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博碩士論文 etd-0806112-161809 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0806112-161809
Spary Droplet Diameter and Flowfield Characteristic Analysis
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Droplet size, Spray field, Spray angle, Axial velocity
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本研究為觀測噴霧流場特性,並以微質點影像測速儀(μPIV)與全像干涉粒徑分析儀(IPI)進行全域性噴霧流場拍攝與分析。本實驗採用不同噴嘴孔徑(dj = 300 μm、dj = 500 μm)與操作壓力(ΔP = 300 kPa、ΔP = 500 kPa、ΔP = 700 kPa)為主要參數,並以去離子水(DI water)為實驗工作流體。本研究分為兩部份,第一部份使用μPIV系統觀測不同操作壓力(ΔP)下,各個噴嘴之二維全域性(噴霧流場分佈與噴霧錐角)可視化,並量測全域性噴霧頁幕的速度分佈與變化(軸向、衝擊速度),且由於噴嘴會直接影響噴霧液滴的分佈,因此第二部份是採用IPI系統,量測探討不同操作壓力(ΔP)下,各個噴嘴孔徑的霧化液滴粒徑大小,並統計出液滴粒徑直徑大小分佈圖。
The aim of this study was to observe the properties of a spray field, with micro particle image velocimetry (μPIV) and holographic interferometric particle imaging (IPI) employed for the imaging and analysis of the global spray field. The experiment adopted different nozzle diameters (dj = 200 μm, and dj = 500 μm) and different values of gauge pressure (ΔP = 300 kPa, ΔP = 500 kPa, and ΔP = 700 kPa) as the main parameters, and DI (distilled) Water as the working medium. The study was divided into two parts. The first part used the μPIV system to observe the two-dimensional global visualization of spray field distribution and spray angle from each nozzle under different values of gauge pressure (ΔP). The flow velocity distribution and variations (axial velocity, and impact velocity) of the global spray frame were also measured. As the nozzle diameter would determine the distribution of spray droplets, the second part adopted the IPI system to measure and explore the atomized droplet sizes from each nozzle under different values of gauge pressure (ΔP), whereby drop size histograms were created through statistical analysis.
目次 Table of Contents
目錄................................................................................................i表目錄...........................................................................................iv圖目錄............................................................................................v符號說明......................................................................................vii中文摘要.......................................................................................ix英文摘要........................................................................................x第一章 序論 ...............................................................................1
1-1 前言 ...................................................................................1
1-2 噴嘴種類............................................................................1
1-3 霧化結構與方式.................................................................2
1-4 液滴尺寸量測與種類..........................................................5
1-5 研究背景............................................................................5
1-6 文獻回顧............................................................................6
1-7 研究目的........................................................................ .15
第二章 實驗系統與設備.............................................................19
2-1 μPIV與IPI系統...................................................................19
2-2 噴嘴系統......................................................................... 21
2-3 實驗環路系統...................................................................21
2-4 實驗流體 .........................................................................22
第三章 實驗方法與步驟 ............................................................27
3-1 光學原理 .........................................................................27
3-2 光學量測系統建立 ..........................................................28
3-2-1 μPIV量測系統建立......................................................28
3-2-2 IPI量測系統建.............................................................29
第四章 實驗理論分析.................................................................34
4-1 霧化錐角(β)定義.........................................................34
4-2 韋伯數(We)定義與計算..............................................34
4-3 邵特平均直徑(d32)定義與計算...................................35
4-4 雷諾數(Reo)定義與計算.............................................36
4-5 體積流率 ﹙Qi﹚計算.............................................................36
第五章 誤差分析........................................................................37第六章 結果與討論.....................................................................40
6-1 噴嘴霧化特性分析...........................................................40
6-2 噴霧錐角與流量分析........................................................41
6-3 流場特性分析...................................................................42
6-4 液滴粒徑分析...................................................................44
第七章 結論與建議 ..................................................................57
7-1 結論.................................................................................57
7-2 建議與改進 ....................................................................58
參考文獻 ...................................................................................59
附錄A .......................................................................................66
參考文獻 References
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