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Title page for etd-0723122-235540
深思熟「綠」? 產品訴求論點、情境圖像、調節焦點框架對綠色廣告效果之影響
Feeling Uncertain about Green Products? The Effects of Product Arguments, Context Images, and Regulatory Focus Frames in Green Advertising
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green advertising, product arguments, context images, regulatory focus frames, performance uncertainty, perceived usefulness
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世界各國不論企業政府,鑒於環境反撲意識到環境對地球的重要性,進而推廣減塑、永續發展等相關政策及綠色產品。然而,過去卻有研究指出41% 的消費者會因其對綠色產品的不確定性而沒有意願購買,以及也有相關研究說明有環保意識的消費者更傾向認為綠色產品相較一般產品效果更差。因此本研究在不同調節焦點框架下,檢視綠色廣告的產品訴求論點與情境圖像如何相互搭配,能提升綠色廣告之效果,並期望能藉此降低消費者對綠色產品效能的不確定性,不再總認為綠色產品的效能不比一般產品,而能提升對綠色產品的感知有用性,進而提升產品態度與購買意願。
本研究採實驗法,執行兩個實驗,並以便利抽樣,於線上招募年滿18 歲且具有購買綠色產品能力的消費者為實驗樣本。個別檢視在促進焦點框架下及預防焦點框架下的綠色廣告中,產品訴求論點和情境圖像之搭配,如何透過效能不確定性、感知有用性,進一步影響消費者的產品態度和購買意願。研究結果顯示,促進焦點框架下的綠色廣告中,人像使用產品圖像搭配功能型綠色論點會產生較佳的產品態度與購買意願;而大自然圖像則是搭配產品論點會產生較佳的產品態度與購買意願,且上述效果係透過降低效能不確定性及提升感知有用性所序列中介。預防焦點框架下的綠色廣告中,大自然圖像搭配任何產品訴求論點效果皆無異;而人像使用產品圖像搭配情感型綠色論點時,可產生較佳產品態度與購買意願,且同樣透過效能不確定性及感知有用性所序列中介。
Enterprises and governments in the world have realized the importance of the environment to the earth because of climate change and natural disasters, and then promoted relevant policies, such as plastic reduction and sustainable development, and green products. However, past studies have shown that 41% of consumers are unwilling to buy green products owing to their uncertainty about green products. Related studies have also shown that environmentally conscious consumers are more likely to think that green products are less effective than general products. Therefore, this study examines how the product arguments and context images in green advertising under different regulatory focus frames can be matched with each other, which can improve the effects of green advertising. Accordingly, this study hopes to reduce consumers’ uncertainty about the performance of green products, which then improves the perceived usefulness of green products, thereby enhancing product attitudes and purchase intentions.
This study conducted two experiments, and used convenience sampling to recruit consumers who are over 18 years old and have the ability to purchase green products as experimental samples. Two experiments separately examined how the product arguments and context images in green advertising under the promotion focus frame and prevention focus frame exerted effects on consumers’ product attitudes and purchase intentions through performance uncertainty and perceived usefulness. The analytical results reveal that in green advertising with the promotion focus frame, the image of a person using the product paired with functional green arguments will generate better product attitudes and purchase intentions; while the natural image paired with product beneficial arguments will generate better product attitudes and purchase intentions, and these effects are serially mediated through reducing uncertainty about performance and increasing perceived usefulness. In green advertising with the prevention focus frame, the effects of the natural image paired with any type of product arguments have no difference; while the image of a person using the product paired with emotional green arguments can generate better product attitudes and purchase intentions, and the effect is also serially mediated through performance uncertainty and perceived usefulness.
This study clarifies the effects of product arguments, context images, regulatory focus frames, performance uncertainty and perceived usefulness in green advertising on e-commerce platforms. It also provides practical implications on how to choose effective product arguments with context images when promoting green products under different regulatory focus frames.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景 1
第二節、研究動機 2
第三節、研究問題 7
第四節、研究目的 7
第二章、文獻探討 10
第一節、綠色廣告 10
第二節、產品訴求論點 12
一、產品論點 12
二、功能型綠色論點與情感型綠色論點 13
第三節、綠色廣告中的大自然圖像 15
第四節、心理模擬 17
第五節、調節焦點框架 18
第六節、效能不確定性 20
一、綠色產品的效能不確定性 20
二、效能不確定性與感知有用性 22
第三章、研究架構與假說推論 23
第一節、研究架構 23
第二節、研究假說推論 23
第四章、研究方法 30
第一節、樣本及實驗設計 31
第二節、實驗刺激與前測 31
一、前測一 32
二、前測二 34
第三節、實驗程序 40
第四節、變數衡量 42
一、中介變數 42
二、應變數 43
三、操弄性檢驗變數 44
四、控制變數─綠色消費經驗 46
第五章、研究結果 48
第一節、實驗一分析結果 48
一、樣本描述 48
二、信度分析 49
三、操弄性檢驗 50
四、假說驗證 50
五、研究小結 58
第二節、實驗二分析結果 60
一、樣本描述 60
二、信度分析 61
三、操弄性檢驗 62
四、假說驗證 63
五、研究小結 69
第六章、結論與建議 71
第一節、研究結果 71
第二節、理論貢獻 74
第三節、實務意涵 79
第三節、研究限制 83
第四節、未來研究方向 84
參考文獻 87
附錄一 106
附錄二 113
附錄三 118
附錄四 123
附錄五 129
附錄六 132
附錄七 139
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