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博碩士論文 etd-0724122-142401 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0724122-142401
Automatic Firmware Vulnerability Detection Based on Deep Learning with Semantic Extraction
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Firmware, automation, cross-architecture, binary programs, similarity detection, deep learning, natural language processing
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隨著物聯網的盛行,其所受到的資安攻擊日益新增,相關的安全議題也逐漸受到大家重視, 根據Synopsys科技公司發布的報告顯示,物聯網設備商經常會引入開源和第三方程式碼來擴充其功能,但由於難以控制其安全風險,當函式庫中出現漏洞時,經常會讓一系列的產品受到影響,成為駭客攻擊的目標。
With the prevalence of the Internet of Things, more and more information security attacks have been encountered, and the IoT security has gradually become a significant issue. According to a report released by Synopsys Technology, IoT equipment vendors often introduce open source and third-party codes to expand its functions, but due to the difficulty in controlling security risks, once there are vulnerabilities in function libraries, a series of products are often affected and become the target of hacker attacks.
Most researchers start with the firmware when testing devices, they usually need the accessory tools. In addition to having a certain degree of familiarity with the device architecture, they also rely on the researchers’ long-term experience. However, the diversity of firmware architectures and humongous amounts of files in file system can procrastinate the progress of firmware analysis significantly, and its complex structure can also increase the cost in time and money.
This study summarizes previous works and proposes an automatic cross-platform firmware vulnerability detection system. It uses natural language processing and various neural network training models to perform similarity detection with vulnerability code, and searches for sensitive information from the firmware file system at the same time. After system analysis, a corresponding result report will be generated to assist researchers identify the possible risks of the target device and reduce the time and cost.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
目錄 iv
圖次 vii
表次 ix
Chapter 1 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
Chapter 2 文獻探討 6
2.1 韌體 6
2.2 相似度檢測 7
2.2.1 相似度檢測流程 7
2.2.2 二進制程式碼檢測的難題 8
2.3 動態分析 9
2.4 靜態分析 10
2.4.1 基於文本的檢測方式 10
2.4.2 基於屬性的檢測方式 11
2.4.3 基於程式邏輯的檢測方式 11
2.4.4 基於語義的檢測方式 12
2.5 韌體分析工具 14
2.5.1 拆解工具 14
2.5.2 檢測工具 14
2.5.3 二進制檔分析工具 15
2.6 神經網路模型 16
2.6.1 深度神經網路 17
2.6.2 循環神經網路 19
2.6.3 孿生神經網路(Siamese Networks) 20
2.7 自然語言處理模型 21
Chapter 3 研究方法 24
3.1 預處理模組 27
3.2 Function2Vector模型 28
3.2.1 指令嵌入向量提取 29
3.2.2 函式語義特徵向量提取 32
3.2.3 模型訓練 37
3.3 漏洞檢測模組 38
3.4 敏感資訊檢索模組 41
Chapter 4 系統評估 45
4.1 實驗一 模型評估 50
4.1.1 優化器與資料量實驗 50
4.1.2 相似度門檻值與Top-K實驗 53
4.2 實驗二 單一平台和跨平台實驗 55
4.3 實驗三 加入語義提取方法結果比較 57
4.3.1 語義提取方式比較 57
4.3.2 與林學者系統比較 58
4.4 實驗四 系統成效實驗 61
4.4.1 預處理模組 61
4.4.2 敏感資訊檢索模組 62
4.4.3 漏洞檢測模組 63
4.4.4 IoT Inspector系統驗證 65
4.4.5 最終成果報告 66
4.5 小結 67
Chapter 5 研究貢獻與未來展望 69
參考文獻 71
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