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博碩士論文 etd-0815121-000657 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0815121-000657
寵物依附與參考群體對飼主的購買意願影響 -以寵物保健品為例
The Influence of Pet Attachment and Reference Group on Owner's Purchase Intention toward Pet Health Products
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Declining birthrate, Aging society, Single, Pet Attachment, Reference Group, Purchase Intention
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 681 times, has been downloaded 396 times.
摘 要
Due to the declining birth rate, aging, and singleness of modern society, as well as the interpersonal alienation of the Internet generation, in order to meet the needs of being loved and accompanied, many people choose to keep pets and treat them as part of their family, and their degree of pet attachment has also become higher than before. Many owners are willing to buy pet health products to make their fur children healthy and happy. This also makes the pet health products market more developed than before. According to the survey, by the end of 2020, the number of fur children in Taiwan has officially surpassed the number of children under 15 years old. This trend is not only occurring in Taiwan, but also showing in many developed countries, and it’s expected that the number of fur children will continue to grow steadily in the future. Therefore, it is foreseeable that the scale of the global pet economy market will inevitably rise, so it’s important to understand the owner’s willingness to consume pet health products, and the reasons behind it must be the goal of advance research.
This article will use the ANOVA and regression in SPSS to analyze the questionnaire data, and explore the influence of different reference groups and the reasons of pet attachment on purchase intention and its relevance. From the analysis, it can be found that the dog owners have a higher degree of companionship and safe haven requirements than cat owners, and when the owner is the main breeder, the higher degree of intimacy and happiness brought by keeping pets, other follow-up in-depth discussions will also be shown in the paper.
In the research and analysis, it can also be found that in addition to the identification reference group will influence the owner’s purchase intention, and the higher the owner’s possessions and extended self of the pet, the owner’s purchase intention of pet health products will also increase. This part of the research can be used in the marketing of pet health products in the future. The way to market pet health products can first give consumers relevant pet health knowledge, and then allow community members recognize that the products are pet necessities and actively recommend the products to others, so as to attract other potential consumers to buy them.

目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書.................................................................. i
誌謝..................................................................……... ii
中文摘要..................................................................... iii
英文摘要..................................................................... iv
第壹章 緒論................................................................ 1
第一節 研究背景與動機............................................ 1
第二節 研究目的和問題............................................ 3
第三節 研究範圍........................................................ 4
第四節 研究流程........................................................ 5
第貳章 文獻探討........................................................ 6
第一節 臺灣人口背景之相關研究............................ 6
第二節 寵物市場研究與趨勢.................................... 13
第三節 寵物依附理論與研究…................................ 22
第四節 飼主購買寵物保健品之購買意願................ 32
第參章 研究架構與研究方法.................................... 36
第一節 觀念性架構.................................................... 36
第二節 研究假說推導…............................................ 37
第三節 研究問卷設計與變數操作性定義............... 41
第四節 研究資料收集............................................... 46
第五節 研究分析工具............................................... 48
第肆章 研究結果與分析........................................... 50
第一節 基本統計分析............................................... 50
第二節 個人特性與寵物依附關係........................... 51
第三節 參考群體與購買意願關係........................... 57
第四節 寵物依附與購買意願關係........................... 58
第五節 參考群體與寵物依附對購買意願關係....... 59
第六節 假設驗證結果............................................... 63
第伍章 結論與建議................................................... 65
第一節 研究討論與結論........................................... 65
第二節 研究貢獻與建議........................................... 67
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向........................... 69
參考文獻................................................................... 71
正式問卷................................................................... 82

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