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論文名稱 Title |
師徒功能對留任意願的影響:工作敬業心的中介效果及主動性人格特質的調節效果 The influence of the mentorship function on the intention to stay: The mediating effect of job engagement and the moderating effect of proactive personality |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
52 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2022-07-21 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2022-08-17 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
師徒功能、工作敬業心、留任意願、主動性人格特質、人力資源 Mentorship function, Job engagement, Intention to stay, Proactive personality trait, Human Resources |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 814 次,被下載 91 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 814 times, has been downloaded 91 times. |
中文摘要 |
近幾年因疫情的衝擊之下,就業市場雖然受到影響但是人力需求仍然增加,因台灣邁向超高齡化的社會,但退休者及離職者的缺口還是存在,但在如此狀況下台灣當前根據勞動部統計處分析新人一個月內離職比率高達36.2%。全球化的趨勢與勞動力的流動下,人才的培育與留任成為企業不得不重視的課題之一。 因此,本研究主要目的為了探討在師徒功能關係之下,對工作敬業心及留任意願的影響程度,並探討在工作敬業心的影響作用下,對於師徒功能及留任意願的中介效果,及加入主動性人格特質之後,對工作敬業心與留任意願的調節效果。 本研究為避免共同方法變異的問題產生,特將題項隨機打亂,使填答者無法從問題預測本研究探討的目的。樣本共回收257份,經統計分析之後結果如下: 1. 師徒功能對留任意願具正向顯著影響。 2. 師徒功能對工作敬業心具有正向顯著影響。 3. 工作敬業心對留任意願具有正向顯著影響。 4. 工作敬業心在對師徒功能及留任意願之間具有中介效果。 5. 主動性人格特質在工作敬業心與留任意願之間不具調節效果。 依據以上研究結果,再提出具體的研究結論與建議供實務界與後續研究之參考。 |
Abstract |
In recent years, the job market has been affected by the impact of the epidemic, but the demand for manpower is still increasing. Taiwan is moving towards a super-aging society, but there is still a shortage after employees retire and resign. In this condition, the employee turnover rate who do a job within one month is up to 36.2%, this figure offered by the Statistics Office of the Ministry of Labor. In globalization and labor mobility, all enterprises have to pay attention to this big issue, how to cultivate and retain their employees. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to discuss whether mentorship function has an influence on job engagement and whether employees have willing to continue to stay. Furthermore, we discuss the mediating effect of job engagement and the moderating effect of proactive personality trait. In order to avoid CMV, this questionnaire questions were randomized so that respondents could not predict the purpose of the study in advance. A total of 257 samples were collected. After statistical analysis of the data, the results are as follows: 1.Mentorship function has a significantly positive influence on employee intention to stay. 2.Mentorship function has a significantly positive influence on job engagement. 3.Job engagement has a significantly positive influence on employee intention to stay. 4.Job engagement has a mediating effect between mentorship function and intention to stay. 5.Proactive personality trait does not have a moderating effect between job engagement and intention to stay. According to the results of the study, there are some concrete conclusions and suggestions for practical management and future study as references. |
目次 Table of Contents |
目錄 論文審定書....................................................................i 致謝...............................................................................ii 摘要..............................................................................iii Abstract........................................................................iv 目錄...............................................................................v 圖目錄...........................................................................vi 表目錄...........................................................................vii 第一章 緒論.....................................................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機............................................1 第二節 研究目的........................................................2 第二章 文獻探討........................................................3 第一節 師徒功能........................................................3 第二節 留任意願........................................................6 第三節 主動性人格特質............................................8 第四節 工作敬業心..................................................11 第五節 各研究變項之間的關係..............................12 第三章 研究方法......................................................16 第一節 研究對象與資料搜集..................................16 第二節 研究變項之操作性定義與衡量工具.........18 第三節 測量模式......................................................23 第四節 資料分析方法..............................................25 第四章 實證分析與結果..........................................26 第一節 各研究變項之相關分析..............................26 第二節 各變項之迴歸分析......................................28 第三節 主動性人格特質對工作敬業心與留任意願調節效果分析..............................................................31 第五章 研究結論與建議..........................................32 第一節 研究結論......................................................32 第二節 管理實務意涵..............................................33 第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議.........................34 參考文獻..................................................................36 附錄-問卷 ................................................................40 |
參考文獻 References |
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