒伯特這首迷人的樂曲在「阿貝鳩尼」琴消失後,相繼出現了各種樂器的改編版本,而西班牙大提琴家卡沙多(Gasper Cassadó)則將此曲改寫成大提琴協奏曲,意圖使其更合乎大提琴的演奏語法,也讓這首作品以另一番風貌呈現。
The arpeggione is an instrument invented and built in1823 by the Viennese instrument maker Johann Georg Staufer. This instrument has the shape of guitar but bowed like a cello, thus it’s called the “guitar violoncello”. During its short life lasted for no more than a decade, we are fortunate there survived an “Arpeggione Sonata, D821” composed by Franz Schubert in 1824. This thesis discusses on the style of this composition and the historical background of arpeggione, with more focus on the interpretation and technique in the arrangement for cello. After arpeggione had vanished from the musical scene, several arrangements for different instruments of this work had published. The Spanish cellist Gasper Cassadó even expanded this work as a cello concerto, which is more suitable for cello playing. From these aspects, we can build up a more insight into this charming piece.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄

前言 1

第一章 背景探討
第一節 阿貝鳩尼琴的歷史 3
第二節 舒伯特的「阿貝鳩尼」琶音 6

第二章 創作手法與技巧詮釋

第一節 創作背景 10
第二節 樂曲寫作手法 11
第三節 演奏詮釋及技巧探討 21
第四節 力度記號探討 28

第三章 版本比較

第一節 各種樂器改編版本之比較 32
第二節 大提琴版本比較 33
第三節 卡沙多改編的「阿貝鳩尼」協奏曲 37

結論 41
附錄一 舒伯特生平事蹟及作品表 43
附錄二 卡沙多「阿貝鳩尼」協奏曲之裝飾奏 46
參考書目 48
參考文獻 References
Avellar de Aquino, Felipe. “Six- string Virtuoso.” The Strad. Vol.109.(May 1998): 500-507.
Brown, Maurice J. E. The New Grove: Schubert. Stanley Sadie ed. London: Macmillan, 1990.
Bandura- Skoda, Eva and Peter Branscombe. Schubert Studies- Problem of style and chronology. London: Cambridge Univertity Press, 1982.
Clive, Peter. Schubert And His World. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997.
Galamian, Ivan. Principles of Violin Playing and Teaching. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1985.
Geiringer, Karl. “Schubert’s Arpeggione Sonata and the ‘Super Arpeggio”’. Musical Quarterly. Vol.6. (1979): 513-23.
Gibbs, Christopher H., ed. The Cambridge Compahnion to Schubert. London: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Ginzburg, Lev. History of the Violoncello. (Moscow, 1950-78.) Tanya Tchistyakova, Trans. Paganiniana Publication Inc., 1983.
Hilner, Ernst. Franz Schubert In His Time. Reinhard G. Pauly, Trans. Oregon: Amadeus Press, 1988.
Newbould, Brian, ed. Schubert Studies. Cambridge: The University Press, 1998.
Newman, William S. The Sonata Since Beethoven. Third Edition. New York: The University of North Carolina Press, 1983.
Newbould, Brian. Schubert The Music and the Man. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997.
Osborne, Charles. Schubert and his Vienna. New York: Alfred A. Hnopf, inc., 1985.
Paras, Jason. The Music for Viola Bastarda. U.S.A:Indiana University Press Bloomington., 1986
Phillips, Elizabeth & John-Paul Christopher Jackson. Performing Medieval and Renaissance Music- an introductory guide. London: Collier Macmillan Publishers, 1986.
Sadie, Standly, ed. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. London: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 1980. s.v. “Arpeggione”, by Gerald Hayes.
Stowell, Robin. The Cambridge Companion to the Cello. Cambridge: University Press, 1999.
Tree, Michael. “Schubert’s Arpeggione Sonata” The Strad. Vol.105. (1994): 142- 145.
Ulrich, Homer. Chamber Music. 2th edition. New York: Columbia University Press, 1966.
Walden, Valerie. One Hundred Years of Violoncello. A History of Technique and Performance Practive, 1740-1840. Cambridge: University Press, 1998.
Westrup J.A. BBC Music Guides 30- Schubert Chamber Music. Omnibus Press, 1997.
Woodfield, Ian. The Early History of the Viol. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984.
Woodford, Peggy. The Illustrated Lives of the Great Composers: Schubert. Omnibus Press, 1995.

樂 譜
Cassado, Gaspar. Concerto in la mineur f&uuml;r Violoncello und Orchester von Franz Schubert. Mainz: B. Schott’s S&ouml;hne, 1930.
Schubert, Franz. Sonata in A f&uuml;r Arpeggione und Klavier, D821. Neue Ausgabe s&auml;mtlicher Werke. Serie VI : Kammerwerke Band 8. Kassel: B&auml;renreiter- Verlag, 1970.
-----. Sonata f&uuml;r Arpeggione und Klavier, D821. Ausgabe f&uuml;r Violoncello durch Reiner Ginzel. Munchen: G. Henle, 1995.
-----. Sonata f&uuml;r Arpeggione und Klavier, D821. Ausgabe f&uuml;r Violoncello eingerichtet von Jan Mulder, f&uuml;r Viola eingerichtet von Karl Hermann Pillney. Germany: Breitkopf & H&auml;rtel, Wiesbaden, 1980.
-----. Sonata in A minor, D821 “Arpeggione”. Ed. By Leonard Rose. New York: International Music Company, 1953.
-----. Allegro Moderato from the “Arpeggione Sonata”. Arranged for Euphonium and Piano by Sharon Davis. Euphonium part edited by Ray Heberer. U.S.A.: Western International Music, Inc., 1993.
-----. Sonata in A minor, D821, for Clarinet and Piano, “Arpeggione”. Trans. and Ed. by Jerry Kirkbride. New York: International Music Company, 1982.
-----. Sonata (Per Arpeggione). Trans. for Flute by James Galway, ed. by Phillip Moll. New York: G. Schirmer, Inc., 1983.
-----. Sonata in A minor, D821 “Arpeggione”. Arranged for Flute and Piano by Konrad H&uuml;nteler. Kassel: B&auml;renreiter- Verlag, 1996.
-----. Sonate in A f&uuml;r Violine und Klavier, D. 574. Neue Ausgabe s&auml;mtlicher Werke. Serie VI : Kammerwerke Band 8. Kassel: B&auml;renreiter- Verlag, 1970.
-----. Werke f&uuml;r Klavier zu zwei H&auml;nden : Klavierst&uuml;cke II. Neue Ausgabe s&auml;mtlicher Werke. Serie VII: Klaviermusik Band 5. Kassel : B&auml;renreiter- Verlag, 1984.
-----. Werke f&uuml;r Klavier zu vier H&auml;nden. Neue Ausgabe s&auml;mtlicher Werke. Serie VII: Klaviermusik Band 2. Kassel : B&auml;renreiter- Verlag, 1978.

有 聲 資 料
Schubert, Franz. Sonata in A minor, D821 “Arpeggione”. Klaus Storck (arpeggione), Alfons Kontarsky(Hammerfl&uuml;gel), Archiv Produktion 2533 175, 1974.
-----. Sonata in A minor, D821 “Arpeggione”. Emanuel Feuermann(cello), Gerald Moore(piano), EMI TOCE-55246, 2001.
-----. Sonata in A minor, D821 “Arpeggione”. Yo- Yo Ma(cello), Emanuel Ax (piano), SONY SK 61 964, 1996.
-----. Sonata in A minor, D821 “Arpeggione”. Andre Navarra(cello), Annie d’Arco(piano), Calliope CAL 3614, 2001.
-----. Sonata in A minor, D821 “Arpeggione”. Mischa Maisky(cello), Martha Argerich(piano), Philips 412 230-2, 1984.
-----. Sonata in A minor, D821 “Arpeggione”. Mischa Maisky(cello), Daria Hovora(piano), Deutsche Grammophon 449 817-2, 1996.
-----. Sonata in A minor, D821 “Arpeggione”. Yuri Bashmet(viola), Mikhail Muntian(piano), BMG 30112-2-RC, 1990.
-----. Sonata in A minor, D821 “Arpeggione”. Nobuko Omai(viola), Roger Vignoles(piano), Chandos CHAN 8664, 1989.
-----. Sonata in A minor, D821 “Arpeggione”. Edwin Barker(bass), Warren Jones(piano), Boston Records BR1018CD, 1997.
-----. Sonata in A minor, D821 “Arpeggione”. William Bennett(flute), Clifford Benson(piano), Camerta 25CM-14 , 1994.
-----. Sonata in A minor, D821 “Arpeggione”. Emmanuel Pahud(flute), Eric Le Sage(piano), Valois V 4717, 1994.
-----. Sonata in A minor, D821 “Arpeggione”. Gervase de Peyer(clarinet), Gwenneth Pryor(piano), Chandos CHAN 8506, 1987.
-----. Sonata in A minor, D821 “Arpeggione”. Chrastian Lindberg (Trombone), Roland P&ouml;ntinen(piano), BIS CD.-328, 1986.
-----. Sonata in A minor, D821 “Arpeggione”. Alex Klien (oboe), Craig Sheppard(piano), Boston Records BR1039CD, 1999.
Schubert-Cassado. Cello Concerto in A Minor “Arpeggione” Gaspar Cassado (cello), Tahra TAH 231, 1998.
-----. Cello Concerto in A Minor “Arpeggione” Gaspar Cassado(cello), Vox Legends CDX2-5502, 1992.
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