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博碩士論文 etd-0808117-085212 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0808117-085212
The Effect of Current on the Catch of Set Net -A Case Study of Set Net at Nan’ao
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catch, ADCP, tidal current, Otoshi-ami set net, Kuroshio
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為討探海流特性與定置網漁獲量之關係,本研究使用位於宜蘭南澳的定置網漁獲資料探討與黑潮之關聯,以TOROS 2012年至2015年的表面流資料界定宜蘭南澳外海黑潮影響範圍,並分析宜蘭南澳外海黑潮流向發生轉向沿岸的現象與定置網漁獲量的相關性。另外為瞭解定置網附近之流況特性,施放兩次底碇式多層式ADCP於南北兩組不同定置網的運動場網主開口處,並分析兩組定置網的流況特性,再評估定置網附近的流況與漁獲量之相關性。
本研究結果顯示:1. 由TOROS表面流場資料分析發現台灣東部宜蘭南澳及花蓮和平附近海域黑潮主流位於離岸距離約40公里,其寬度約90公里,其表面平均流速約為58 cm/sec。 2. 南澳及和平外海處,當月黑潮的表面平均流速變小時,則黑潮流向轉向西方(向岸)的可能性增加。3. 南澳及和平外海處的黑潮表面流速變小,將對宜蘭南澳的定置網帶來更多的圓花鰹。4. 圓花鰹的漁獲量增加與黑潮的轉向西方並無相關。5. 以圓花鰹而言兩組定置網的環境因子相近,而當南組定置網的日平均流速越小時,4天後捕獲較多圓花鰹的機率越高。
Fisheries rank the top position in Taitung since there are many oceanic migrating fishes attached to Kuroshio current to spawn closed to the coastal in Eastern Taiwan. Also, set net fishing is popular in Taitung. There are two primary factors of catch from set net, the sea-bottom terrain and characteristics of ocean current.
In order to examine the relationship between the current and the catch from set net, It has been investigated and analyzed by TOROS with offshore surface current data from set net located in Yilan Nan’ao in 2012 to 2015. The study also discussed the movement of Kuroshio along the shoreline of Yilan Nan’ao and its correlation with yield in set net. In addition to understand the current characteristics near set net sites, the bottom-mounted multi-layer ADCP were used to measure the flow velocity through the opening of set nets on two sites which were located in both northern and southern of Yilan Nan’ao. After the analyzing the current characteristics from those set-net, the relationship between its catch and current can be investigated.
The result of from this study indicated as follows: First, according to the analysis of TOROS, Kuroshio mainstream is found about 40 km off to the coastlines of Yilan Nan’ao and Hualien Hoping in Eastern Taiwan, the width about 90 km, the average of its surface velocity is 58cm/sec. Second, the possibility of switching in flow direction to west of Kuroshio will increase if the average offshore surface velocity decreases in Nan’ao and Hoping. Third. There were more Auxis rochei from set net when the monthly surface velocity of Kuroshio decreased in Nan’ao and Hoping. Fourth, the increasing of the yield of Auxis rochei is not correlated with the changing flow direction of Kuroshio. Final, there is no much difference of environmental factors between two set-net for Auxis rochei, while the possibility of increasing yield from southern set net has been investigated after 4 days of the decreasing of its daily mean velocity.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 研究方法 2
1-3 論文架構 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1 台灣東部之黑潮文獻 3
2-2 定置網文獻 6
第三章 相關背景資料收集與實驗設計 8
3-1 相關研究背景資料收集 8
3-1-1 川田定置漁網之背景 8
3-1-2 環台岸基海洋雷達測流系統(Taiwan Ocean Radar Observing System)介紹 12
3-1-3 中央氣象局南澳氣象站逐時風資料 14
3-2 底碇式海流儀現場實驗設計 15
第四章 結果與討論 18
4-1 宜蘭南澳川田定置網外海TOROS表面流資料分析 18
4-2 宜蘭南澳川田定置網現場實驗分析 42
第五章 結論與建議 63
參考文獻 65
附錄一、TOROS逐年流向玫瑰圖 67
附錄二、在不同農曆月下點A及點B各延伸點之位置流向圖 68
參考文獻 References
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