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博碩士論文 etd-0727123-233337 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0727123-233337
Functional Analysis of the Yield Curve and its Monetary Policy Implications
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Functional Model, Yield Curve, Monetary Policy, Macroeconomic, US Treasury
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This study takes the U.S. yields curve from January 1990 to December 2022 as the main sample, and uses the functional model to disentangle the yields curve as the main axis, and further analyzes the correlation between the disentanglement result and the macroeconomic variables in the U.S. market, as well as the monetary policy decision-making mode of the Federal Reserve Board and the relevant implications behind the monetary policy decision-making mode of the Federal Reserve Board in various time periods, especially the differences before and after the financial crisis, Finally, it will extend to the short-, medium-, and long-term impacts on the financial industry.
The study results show that B_2(slope of yield curve) has an opposite trend to the change in the federal benchmark interest rate, and the trend of B_1(level of yield curve) is more similar to the change in the fed funds rate. The Fed controls the short-term interest rate, which is regarded as controlling the left end of the curve of the interest rate, and the Treasury controls the long-term interest rate, which is regarded as controlling the right end of the curve of the interest rate, so that B_2 decreases when interest rates are raised, and increases when interest rates are lowered. The Fed's long-term control of the unemployment rate is more rapid than inflation, and the policy effect is better. It can be found that the Fed's monetary policy before the financial crisis was more backward, while the implementation of the monetary policy after the financial crisis was more immediate, and the long-term interest rate environment was also more stable.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
1.1. Background and Motivation 1
1.2. Purpose 5
1.3. Research Process 7
2.1. Literature on Interest Rate Term Structure Models 8
2.2. Related Literature on the Application of Functional Models in Yield Curve Analysis 9
2.3. Literature on the Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Interest Rates 11
2.4. Literature Related to the Impact of Interest Rate Changes on the Financial Industry 16
3.1. Research Framework 20
3.2. Data Collection 20
3.3. Functional Model 23
3.4. Analysis of the Correlation with the Federal Funds Rate 26
3.5. Analysis of the Relationship with Macroeconomic Variables 28
3.6. Analysis of Short, Medium, and Long-Term Impact on the Financial Industry 34
4. Empirical Results 37
4.1. Functional Model Results 37
4.2. Association with Federal Funds Rate 41
4.3. Relationship with Macroeconomic Variables 42
4.4. Impact on the Short, Medium, and Long Term in the Financial Industry 62
5. Conclusion 70
References 72

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