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博碩士論文 etd-0727121-213656 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0727121-213656
Analysis on Taiwanese Firms’ Supply Chain Restructuring and Migration Strategies in China after US- China Trade war
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China-US Trade War, Location theory, Supply chain management, Migration strategy, Taiwanese firms in China
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本研究對中美貿易戰如何影響台商、台商如何因應中美貿易戰提供了新的洞見,研究結果對後續研究者將焦點從純粹關注貿易戰,到擴大探討中美在貿易、商業、政治、貨幣、科技與軍事等領域的多點競爭(multipoint competition),也提供了可以延伸的方向。

Keywords: 中美貿易戰,區位理論,供應鏈管理,移轉策略,中國台商
This research dives into how Taiwanese firms in China deal with the impact of the US-China Trade War. Through a comprehensive exploration of Location Theory and Supply Chain Management related papers and conducting in-depth interviews with high level Taiwanese company managers, we acquired interesting and insightful research findings. To be exact, each company based on their industry and their position within the supply chain has differences in the strategy to handle the trade war; to the ones focusing on the Chinese domestic market there are no significant impact, while deeply impacting export focused firms. Tariffs are the largest and most imminent threat to the exporters. To counter tariffs, these impact firms are in the process or considering migration to other regions, while increasing investments outside of China. Aside from the trade war, the interviews show a general decrease of interest to invest in China as other soaring costs make them consider different options.

The research provided new insight how the trade war impacted Taiwanese firms, and how Taiwanese firms respond to the trade war. the results show that future researchers Canon expand their focus two purely trade war disputes into multipoint competition such as but not limited to: trade, business, politics, currency, military, and technology.

Keywords: China-US Trade War, Location theory, Supply chain management, Migration strategy, Taiwanese firms in China

目次 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
國立中山大學研究生學位論文審定書 i
Acknowledgements 致謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Table of Contents v
List of Figures and Tables vii
Chapter 1.Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Objectives 4
1.3 Research Process 7
Chapter 2. Literature Review 9
2.1 Location Theory: Through Lens of Nations and Factors 10
2.2 Supply Chain Management: Wider and Further 15
2.4 Summary: Conclusion for Theoretical Foundation 24
2.5 Brief Introduction of Prior Literature Review on Location Theory 26
2.6 Brief Introduction: Prior Literature Review on Supply Chain Management 29
Chapter 3. Research Design 32
3.1 Research structure/framework 32
3.2 Research methods 33
3.2.1 In-depth interview approach: Method Explanation and Interviews with High Level Managers and Decision Makers 34 Brief Introduction of the Interviewee Identity and Background 36 Brief Introduction of the Interview Questions 37
Chapter 4 Empirical Findings 44
4.1 Impact on the Supply Chain of Taiwanese Firms in China 44
4.1.1 Impact on Electronics Manufacturing 45
4.1.2 Impact on Traditional Manufacturing Firms 46
4.1.3 Impact on Service Industry 48
4.1.4 Summary for Section 4.1 49
4.2 Strategies and Methods to Counter Trade Woes 50
4.2.1 Introduction of Strategies and Methods before Trade War 50
4.2.2 Strategies and Methods of Affected Firms 51
4.2.3 Summary for Section 4.2 55
4.3 Staying or Exiting: The Reasons and Location 56
4.3.1 Introduction to Answering Research Question 3a 56
4.3.2 Reasons for Staying in China 57
4.3.3 Introduction to Answering Research Question 3b 59
4.3.4 Answering Research Question 3b 60
4.3.5 Summary for Section 4.3 63
4.4 Analyzing Benefits to stay or leave: Key Factors and Thought Process 66
4.4.1 Method for Evaluation and Thought Process 66
4.4.2 Key Factors, Barriers and Methods of Overcoming in Taiwan 67
4.4.3 Summary for Section 4.4 69
4.5 Conclusion for Chapter 4 71
Chapter 5 Conclusion 75
5.1 Discussion and Interpretation of Research Findings 76
5.2 Significance of the Study 82
5.2.1 Implications for Theories 82
5.2.2 Implications for Practices 84
5.3 Limitations of the Research 86
5.4 Future Directions for Researchers 88
Citation: 90

List of Figures and Tables
Table of Figures
Figure 1-1 Taiwan FDI by millions NTD to China (1991-2020/07) 1
Figure 1 2 Research Process 8
Figure 2 1: Porter ’ s diamond of National Competitive Advantage 12
Figure 2 2 Supply Chain Overview of Components 17
Figure 2 3 Supply Chain Collaboration and Management 20
Figure 2 4 Taiwan Bicycle Global Supply Chain 22
Figure 3 1 Research Framework 33
Table of Tables
Table 2. 1 Table of Literature Review of Location Theory 27
Table 2. 2 Table of Literature Review of Supply Chain Management 29
Table 3. 1 Interviewee Identity and Background 36
Table 3. 2 Main Points of Interview Questions 38
Table 3. 3 Percentage of Chinese Branch Compared to Total Revenue and Nature of Business 43
Table 4. 2 Table of Impacted Firms by Industry 50
Table 4. 3 Change in Strategy for Each Trade War Affected Firm 56
Table 4. 4 Firms Staying in China and Considerations 64
Table 4. 5 Firms Planning/Already Exiting China: Location and Factors 65
Table 4. 6 Summarizing of Impacted Firms, Obstacles and Methods of Overcoming 70
Table 5. 1 Summary of Key Findings 76

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