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論文名稱 Title |
綠覆率對於房價的影響-以高雄市為例 The Impact of Green Coverage Rate on Housing Prices-Taking Kaohsiung City as an Example |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
60 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2021-07-19 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2021-09-06 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
不動產產業、綠覆率、NDVI、特徵價格理論、固定效果法 Real estate industry, green coverage rate, NDVI, hedonic price theory, fixed effect method |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 408 次,被下載 11 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 408 times, has been downloaded 11 times. |
中文摘要 |
綠地(Green space)被視為具有外部效益性的公共財,且有助於民眾身心健康也能降低環境壓力。故當綠色環境增加,人民幸福感也會同時提升。然而,因為外部效益無實質的交易市場,故無法輕易觀測其價值,但公園綠地、植被等外部效益被認為可利用房屋價格的特性被資本化,故本研究藉由房屋的特徵價格評估外部性的附加價值。 過去文獻顯示公園綠地等對房屋價格皆有明顯正向影響,而先前大多數對於房屋及綠地的研究都傾向針對部分區域內部的大公園或指標性休憩場所,易忽略路邊的街道樹、街邊草皮或草叢等綠色植物。故本研究欲利用綠覆率來了解都市綠化的結果與成效。 本研究使用2012年至2019年高雄市區11個行政區內所有不動產交易之資料,並運用特徵價格理論搭配固定效果進行分析。研究結果顯示,綠覆率在模型中顯示為正向顯著相關,儘管在房屋標的外圍的綠覆率為正向並不顯著,但可由此得知愈接近房子單元範圍的綠覆率是有其正向價值的,意即在控制總體時間趨勢及其他房屋要素之下,當房屋所在的一級發布區之綠覆率增長18% (資料中的一個標準差) 時,該地的平均房價將增長約0.72% (0.18*3.98%)。當房屋所在的一級發布區之外圍綠覆率增長18% (資料中的一個標準差) 時,該地的平均房價將增長約0.93% (0.18*5.18%),視當地綠覆率之平均值與標準差而異。 |
Abstract |
Green space is regarded as a public property with external benefits, which contributes to people's health and reduces environmental pressure. Therefore, when the green environment increases, the people's happiness will also increase. However, because there is no real trading market for external benefits, and its value cannot be easily observed. However, external benefits such as parks and green space, vegetation, etc. are considered to be capitalized. Therefore, this study uses the hedonic price theory of houses to evaluate the added value of externalities. The literature in the past shows green spaces have a significant positive impact on house prices. But, most previous studies on houses and green spaces tend to focus on large parks or natural landscapes, and it’s easy to ignore the greenery such as street trees, grass or plant. Therefore, this study uses the green coverage rate to measure the amount of greening to truly understand the current status of environmental greening. This study uses the data of all real estate transactions in 11 administrative districts of Kaohsiung City from 2012 to 2019, and uses hedonic price theory with fixed effects to analyze. The results of the study showed that the green cover rate showed a significant positive correlation. Although the green cover rate at the periphery of the house is positive but not significant, it can be seen that the green cover rate closer to the house has a positive value. After we control for the aggregate trend of housing prices and other local characteristics, results indicate that in Kaohsiung, as the green cover rate in a 1st dissemination area increases by 18% (a standard deviation for green cover rate in our data), the average housing price in that area will increase by 0.72%. And the green cover rate in peripheral of the 1st dissemination area increases by 18% (a standard deviation for green cover rate in our data), the average housing price in that area will increase by 0.93%. |
目次 Table of Contents |
學位論文審定書 i 致 謝 ii 摘 要 iii ABSTRACT iv 目 錄 v 圖 次 vi 表 次 vii 第一章、 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機與目的 2 第二章、 文獻探討 4 2.1 綠覆率 4 2.2 遙感探測(REMOTE SENSING) 4 2.3 常態化差異植生指數(NDVI) 6 2.4 特徵價格法(HEDONIC PRICE THEORY) 8 2.5 國內外綠地與房價之相關文獻 9 第三章、 研究資料與方法 15 3.1 資料來源 16 3.1.1 社會經濟資料服務平台之發布區定義 16 3.1.2 行政院農業委員會林業試驗所之綠覆率資料 17 3.2 變數說明 21 3.2.1 房屋內部特徵 21 3.2.2 房屋區位特徵 23 3.3 分析方法 25 第四章、 結果與分析 28 4.1 敘述統計及樣本概況 28 4.1.2 綠覆率資料分佈狀態 31 4.2 分析結果 33 4.2.1 特徵價格法基本分析結果 33 4.2.2 加入固定效果模型分析結果 35 第五章、 結論與建議 39 5.1 研究結論 39 5.2 研究建議與未來方向 40 參考文獻 42 1. 中文文獻 42 2. 英文文獻 44 附 錄 46 |
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