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Title page for etd-0801123-081959
The Relationships among Exploitive Entitlement and Voice Behavior in Public and Private Situations: Self-interest and the Need of Uniqueness as Mediators and Impression Management as a Moderator
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exploitive entitlement, self-interest, uniqueness, voice behavior, impression management
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本研究旨在探討剝削型應得權益感與經由自利傾向、獨特感需求與不同場合建言的關係,並檢視印象管理—自我推銷策略對於獨特感需求與不同場合建言關係的調節效果。本研究採用兩階段網路問卷獲取所需樣本資料,最終以213位來自不同產業、有上級主管且全職工作在職者為主要研究對象,並以 Mplus 7 與SPSS 25作為統計分析工具,檢驗研究模型中介與調節效果是否成立。研究結果顯示,在公開場合,自利傾向與獨特感需求會中介剝削型應得權益感與建言行為之關係;在私下場合,自利傾向會中介剝削型應得權益感與建言行為之關係,而印象管理—自我推銷策略會增強獨特感需求與建言行為之關係,此外,印象管理—自我推銷策略也會增強剝削型應得權益感經由獨特感需求,進而影響建言行為之中介效果。本研究依據研究結果,於最後提出管理實務建議供企業參考。
In recent years, there has been a rising trend in employees' sense of entitlement in the workplace, leading to increased attention from businesses towards the issue of entitlement. Despite limited previous research distinguishing entitlement based on characteristics, and the majority of studies have focused on exploring the negative impacts of employee entitlement of their organizations, recent scholars have pointed out that employees with entitlement traits might also have positive impacts on the organization. In light of this, this study aims to investigate the effects of employees with exploitive entitlement traits in the workplace and the associated mechanisms.
This study examined the relationship among exploitive entitlement, self-interest orientation, need for uniqueness, and voice behavior in both public and private situations. Additionally, this study assessed the impact of impression management - self-promotion strategies on the relationship between the need for uniqueness and voice behavior in both public and private situations. This research utilized a two-stage online questionnaire to gather the required sample data and ultimately focused on 213 full-time employees from various industries who had superiors. Mplus 7 and SPSS 25 are used as statistical analysis tools to examine the mediating and moderating effects in the study. The research findings indicated that in public settings, self-interest orientation and the need for uniqueness mediated the relationship between exploitive entitlement and voice behavior. In private settings, self-interest orientation mediated the relationship between exploitive entitlement and voice behavior, while impression - self-promotion strategies management enhanced the relationship between the need for uniqueness and voice behavior. Furthermore, impression management - self-promotion strategies also strengthened the mediating effect of the need for uniqueness on the relationship between exploitive entitlement and voice behavior. Based on the research results, the study concludes by providing practical management recommendations for businesses.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 剝削型應得權益感 5
第二節 自利傾向 6
第三節 獨特感需求 6
第四節 公開向上建言、私下向上建言 7
第五節 印象管理 10
第三章 研究方法 12
第一節 研究架構 12
第二節 研究假設 12
第三節 研究樣本 13
第四節 研究工具 15
一、 應得權益感量表 16
二、 自利量表 16
三、 獨特感需求量表 17
四、 印象管理量表 17
五、 公開向上建言量表、私下向上建言量表 18
六、 知覺組織建言氛圍量表 19
第五節 控制變項 19
第六節 資料分析 20
第七節 共同方法變異事前預防與檢驗 21
第四章 分析結果 24
第一節 描述性統計結果 24
第二節 人口變數與各變項差異比較 25
第三節 相關分析 30
第四節 結構方程模型分析 31
一、 中介模型(主效果) 31
二、 調節模型(主效果+調節效果) 34
三、 調節式中介模型 35
第五節 研究假設彙整 36
第五章 討論與建議 37
第一節 研究發現與討論 37
第二節 實務管理意涵 39
第三節 研究限制與未來建議 41
參考文獻 42
附錄 49
參考文獻 References
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