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論文名稱 Title |
「擬」為誰著「迷」?探討VTuber虛擬主播之迷群現象 Exploring the fandom phenomenon of VTuber |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
86 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2023-08-21 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2023-09-08 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
虛擬主播、VTuber、2.5次元、迷群、擬社會關係、支持行為 virtual anchor, VTuber, dimension 2.5, fandom, parasocial relationships, supportive behavior |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 354 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 354 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
虛擬領域的討論熱度於近幾年中飛快地成長,熱門的科技類名詞「元宇宙」,讓虛擬領域在社會大眾面前百花齊放,其中直播領域也能運用虛擬人物進行更多元的發展。虛擬主播VTuber在直播領域中成為新興話題。VTuber虛實交錯的特性尤為特殊,學術領域以2.5次元解釋。 本研究旨在探討VTuber的粉絲迷群現象,著重於分析VTuber 2.5次元的特性如何影響粉絲的心理,並進一步瞭解在直播環境下VTuber與觀眾之間所形成的擬社會關係效果。研究方法包括深度訪談法和網絡民族誌,藉此探索粉絲支持VTuber的原因,以及粉絲如何感知VTuber並與之建立情感關聯。此外,本研究亦著重於探討粉絲對VTuber的情感投入,探究VTuber的外表和內在特質如何影響粉絲的情感體驗。透過本研究,試圖理解VTuber粉絲文化的多樣性,以及VTuber個人風格在吸引粉絲上的關鍵角色。 研究結果揭示了VTuber粉絲群體的多種面向,並且揭示了VTuber個人風格對於凝聚粉絲的重要性。再者,本研究更進一步關注了VTuber和粉絲之間的雙向培養行為也深化了對直播領域擬社會關係的研究,因不同粉絲群體的型態中延伸擬社會關係至「擬社會依戀」和「擬社會分手」等狀態,重新詮釋了2.5次元VTuber對於粉絲的全新意義。 |
Abstract |
The discussion and popularity of the virtual field have been rapidly growing in recent years, the trendy technological term "metaverse" bringing virtual spaces into the mainstream consciousness. Live steaming can also use virtual characters for more diversified development. Virtual YouTubers (VTubers) have emerged as a new and intriguing topic in the live streaming domain. The characteristic of VTuber's virtual real interleaving is particularly special, and it is explained in the academic field in 2.5- dimensions(2.5D). This research aims to explore the phenomenon of fandom surrounding VTubers, with a focus on how the 2.5D nature of VTubers influences the psychology of their fans. Furthermore, the study seeks to understand the parasocial relationships effects formed between VTubers and their audiences within the live streaming environment. The research methods employed include in-depth interviews and Netnography, allowing for an exploration of the reasons behind fans' support for VTubers and how fans perceive VTubers, forming emotional connections with them. Additionally, this study emphasizes investigating fans’ emotional involvement with VTubers, delving into how VTuber outward appearances and inner qualities affect fans' emotional experiences. Through this study, we try to understand the diversity of VTuber fans culture and the key role of VTuber's personal style in attracting fans. The research findings reveal various facets of VTuber fandom and underscore the significance of VTuber personal styles in uniting fans. Furthermore, the study delves into the mutual nurturing behaviors between VTubers and fans, deepening the exploration of parasocial relationships in the live streaming domain. The study extends the concept of parasocial relationships to encompass states such as "parasocial attachment" and "parasocial breakup" within different fan group patterns, reinterpreting the novel significance of 2.5D VTubers for their fans. |
目次 Table of Contents |
目錄 論文審定書 i 誌謝 ii 摘要 iii Abstract iv 緒論 1 研究背景與動機 1 研究目的 7 文獻探討 10 VTuber虛擬主播 10 擬人化 11 迷群 14 擬社會關係 17 研究方法 21 網路民族誌 21 深度訪談法 23 資料分析方式 25 資料分析 29 粉絲對VTuber之情感邊界 29 粉絲內在認知 37 粉絲凝聚 42 支持行為 50 結論與建議 57 研究發現 57 理論貢獻 58 實務貢獻 60 研究限制與未來研究方向 61 參考文獻 63 附錄(一) 75 附錄(二) 78 圖次 圖1-1 3 圖1-2 3 圖1-3 6 圖1-4 6 圖4-1 30 圖4-2 31 圖4-3 42 圖4-4 44 圖4-5 45 圖4-6 46 圖4-7 46 圖4-8 51 圖4-9 51 圖4-10 55 圖4-11 55 表次 表(一) 24 表(二) 25 表(三) 27 表(四) 28 |
參考文獻 References |
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