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博碩士論文 etd-0731122-171651 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0731122-171651
Mediated Fatherhood Practices through Mobile Communication
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domestication theory, fatherhood practices, mobile communication technologies, mediation, qualitative interview
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行動傳播科技進入家庭後,父親與子女間的親密關係有了許多可能,因為科技的變革可能改變過去的社會慣例。而社會風氣的轉變,讓台灣傳統父職的概念有鬆動的可能。但是,科技的意義並非單獨存在,而是在特定的情境脈絡中,與使用者共同實踐而成的。以社會建構論的角度,父親角色的建構會隨著時代變遷,進而影響父親對自己角色的選擇與父職任務的扮演。所以,當科技與父職概念同時有所變化,我們需要謹慎面對科技中介的父職實踐,多方面的考慮行動傳播科技中介父職實踐的種種可能。本研究透過馴化理論(domestication theory)了解家庭採用行動傳播科技是一個動態的過程,我們需要考慮各個父親如何因應不同的關係、背景,產生不同的使用策略與挪用的意義,進而影響他們的親子關係和男性氣概建構。
本研究針對以下三個問題進行探討: (一)在親子溝通中,父親如何挪用行動傳播科技和執行他的父職實踐?(二)相對的,子女對此的回應又是如何?(三)由行動傳播中介的父職,是否以及如何改變父親的父職實踐與男性氣概的建構?本研究以半結構式的質性訪談法,透過立意抽樣訪談7位父親及其6位子女,再以訪談逐字稿進行分類與編碼。透過親子之間不同的觀看角度,蒐集不同面向的資料作為分析的內容,運用馴化理論的概念,探討行動傳播中介的父職實踐改變的可能與樣貌,以及父親與子女互動產生的影響。
When mobile communication technologies become popular now, after mobile communication technologies enter the family, there are many possibilities for the intimate relationship between father and child. The reason is that mobile communication technologies may change past social conventions and give birth to new modes of interaction. Coupled with the change in Taiwan's social atmosphere, the concept of Taiwan's traditional fatherhood has been loosened a little. However, we cannot ignore that the meaning of technology does not exist alone but is constructed and practiced together with users in a specific context. From the perspective of social constructionism, the construction of the father's role will also change with the times, which affects the father's choice of his own role and the performance of the father's task. Therefore, when the concepts of technology and fatherhood have changed at the same time, we need to be more cautious in the mediated fatherhood. We cannot be absolute optimism about technology, and we must consider more aspects of the fatherhood of mediatization. At the same time, this study uses domestication theory to understand that family appropriating mobile communication technologies is a dynamic process. We focus on father produce different using strategies, thereby affecting their own Parent-child relationships and masculinity construction.
This study explores the following questions: (1) In parent-child communication, how does a father appropriate mobile communication technology and fathering their child? (2) On the other hand, what is the response of the child to this? (3) Does or how does mobile communication technologies change fatherhood practices and the construction of masculinity? This study used semi-structured qualitative interviews to interview 7 fathers and 6 children through purposive sampling, and then used the interview transcripts for classification and coding. Through different viewing angles between fathers and children, different aspects of the data are collected as the content of the analysis, combined with the concept of domestication theory, to explore the possibility of the mediated fatherhood practices, as well as the impact of the interaction between fathers and children.
The study found that the father's role is changing, gradually moving towards the image of a new father. The reasons for the father’s appropriation of mobile communication technologies include safety considerations, monitoring of children’s daily routines, and a glimpse into their children’s lives. For them, mobile communication technologies have the meaning of representing the extension of the family, the bridge of communication and the common topic. But research also shows that domestication doesn't always succeed. Children are not completely passive in their interactions with their fathers. They will find suitable strategies through better technological knowledge to respond to the father's monitoring, so that the parent-child relationship can show subtle power changes in the virtual field. In the end, mobile communication technologies are not the key to changing father’s masculinity construction or fatherhood practices, but rather the ability of parents and children to develop consensus and positive connections.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iv
Abstract v
目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
一、 不一樣的父職樣貌 1
二、 變動中的父職 2
三、 行動傳播中介的父職實踐 4
第二節 研究問題與研究重要性 6
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 社會建構與行動傳播科技 10
一、 行動傳播科技進入家庭 10
二、 行動傳播科技建構親密的關係 14
三、 馴化並非總是成功 16
第二節 父職實踐與行動傳播科技之使用 19
一、 父職與男性氣概的建構 19
二、 行動傳播科技的介入與父職實踐改變的可能 22
第三章 研究方法 25
第一節 研究設計與執行 25
一、 質性訪談法 25
二、 研究參與者之抽樣與訪談的進行 27
三、 訪談前問卷與訪談大綱 34
四、 預訪與正式訪談 35
第二節 研究資料的彙整與分析 36
一、 研究資料的搜集與整理 36
二、 研究資料的分析 37
第四章 資料分析與詮釋 38
第一節 父職實踐與行動傳播科技的挪用 39
一、 父職信念與實踐的落差 39
二、 離家與行動傳播科技的挪用 43
第二節 行動傳播科技中介的父職實踐 46
一、 虛擬場域的家庭經營 46
二、 賦予行動傳播科技的意義 50
三、 不同的馴化結果 53
第五章 研究結論與建議 58
第一節 研究發現和討論 58
一、 轉變中的父職和行動傳播中介的父職實踐 58
二、 子女各顯神通的使用策略 60
三、 流動的男性氣概與父職實踐? 61
四、 原有的親子關係更重要 62
第二節 研究限制與建議 62
一、 研究參與者的抽樣限制 63
二、 訪談技巧限制 63
參考文獻 65
附錄 80
附件一 父親版訪談前問卷 80
附件二 孩子版的訪談前問卷 82
附件三 父親版訪談大綱 83
附件四 孩子版訪談大綱 86
附件五 研究參與者知情同意書 89

表 1:父親參與者基本資料 30
表 2:子女參與者基本資料 31
表 3:參與者的親子關係分類 32
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