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Title page for etd-0801113-224743
Acoustic Behavior of White-faced Flying Squirrel (Petaurista lena) in Guanghua Village, Alishan
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acoustic behavior, spectrogram, White-faced flying squirrel, context, nocturnal animal, vocalization
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Olfactory or vocal communication is usually more important than visual communication in exchanging information for nocturnal animals. The white-faced flying squirrel (Petaurista lena) is a nocturnal animal and frequently use calls to communicate. However, the relationship between their calls and behavior is not clear. The goals of this study were to describe their calls produced by the white-faced flying squirrel, understand the calling pattern and infer their functions by combining the data collected by call recording and context observation. The field works was conducted in a secondary broad-leaved forest in Guanghua Village, Chiayi County from March 2012 to February 2013. Their calls and accompanied behavior were recorded for two nights per month. The results showed that they called most frequently during 7-9 pm and 3-5 am. The calls were divided into four call types based on their acoustic characteristics. Some call types were associated with one or two contexts more frequency than the other. However, the calls have different functions, namely alarm, affiliative interaction and agonistic interaction. The call rates of call type A and B were significantly higher in reproductive season than non-reproductive season. The call type A were not significantly different between male and female but different among some individuals which possibly due to their low degree of sociality.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Contents v
Figure Legend vi
Table Legend vii
Introduction 1
Materials and Methods 5
Results 12
Discussion 18
Literature Cited 25
Figures 33
Tables 40
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