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論文名稱 Title |
國內可轉換公司債之套利策略 The arbitrage strategies for convertible bonds in Taiwan |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
46 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2003-06-14 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2003-07-30 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
資訊系統、套利、可轉換公司債 arbitrage, convertible bonds, Information system |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5798 次,被下載 77 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5798 times, has been downloaded 77 times. |
中文摘要 |
中文摘要 近年來國內可轉換公司債之發行市場與流通市場蓬勃發展,非但是公開發行公司籌資的重要金融工具,也是國內投資人重要的投資標的,但因國內可轉換公司債之發行條款設計複雜,新制與舊制並存,加上相關資訊取得不易,因此投資人對國內可轉換公司債可能存在之投資限制及套利機會與模式不甚瞭解,本研究即是針對國內可轉換公司債可能的套利操作策略進行研究,並設計出可轉換公司債之「資訊系統」,除做為可轉換公司債之資訊庫查詢系統外,並可提高可轉換公司債投資及套利之操作效率。 本研究整理國內可轉換公司債的發行資訊及市場價格後,設計出三個與可轉換公司債相關的資訊系統: 一、「資料庫查詢系統」,於可轉換公司債投資或套利操作前,可「事先」查詢各項套利操作限制及相關資訊。 二、「賣回權即時報價系統」,可於交易時間內掌握市場報價,「即時運算」賣回權之投資報酬率。 三、「套利操作即時報價系統」亦同,可「即時運算」轉換公司債套利投資報酬率,大幅提高操作效率及套利投資報酬率。 在個案研究及市場實證中,本研究之三個「資訊系統」應用在操作實務上,確能時掌握市場價格變化,並大幅提高操作效率,在可轉換公司債之套利策略中,成為有效之金融操作輔助資訊工具,本研究並做出幾點結論: 一、國內證券市場仍未是完全效率市場,因此仍具有套利操作機會。 二、當市場熱絡,股價超越可轉換公司債轉換價格時,可轉換公司債有較多套利操作機會及較高之投資報酬率。 三、可轉換公司債之賣回權投資常隱含高報酬機會,但投資人操作前須慎重評估發行公司財務風險,如利用「即時報價系統」從事賣回權操作,更有助於即時掌握價格,提高投資效率。 四、從事套利操作前須仔細查詢各種相關發行條件限制,才不致引起操作風險。 五、利用「即時報價系統」從事套利操作,方能快速掌握市場行情,並提高操作效率與投資報酬率。 |
Abstract |
Abstract As Convertible Bonds (CB) market increasingly prospers in recent years, not only has it become one of the most important financing tools for public firms, but also the popular investment target for investors. However, given the complexity of Convertible Bonds Issuance Terms, coexistence of new and old regulations, and difficulties in obtaining relevant information, investors know little about CB in terms of its investment restrictions as well as arbitrage opportunities and models. This study attempts to explore arbitrage strategies for CB’s trading and investing, and to design a CB “Information System” which severs as a CB database querying system, and helps enhance the efficiency of CB investment and arbitrage. In this study, three CB related information systems were developed after analyzing CB issuance information and market price: 1. “Database Querying System,” which is used to search for arbitrage restrictions and related information before engaging in CB investment and arbitrage. 2. “Put Provision Instant Quoting System,” which is able to receive market quotation before exchange deadline, and to instantly calculate the rate of return in put provision. 3. “Arbitrage Instant Quoting System,” like “Put Provision Instant Quoting System,” can promptly calculate the rate of return in CB and considerably increase operating efficiency and the rate of return in arbitrage. Based on the case study and empirical research, this study argues that these three information systems can practically help control the fluctuation of market price, enhance operating efficiency, and serve as an effective financial operating tool of CB arbitrage strategies. Accordingly, several conclusions of this study are presented as follows: 1. The current stock market is inefficient, so the arbitrage opportunities are still available. 2. When market is thriving and stock price exceeds CB price, there are more arbitrage opportunities for and higher rate of return in CB. 3. While investing put provision for CB often accompanies high return opportunities, investors are suggested to gingerly evaluate the finance risks of public firms beforehand, such as making use of “Instant Quoting System” to operate, which is helpful to controlling market price effectively. 4. To avoid operating risks, Investors should recognize all kinds of issuance restrictions in advance. 5. Conducting “Instant Quoting System” can obtain market information quickly and promote operation efficiency and the rate of return. |
目次 Table of Contents |
國內可轉換公司債之套利策略 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 研究主題 2 第四節 研究範圍與限制 3 第五節 研究架構 4 第二章 可轉換公司債論述及文獻探討 5 第一節 國內可轉換公司債之定義與特性 5 第二節 國內可轉換公司債依轉換標的之分類 5 第三節 國內可轉換公司債之相關發行條件 7 第四節 文獻探討 9 第三章 可轉換公司債之套利策略 13 第一節 市場的效率與套利機會 13 第二節 國內可轉換公司債之套利策略 13 第三節 操作可轉換公司債套利之限制條件 16 第四章 利用資訊系統來從事可轉換公司債套利操作 19 第一節 用「資料庫查詢系統」事先查詢各項套利操作限制 19 第二節 用「賣回權即時報價系統」掌握賣回權之投資報酬率 24 第三節 用「套利操作即時報價系統」掌握套利操作之投資報酬率 26 第四節 個案分析 28 第五章 結論與建議 32 第一節 結論 32 第二節 建議 33 參 考 文 獻 35 附 錄 37 |
參考文獻 References |
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