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Title page for etd-0731105-152748
以螢光鏡透視攝影檢查術作為診斷冠狀動脈疾病的模式: 成本效益的分析
Cinefluoroscopy as a Diagnostic Modality in Detecting Coronary Artery Disease: Costs and Effectiveness Analyses
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Coronary calcium, cost-effectiveness., coronary artery disease, cinefluoroscopy
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(1) 評估以螢光鏡透視攝影檢查術方法對冠狀動脈鈣化的敏感性及特異性,並確認對偵測病人之冠狀動脈在血管照影下大於及等於50%狹窄的可信度。
(2) 評估若在自費高級健康檢查中,加上螢光鏡透視攝影檢查術來測量冠狀動脈鈣化對財務上的利益。
(3) 評估若一個演算法利用螢光鏡透視攝影檢查術來測量冠狀動脈鈣化,能有潛力的成為診斷冠狀動脈狹窄大於及等於50%的初始有成本效益的測驗途徑。

(1) 用螢光鏡透視攝影檢查術偵測冠狀動脈鈣化是一個高敏感及中等差異的測試,它並且是一簡單,便宜及安全的技術來預知冠狀動脈疾病。
(2) 在自費高級健康檢查中配合螢光鏡透視攝影檢查術做為檢查項目將帶給醫院可觀的利潤,相反的,若建立電子束電腦斷層檢查項目,則可能為醫院帶來相當的財務損失。
(3) 在評估病患的阻塞性冠狀動脈疾病,利用螢光鏡透視攝影檢查術偵測冠狀動脈鈣化為初期的非侵入性測試方法可減少直接成本,並擴大成本效益。螢光鏡透視攝影檢查術在冠狀動脈狹窄的非侵入性已經被忽視,但它確是在臨床應用上能提供最好保證的方法。
Background: The presence of calcified deposits in the coronary arteries has become established as a marker of coronary atherosclerosis.
Design and Setting: Single medical center observational study.
Study objective: 1) To determine the sensitivity and specificity of coronary calcium by cinefluoroscopy (CF) and to validate the reliability of CF in the angiographic detection of > 50% coronary artery stenosis. 2) To assess the financial benefit of adding CF-determined coronary calcium into the self-paid executive physical examination items. 3) To evaluate whether an algorithm using CF to assess coronary calcium has potential as an initial cost-effective testing pathway for diagnosis of > 50% coronary artery stenosis.
Methods: Between November 1, 2004 and April 25, 2005, 333 patients who underwent angiography for diagnosis of and determine the extent of coronary artery disease were enrolled in the study. All patients received CF to determine presence or absence of calcium in the coronary artery system prior to selective angiography. Sensitivity and specificity were then obtained to confirm CF as a reliable non-invasive test for diagnosing > 50% coronary artery stenosis. Direct cost, total cost and estimated profit were calculated with and without the cost of cardiac catheterization laboratory at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, which has an average of 475 patients/month who undergo self-paid executive physical examinations. Direct cost, total cost and estimated loss of coronary calcium by electron beam computed tomography (EBCT) were calculated for the acquisition of an EBCT machine by Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. A test model was applied to examine the costs and cost-effectiveness of the following diagnostic modalities: the traditional treadmill exercise (TMET); stress thallium and positron emission tomography (THALLIUM); coronary calcium by EBCT calcium score > 0 and > 168; and, coronary calcium by CF for diagnosis of obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD) as a function of pretest likelihood (i.e., prevalence) of disease.
Results: Two hundred fifty three men and 80 women were enrolled in this study (mean age, 63.9+11.4 years; age range, 35-90 years). Sensitivity and specificity of CF in the detection of patients with angiographically coronary artery stenosis >50% were 96% and 86%, respectively. The profit accrued from implementing the CF test at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, including the cost of the cardiac catheterization laboratory, was NT$329/patient. At 475 patients per month, this test will produce revenue of NT$156,275/month or NT$1,875,300/year. The profit achieved by implementing the CF test at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, excluding the cost of the cardiac catheterization laboratory was NT$838.7/patient, or NT$398,382.5/month and NT$4,780,590/year. Conversely, implementing the EBCT test will cost Chang Gung Memorial Hospital NT$ 1,124,990/month or NT$ 13,499,880/year. With disease prevalence at < 0.7, CF examination was the most cost-efficient initial diagnostic testing pathway. However, for the group with prevalence at 1.0, the highest group, initial angiography with no prior non-invasive testing was the most cost-effective strategy for diagnosis of obstructive coronary artery disease.
Conclusion: 1) Calcium detection with CF is a highly sensitive and moderately specific test, and a simple, inexpensive, and safe technique for identifying CAD. 2) Instituting CF as a screening test for self-paid executive physical examinations would result in considerable profit for the hospital. Conversely, establishing an EBCT program will produce a substantial financial loss. 3) For patients evaluated for obstructive CAD, a test pathway utilizing CF to detect coronary artery calcium as an initial non-invasive test minimized direct costs and maximized cost-effectiveness. Cinefluoroscopy has been neglected as a noninvasive technique for diagnosis of coronary stenosis and is sufficiently promising to warrant increased clinical use.
目次 Table of Contents
English Abstract
Tables and Figures List
1. Introduction
1.1 Coronary Calcium by Cinefluoroscopy
1.2 Coronary Calcium by Cinefluoroscopy Incorporated into Self-Paid Executive Physical Examinations
1.3 Cost-Effectiveness of Alternative Test Strategies for Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease
2. Methods
2.1 Study Population
2.2 Angiographic Definitions
2.3 Cinefluoroscopy Protocol
2.4 Calculation of Direct Cost, Total Cost and Profit or Loss of Cinefluoroscopy and Electron Beam Computed Tomography
2.5 Treadmill and Thallium Stress Tests
2.6 Definitions of Test Effectiveness
2.7 Calculation of Cost-Effectiveness
2.8 Model of Diagnostic Test Pathways and Direct Costs Analysis
2.9 Costs and Revenue Inputs in the Cost-Effectiveness Model
2.10 Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1 Baseline Characteristics of Study Patients; Sensitivity and Specificity of Cinefluoroscopy
3.2 Direct Cost, Total Cost and Profit or Loss of Cinefluoroscopy and Electron Beam Computed Tomography
3.3 Cost-Effectiveness of Tests
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion
Appendix A
Appendix B
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