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博碩士論文 etd-0722122-155544 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0722122-155544
Implementation of digital marketing in B2B for Taiwanese SMEs
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B2B, SMEs, digital marketing, marketing channels, marketing methods
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(一)、 效益面: 提高觸及潛在客戶的機率、不過度依賴老客戶、減少外在環境及疫情所帶來的衝擊、鞏固现有的客户關係、增強客戶知覺價值、提升營業額
(二)、 成本面: 減少時間成本、降低行銷成本、減少機會成本
(三)、 主要數位行銷工具: Newsletter 與E-mail行銷、官方網站及第三方平台、社群媒體: LinkedIn
(四)、 挑戰與未來發展: 蒐集數據及大數據分析、投入更多數位行銷管道、與現有客戶利益衝突之減少、政府輔導及資金補助政策之提升
Because the development of Taiwan's domestic demand market is limited, Taiwan needs to rely on export trade in order to increase Taiwan's GDP. According to the statistics, SMEs in Taiwan account for more than 90% of the enterprise in Taiwan, but the main source of profit is the domestic market, if SMEs can let the world see the strength of Taiwan enterprises through marketing and then cooperate with, it can bring positive benefits to enterprises and Taiwan. We hope to explore the feasibility and importance of digital marketing as a new channel for SMEs, so as to help Taiwanese SMEs in considering new channels to open up new markets and enhance their international visibility.
This study was conducted as a qualitative research to interview Taiwanese B2B SMEs to understand the current implementation status and challenges of digital marketing, and to analyze and evaluate four aspects (benefits, costs, major digital marketing tools, and challenges and future development) to explore and draw conclusions from them.
After this study, the performance of Taiwan SMEs in the four aspects of digital marketing is summarized as follows:
(1) Benefits: Increase the chance of reaching potential customers, not relying too much on old customers, reducing the impact of external environment and epidemic, consolidating existing customer relationships, enhancing customer perceived value, and increasing turnover.
(2) Cost: Reduce time cost, reduce marketing cost, reduce opportunity cost.
(3) Major digital marketing tools: Newsletter and E-mail marketing, official .websites and third-party platforms, social media: LinkedIn.
(4) Challenges and future development: data collection and big data analysis, investing in more digital marketing channels, reducing conflicts of interest with existing customers, improving government guidance and funding policies.
目次 Table of Contents
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景1
第二節 研究動機2
第三節 研究目的3
第四節 研究流程4
第二章 文獻探討6
第一節 中小企業(SMES)6
第三節 中小企業如何應用B2B數位行銷13
第四節 政府政策與現況21
第三章 研究設計24
第一節 研究方法選擇24
第二節 資料蒐集方式27
第四章 個案分析32
第一節 個案公司簡介32
第二節 個案分析結果34
第三節 比較分析44
第五章 研究結論與建議47
第一節 研究結論47
第二節 研究限制與建議53

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