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博碩士論文 etd-0730121-142942 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0730121-142942
和「擬」一起做公益: 以擬社會互動探討直播中的公益支持意圖
Do charity with you:Exploring the charity support intentions in the live-streaming with parasocial interaction
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livestreaming of public benefit, parasocial interaction, telepresence, supportive intention, nostalgia, vulnerable narcissism
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Livestreaming is one of the popular media venues in recent years, and the benefits brought by the combination with e-commerce are even more amazing. Past studies have found that the interaction between the livestreamer and the audience can generate supportive behaviors for the livestreamer, leading the audience to like the livestreamer or buy the goods sold by the livestreamer. Many e-commerce platforms such as “Taobao”, “Shopee” began to incorporate the public issues allowing underprivileges groups to obtain social support through e-commerce livestreaming. Therefore, this research explored the effects of the interactions between the livestreamer and audience on audience's intention to support public benefit in the e-commerce livestreaming.
In this study, experimental method was used to explore the causal relationship between variables. People over 20 years old with consumption power were recruited as subjects and randomly assigned. Experiment one was 2(parasocial interaction: high VS. low) x2(identifiable victim effect: high vs. low), and experiment two was 2(parasocial interaction: high vs. low)x2 (nostalgia: nostalgia vs. non-nostalgia) internet experiment. The results show that high parasocial interaction is more likely to trigger users' telepresence than low parasocial interaction. When the user has a high sense of telepresence, it will lead to a high intention to support (attention intention, purchase intention, donation intention); identifiable victim effect did not moderate the relationship between parasocial interaction and telepresence, but nostalgia moderated the relationship between parasocial interaction and telepresence. It is worth noting that only experiment two showed that the lower the users' loneliness was, the more likely the users' donation intention was to be increased, while other hypotheses related to loneliness were not valid. Only experiment one showed that users' vulnerable narcissism would enhance the relationship between telepresence and purchase intention.
This study expanded the scope of live streaming research, included public welfare themes into the discussion, put forward optimization suggestions for the emerging public welfare live streaming, provided more diversified business directions for live streaming media, and illustrated a new promotion method for public welfare groups, so as to achieve comprehensive practical and academic effects.

目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 3
第三節 研究問題 6
第四節 研究目的 6
第二章 文獻回顧 8
第一節 直播 8
第二節 擬社會互動 13
第三節 遠距臨場感 17
第四節 寂寞感 21
第五節 懷舊感 23
第六節 受害者可識別性 25
第七節 隱性自戀 27
第三章 假說推論及研究方法 31
第一節 研究架構 31
第二節 假說推論 31
第三節 研究方法 37
第四節 實驗一 37
第五節 實驗二 48
第六節 變數衡量 54
第四章 資料分析 57
第一節 實驗一 57
第二節 實驗二 70
第五章 結論與建議 84
第一節 研究發現與討論 84
第二節 研究貢獻 86
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向 90
參考文獻 92
附錄 122

圖3- 1 研究架構圖 31

圖4- 1實驗一擬社會互動與受害者可識別性對遠距臨場感之交互作用圖 66
圖4- 2實驗二擬社會互動與懷舊感對遠距臨場感之交互作用圖 78

表3- 1 實驗一影片流程 38
表3- 2前測一直播主外表吸引力之單一樣本T檢定 43
表3- 3前測一直播主外表親和力之單一樣本T檢定 43
表3- 4前測二直播主擬社會互動之單一樣本T檢定 44
表3- 5前測三受害者可識別性之單一樣本T檢定 45
表3- 6實驗一預試之題項信效度 47
表3- 7實驗一預試擬社會互動、受害者可識別性操弄性檢驗之獨立T檢定 47
表3- 8前測四實驗素材整理 49
表3- 9前測四懷舊感之單一樣本T檢定 51
表3- 10實驗二預試之題項信效度 52
表3- 11實驗一預試擬社會互動、懷舊感操弄性檢驗之獨立T檢定 53

表4- 1實驗一樣本資料結構 58
表4- 2實驗一直播相關調查 59
表4- 3實驗一捐款相關調查 59
表4- 4實驗一之題項信效度 61
表4- 5實驗一題項之各變項因素分析摘要表 61
表4- 6實驗一擬社會互動、受害者可識別性操弄性檢驗之獨立T檢定 63
表4- 7實驗一遠距臨場感平均值 64
表4- 8實驗一擬社會互動及受害者可識別性對遠距臨場感之ANCOVA分析 65
表4- 9實驗一之遠距臨場感簡單主效果 65
表4- 10實驗一遠距臨場感對支持意圖影響之迴歸統計 66
表4- 11實驗一遠距臨場感對寂寞感影響之迴歸統計 67
表4- 12實驗一寂寞感對支持意圖影響之迴歸統計 67
表4- 13實驗一擬社會互動對支持意圖的寂寞感中介效果分析 68
表4- 14實驗一遠距臨場感對支持意圖的隱性自戀調節效果分析 69
表4- 15實驗二樣本資料結構 71
表4- 16實驗二直播相關調查 71
表4- 17實驗二捐款相關調查 72
表4- 18實驗二之題項信效度 73
表4- 19實驗二題項之各變項因素分析摘要表 74
表4- 20實驗二擬社會互動、懷舊感操弄性檢驗之獨立T檢定 76
表4- 21實驗二遠距臨場感平均值 77
表4- 22實驗二擬社會互動及懷舊感對遠距臨場感之ANCOVA分析 77
表4- 23實驗二之遠距臨場感簡單主效果 78
表4- 24實驗二遠距臨場感對支持意圖影響之迴歸統計 79
表4- 25實驗二遠距臨場感對寂寞感影響之迴歸統計 80
表4- 26實驗二寂寞感對支持意圖影響之迴歸統計 80
表4- 27實驗二擬社會互動對支持意圖的寂寞感中介效果分析 81
表4- 28實驗二遠距臨場感對支持意圖的隱性自戀調節效果分析 82

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