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Title page for etd-0802122-235634
The Relationship among Supervisor's Positive Workplace Gossip and Proactive Behavior: Emotions as Mediators
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Perceived Supervisor’s Positive Gossip, Positive Emotions, Negative Emotions, Proactive Behavior, Gossip
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我採取問卷的方式讓職員填答,產業來自各個不同產業。在第一階問卷量為 462 份,三個禮拜後,第二階數量為 395 份。
1. 主管正向職場八卦與職員正向工作情緒有正向之關聯。
2. 主管正向職場八卦與職員負向工作情緒有負向之關聯。
3. 職員正向工作情緒與主動積極度有正向關係。
4. 職員負向工作情緒與主動積極度有負向關係。
5. 職員工作情緒可中介主管正向職場八卦與主動積極度之間的關係。
Working behavior of employees turn into the key for companies to achieve success. Will perceived supervisor’s positive gossip have a good impact on the employees’ emotions and behavior? The point of this research was to inquire into the correlation between after perceiving supervisor’s positive gossip and proactive behavior. The further explore the mediating effect of workplace emotions between perceived supervisor’s positive gossip and proactive behavior.

A questionnaire was conducted among samples of employees from several companies and industries. n=462 on time-1, and passing over 3 weeks, second questionnaire was received, 395 questionnaires blended on time-2.
The results of this study shown:
1. Perceived supervisor’s positive gossip has positive effect on positive emotions.
2. Perceived supervisor’s positive gossip has negative effect on negative emotions.
3. Positive emotion has positive effect on proactive behavior.
4. Negative emotion has negative effect on proactive behavior.
5. Workplace emotions mediated the correlation between perceived supervisor’s positive gossip with proactive behavior.
目次 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
論 文 審 定 書i
謝 誌ii
CHAPTER 1 Introduction1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation1
1.2 Research Objectives3
1.3 Research Process4
CHAPTER 2 Literature Review and Hypothesis Development5
2.1 Affective Events Theory5
2.2 Workplace Gossip6
2.2.1 Positive and Negative Gossip8
2.2.3 Supervisor’s Positive Gossip and Research Findings10
2.3 Workplace Emotion13
2.3.1 Perceived Supervisor’s Workplace Positive Gossip and Emotions15
2.4 Proactive Behavior18
2.4.1 Employee’s Emotions and Proactive Behavior22
CHAPTER 3 Research Methodology25
3.1 Conceptual Framework & Hypotheses25
3.2 Research Hypotheses25
3.3 Sample and Procedure26
3.4 Measures27
3.5 Data Procedure and Analysis29
CHAPTER 4 Results30
4.1 Sample Characteristics30
4.2 Descriptive Statistics33
4.3 Hypothesis Testing36
CHAPTER 5 Discussion & Conclusion39
5.1 Supervisor’s positive gossip and employee’s emotions39
5.2 Employee’s emotions and proactive behavior40
5.3 Supervisor’s positive gossip, employee’s emotions and proactive behavior41
5.4 Practical Implications41
5.5 Limitations & Recommendations for Research43

List of Figures

Figure 1 Research process4
Figure 2 Conceptual Framework25

List of Tables

Table 1. Definition of workplace gossip by previous researchers7
Table 2. Summary of previous research of workplace gossip on employee’s reaction.9
Table 3. Summary of previous research of supervisor’s workplace gossip on employee’s reaction.11
Table 4. Definition of proactive behavior by past researchers19
Table 5. The sample characteristics30
Table 6. Mean, Standard Deviations and Correlation Coefficients of the Variables35
Table 7. Model 4 analyses37
Table 8. Mediator Effect Model38

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