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論文名稱 Title |
探討使用者於智慧型手機平台上之轉換意圖 Using Regulatory Focus Theory and Push-Pull-Mooring Model to Explore Users’ Switching Intention on Smartphone Platforms |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
158 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2014-07-01 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2014-09-10 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
調節焦點理論、人口遷移理論、消費者行為、智慧型手機、轉換意圖、轉換行為 Push-Pull-Mooring Model, Consumer Behavior, Switching Intention, Switching Behavior, Smartphones, Regulatory Focus Theory |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 6367 次,被下載 3714 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 6367 times, has been downloaded 3714 times. |
中文摘要 |
智慧型手機已經變成了現代人日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,而許多與智慧型手機相關的議題也在近幾年中被廣泛討論與研究,像是智慧型手機成癮、隱私與安全、以及轉換行為等等。此外,使用者的心理態度與傾向,也是影響消費者行為的一個重要因素,但在先前與資訊產品或服務相關的研究中,卻很少討論到這個部分。而本研究結合了人口遷移理論中的Push-Pull-Mooring (PPM) Model與廣泛應用在各領域的調節焦點理論(Regulatory Focus Theory)來探討使用者於智慧型手機上的轉換行為。 本研究透過調節焦點理論,將使用者分成比較正向思考、勇於承擔風險(促進焦點,Promotion Focus)、以及負面思考、較為風險趨避(預防焦點,Prevention Focus)的兩種心理特質,並探討這兩種不同的心理特質對於PPM Model中的推力(Push Effect)、拉力(Pull Effect)、以及繫留力(Mooring Effect)分別有什麼樣的調節效果。除了能結合心理層面這個在使用者行為上很重要、卻一直被大家所忽略的影響因素,來補齊相關理論與研究上的缺陷外,也能在實務上為使用者在資訊產品上的轉換行為,提供另一個不同的觀點。 本研究使用實證研究方式,於台灣共收集了682份來自使用者自行填寫的有效樣本來驗證本研究所提出的假說。研究結果指出促進焦點(Promotion Focus)的智慧型手機使用者,對於替代產品的拉力(Pull Effect)與轉換意圖間的關係有更顯著的影響;而預防焦點(Prevnetion Focus)的智慧型手機使用者,則對於現有產品的推力(Push Effect)與轉換意圖間的關係有顯著影響。研究成果除了支持我們一開始提出的研究假說,也在使用者對於資訊產品的轉換意圖上,提供了學術界與實務界另一個全新的認知。 |
Abstract |
Nowadays, smartphones are used in more and more scenarios, and become a necessary part of our daily life. Hence, smartphones and other related issues have been widely discussed, such as smartphone addiction, privacy and security, and switching behavior. Furthermore, user’s attitude and psychological traits are also crucial factors in consumer’s behavior, but these parts are less discussed in previous literature of IT products and services. As a result, this research purpose is to explore users’ switching intention on smartphone platforms through Push-Pull-Mooring Model and Regulatory Focus Theory. There are three factors – push effect, pull effect, and mooring effect, which influencing the switching intention in the Push-Pull-Mooring Model, and two different tendencies of psychological states in Regulatory Focus Theory – promotion focus, and prevention focus. So the researcher would like to know whether different influences of push, pull, and mooring effects on different users with either promotion or prevention focus on smartphones. The researcher collected 682 valid samples in Taiwan for examining the hypotheses in this study. The analyses indicate that there is significant relation between pull effect and switching intention on promotion smartphone users, and significant relation between push effect and switching intention on prevention smartphone users. The re-sults of this research not only support the hypotheses we proposed, but also provide a novel perspective on IT product switching in both theoretical and practical. |
目次 Table of Contents |
Chapter 1 Introduction ……………………………………………... 1 Chapter 2 Theoretical Background and Hypotheses ……………... 7 2.1. The Development and Status of the Smartphone Market ………………… 7 2.2. Switching as Migration ….……………………………………………….. 13 2.2.1. Push-Pull-Mooring Model ………………………………………….. 18 2.2.2. Push Effect ………………………………………………………….. 27 2.2.3. Pull Effect ………………………………………………………..…. 33 2.2.4. Mooring Effect …………………………………………………...… 36 2.3. Regulatory Focus Theory ………………………………………………... 41 2.3.1. Promotion Focus …………………………………………………… 46 2.3.2. Prevention Focus …………………………………………………… 47 2.4. Conceptual Research Model …………………………………………….. 48 Chapter 3 Research Methodology ………………………………… 50 3.1. Measurement Development ……………………………………………... 50 3.2. Pilot Test ………………………………………………………………… 57 3.3. Participants and Procedure ……………………………………………… 57 Chapter 4 Results and Analysis …………………………………… 64 4.1. Statistical Method ……………………………………………………….. 64 4.2. Cross Factor Loading ……………………………………………………. 64 4.3. Reliability and Validity ………………………………………………….. 66 4.4. Common Method Variance ……………………………………………… 73 4.5. Testing of Structural Model and Hypotheses …………………………… 78 Chapter 5 Discussions …………………….……………………….. 83 Chapter 6 Conclusions and Implications ………………………… 86 6.1. Conclusuion …………………………………………………………….. 86 6.2. Implications for Theory and Research ………………………………….. 87 6.3. Implications for Practices ………………………………………………. 88 6.4. Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research ……………………… 89 Reference …………………………………………………………….. 92 Appendix …………………………………………………………….. 137 A. Qusstionnaire …………………………………………………………… 137 B. Pilot Questionnaire ……………………………………………………... 145 |
參考文獻 References |
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