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博碩士論文 etd-0717121-235800 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0717121-235800
Embedding-based Rule Forests for Interpretable Extreme Multi-label Learning
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Rule Learning, Random Forest, Model Interpretability, Multi-label Classification, Extreme Multi-label Classification
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Extreme multi-label learning is an extension of multi-label learning, which learns a classifier with multiple labels in the same domain to predict the most relevant subsets of labels for new instances. Because of the great number of labels, extreme multi-label data are unable to be handled by general multi-label learning algorithms. Many algorithms designed for extreme multi-label learning are thus developed. However, although these methods can achieve high performance, they are “black box” models, which cannot provide explanations for the corresponding predictions without further interpretation. Several problems are raised as black box models occurred, such as the implicit model discrimination and user-trust issues, and therefore attract public attention to explainable models. Although researchers are devoted to developing explainers and interpretable algorithms, there is still no method to provide inherently explanations for extreme multi-label learning. Consequently, we combine an embedding-based method, autoencoder, and a tree-based method that can learn rules from data to propose an algorithm that can learn representations and generate interpretable rules, interpretable extreme multi-label forest.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
List of Figures v
List of Tables vi
1. Introduction 1
2. Background and Related Work 2
2.1 Multi-label Learning 2
2.2 Extreme Multi-label Learning 4
2.3 Explainable AI 5
2.4 Rule Learning 6
3. Methodology 7
3.1 Model Structure of Interpretable Extreme Multi-label Forest 7
3.2 Interpretability of Interpretable Extreme Multi-label Forest 9
4. Experiment and Discussion 13
4.1 Experiment Setup 13
4.2 Performance Evaluation 13
4.3 Prediction Interpretation 17
4.4 Discussion 20
5. Conclusion 21
6. References 22
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