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博碩士論文 etd-0726112-151153 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0726112-151153
The Exploration of College Students’ Academic Procrastination, Self-regulation and Positive Thinking
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self-regulation, academic procrastination, college students, positive thinking
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一、 大學生表示「有拖延習慣」的人數高達391人(佔69.4%),其中認為拖延造成困擾的人數達323人(佔57.4%)。
二、 四年級以上大學生在「在期限前完成的能力」得分顯著高於三年級大學生。
三、 國立一般大學學生在「主動學業拖延量表總分」、「在期限前完成的能力」以及「結果的滿意」的得分顯著低於私立一般大學、國立及私立科技大學生。
四、 學期總平均成績佔全班76%~94%的學生於分量表「害怕失敗」以及「任務嫌惡」的得分顯著高於總平均成績佔全班前50%者。
五、 大學女生在分量表「完美主義」得分顯著高於男生。
六、 私立科技大學學生在「自我調整量表總分」與「正向思考量表總分」顯著低於國立及私立一般大學生。
七、 自我調整與正向思考呈現顯著高相關。
八、 主動學業拖延可直接或透過自我調整作為中介變項預測正向思考。
九、 被動學業拖延可有效預測自我調整,但無法藉由自我調整作為中介變項預測正向思考。
十、 大學生學業拖延動機主要如以下四項:「任務嫌惡」、「懶散怠惰」、「害怕失敗」以及「完美主義」,其中以「懶散怠惰」佔多數(53.2%)。
十一、 大學生學業拖延困擾分為「生理方面」,「心理分面」以及「學業方面」,其中以學業方面的困擾比例最高(68.2%)。
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between academic procrastination, self-regulation and positive thinking. Five hundreds and sixty three college students from Taiwan were selected by stratified sampling. The participants completed the “Questionnaire of College Students' Academic Procrastination (QCSAP),” “The Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ)” and “Positive Thinking Scale (PTS).” Descriptive statistics, t-tests, multivariate analysis of variance, pearson correlation, and path analysis were conducted on the quantitative data. In addition, content theme analysis was used to assess the motivation and disturbance of academic procrastination of college students. The findings from the study were summarized as follows:
1. Near 70% college students procrastinate their academic tasks and 57.4% students were bothered by academic procrastination.
2. Senior college students presented significantly higher score in "the ability to meet the deadline" than junior college students.
3. Students from National universities presented significantly lower score on “active academic procrastination”, “ability to meet the deadline” and “outcome satisfaction” than those from private universities and universities of technology.
4. Low GPA students had significantly higher scores on "fear of failure" and "task aversiveness" than those high GPA group counterparts.
5. Female college students had significantly higher score on "perfectionism" than their male counterparts.
6. Students from private universities of technology had significantly higher score on self-regulation and positive thinking than those from general universities.
7. Self-regulation was positively correlated with positive thinking.
8. Active academic procrastination can either directly predict college students’ positive thinking or indirectly through self-regulation as a mediator.
9. Passive academic procrastination can significantly predict college students’ self-regulation.
10. College students' academic procrastination motives were "task aversiveness," "laziness," "fear of failure" and "perfectionism."
11. The disturbance of academic procrastination of college students were categorized into three parts: "psychological," "physical," and "academic."
Implications of these findings for higher education are discussed.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
目次 v
表目次 vii
圖目次 xi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 4
第二節 研究目的 8
第三節 研究問題 9
第四節 重要名詞釋義 11
第二章 文獻探討 13
第一節 學業拖延之意涵、理論基礎及相關研究發現 13
第二節 自我調整之意涵與相關研究發現 23
第三節 正向思考之意涵與相關研究發現 29
第三章 研究方法 36
第一節 研究架構 36
第二節 研究對象 37
第三節 研究工具 38
第四節 實施程序 81
第五節 資料處理與分析 83
第四章 研究結果與討論 85
第一節 研究對象分析 85
第二節 大學生「學業拖延」、「自我調整能力」以及「正向思考」現況 91
第三節 不同背景大學生在「學業拖延」之差異性 96
第四節 不同背景大學生在「自我調整」及「正向思考」之總分差異 123
第五節 大學生學業拖延模式分析 134
第六節 質性資料分析 141
第五章 結論與建議 151
第一節 結論 151
第二節 研究限制 157
第三節 研究建議 159
參考文獻 165
一、中文部分 165
二、英文部分 169
附錄 180
附錄一、「大學生學習狀況量表」 內容效度專家意見表 180
附錄二、專家效度修正意見彙整表 191
附錄三、預試問卷 201
附錄四、正式問卷 211
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