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Title page for etd-0801122-222054
從文化資本角度探索導師和學生對於Codementor 平台訊號權重-以層級分析法為例
Exploring the Weight of Mentors and Mentees on the Codementor from a Cultural Capital Perspective: Taking Analytic Hierarchy Process for Example
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Codementor, Information Asymmetry, Signaling Theory, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Cultural Capital
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Socio-economic development and the advancement of information technology, coupled with the increasing demand for programmers in enterprises, the E-mentoring platform Codementor is increasingly used by more and more people. Unlike traditional teaching, the e-mentoring platform provides services that break time and space constraints, with mentors from different regions and backgrounds available for mentees to choose from. However, the e-mentoring platform also faces many problems. Due to the information asymmetry between mentors and mentees on the online platform, instructors come from all over the world and their teaching styles are different. For most mentees, they can only browse the mentor's personal page in the platform to choose the mentor. Therefore, the information in the e-mentoring platform has a great influence on the decision making of students, which is not only related to the efficiency of interaction between the two parties but also related to whether the mentees can maximize the selection of the right mentor. In addition, the mentee’s decision is also important to the mentor because it affects the mentor's income.
This study categorized the information in the mentor's profile page from the Cultural Capital Theory, which demonstrates the mentor's ability, and then used the Focus Group method to ensure the validity of the categorization. The results of the study indicated that the mentor thought that the platform was more attractive to mentees and the mentees thought that the platform influenced their choice of mentors. The results of the study indicated that the signals of expertise, featured mentor of the week, star ratings, number of sessions/jobs, and number of raters on the platform were more attractive to mentees, among which the star ratings, number of sessions/jobs, and number of raters are important by the mentees. For the mentees, the work experience, project experience, expertise, and star ratings of the mentors are important factors in selecting mentors.
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參考文獻 References
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