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Title page for etd-0725116-165655
Historical trends of perfluorinated compounds from the sediment cores of East China Sea continental shelf and northern Taiwan Strait
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研究結果顯示全部樣品中總全氟化物濃度和岩心深度的關係皆為深度越靠近表層,總全氟化物濃度呈現越高的趨勢,總全氟化物濃度最高的岩心為福建沙埕港附近海域的採樣點(B3),範圍介在ND~0.93 ng/g,濃度最低為長江出海口附近的採樣點(G1),範圍介在ND~0.42 ng/g,沉積物中全氟化物以全氟辛酸(PFOA)和全氟辛烷磺酸(PFOS)為主,這些結果與其它研究區域結果相似。
岩心樣品中總有機碳(total organic carbon, TOC)含量和中值粒徑(median particle size)具有顯著的相關性(r=-0.583, p=0.01),但TOC和總全氟化物相關性偏低。進一步使用主成分分析(PCA)及群集分析(HCA),來探討沉積物中的全氟化物之組成,結果顯示全氟化物分群主要依據PFNA、PFOA和PFOS之組成含量來區分。並加以針對台灣及大陸地區全氟化物的來源比例進行比較,顯示台灣地區全氟化物來源以PFOA、PFOS和PFNA為主,大陸地區則是PFOA為主要來源,這和當地工廠產業有關。
Cores collected, along the estuaries and harbors, from the East China Sea continental shelf and northern Taiwan Strait were used to reconstruct historical record of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) contamination and to investigate the possible sources associated. Solid phase extraction (SPE) and HPLC-MS/MS were used in analyzing the concentration of PFCs. The results show that the concentration decreases with the depth. The range of concentration is ND~0.93 ng/g from B3 (near Fujian Shacheng Harbor) which is the highest among all the cores analyzed; while ND~0.42 ng/g from G1 (near Yangtze River estuary) which is the lowest. Similar to those found in other areas, the major compounds in sediment cores are PFOA and PFOS.
Total organic carbon content (TOC) and median particle size in the samples are found significantly correlated (r=-0.583, p=0.01). The samples in sediment cores, analyzed by principal components analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), were clustered mainly according to the relative abundance of PFNA, PFOA and PFOS. The abundant compounds in sediment cores near Taiwan are PFOA, PFOS and PFNA; while PFOA for those near China area. This is related to the characteristics of regional industries.
目次 Table of Contents
謝誌 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
附錄目錄 viii
第一章 前言 1
1-1研究動機 1
1-2研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1全氟化物之用途與特性 3
2-2全氟化物在環境中傳輸與宿命 7
2-3全氟化物對人體之影響 11
2-4岩心沉積物之應用 11
2-5研究區域 12
第三章 研究方法 13
3-1實驗材料與儀器 13
3-1-1實驗材料 13
3-1-2儀器設備 14
3-2採樣與保存方法 14
3-3樣品前處理 16
3-4樣品分析方法 16
3-4-1粒徑分析 16
3-4-2總有機碳(TOC)分析 16
3-4-3全氟化物分析 17
3-5品保與品管(QA/QC) 20
3-5-1 方法回收率 20
3-5-2 實驗空白分析 20
3-5-3 方法偵測極限 20
3-6主成分分析法(Principal components analysis, PCA) 22
3-7階層群及分析法(Hierarchical Cluster Analysis, HCA) 22
第四章 結果與討論 23
4-1總全氟化物之濃度趨勢 23
4-2全氟化物組成比例與來源探討 27
4-3全氟化物濃度與全球文獻比較結果 29
4-4相關性分析 32
4-5主成分分析結果 33
4-6 階層群集分析法結果 34
4-7 比較台灣與大陸地區之全氟化物組成與分布 34
第五章 結論與建議 50
5-1結論 50
5-2建議 51
參考文獻 52
附錄 58
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