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Title page for etd-0816122-105408
Teaching you how to be a real man:Masculinities constructed in Taiwan’s hip-hop music videos
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Masculinity, Hip-hop culture, Rap music, Discourse analysis, Authenticity
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音樂是實踐在每日生活的藝術,也是日常所使用的一種語言。文化的中心是語言,一個文化對於意義的建構、實踐,主要是透過語言不停的交換。嘻哈(hip-hop)文化中的饒舌音樂(rap music),是現在全世界最受歡迎的音樂類型,將饒舌音樂做為嘻哈文化中的語言,其文本對於意義的再現,會和閱聽人互動、彼此影響,隨著饒舌音樂的流行性增加,受到影響的人數也跟著增加。
陽剛特質是饒舌音樂的主要命題,真實性(authenticity)則是饒舌音樂中陽剛特質的核心,饒舌歌手有沒有保持真實(keep it real),更是嘻哈文化中的成員重視的。MV(Music Video)是一個充滿符號的文本。現今人們接受音樂資訊的主要來源,是影音平台YouTube,MV也是該平台常見的音樂形式之一,因此本研究將以YouTube上的臺灣饒舌音樂MV,做為主要的分析對象。
本研究發現臺灣饒舌音樂中的陽剛特質,如同Schweig(2016)所言,是扣緊「保持真實」(keep it real)的。在確認一個饒舌歌手具備怎麼樣的陽剛特質前,必須要先確立該饒舌歌手是有“keep it real”的。而臺灣的饒舌歌手呈現真實性主要有三個途徑:對於情感有明確的表達、能夠產出高品質的饒舌歌曲以及使用美國嘻哈文化的相關符號。
Music is our daily language. Language is the center of culture. Culture constructs meanings by exchanging language constantly. Rap music of the hip-hop culture is now the most popular music genre of the world. Take rap music as the language of hip-hop culture, its representations of meanings interact with the audience and influence each other. With rap music gaining popularity, it becomes more and more influential.
Masculinity is one of the most important topics in rap music. Authenticity is the core of masculinity in hip-hop culture. Hip-hop culture values whether the rapper is “keeping it real” or not. Music video is a text that contains lots of signs. This study takes Taiwan rap music videos on YouTube as the research subject, because YouTube is the most important channel that people enjoy music on.
This study has two research questions: 1. What kinds of masculinities do the Taiwan rap music videos represent? How do the signs in the texts enact with each other and construct these kinds of masculinities? 2. How does “authenticity” be represented in the masculinities constructed in music videos? How do the signs in the texts connect and construct these masculinities?
This study chose KKBOX and GIMA in Taiwan as the sources of the research subjects. This research sampled eleven music videos as the research subject and used critical discourse analysis as the research methods. Critical discourse analysis allows researchers to analyze the unequal power relations between texts and discourses, and criticize the unbalanced phenomenon.
As Schweig (2016) said, masculinities in Taiwan hip-hop music are highly related to the concept of “keep it real”. Before discussing what kind of masculinities, the rappers possess, rappers have to be considered “real”. Rappers in Taiwan usually present a “real” image in three ways: expressing feelings directly, producing great hip-hop music, and showing American hip-hop related signs.
Under the premise of being “real”, this study finds out that there are five kinds of masculinities in Taiwan hip-hop culture. These five kinds of masculinities are: rappers with “wen” and “wu”, the “real” rappers, toxic rappers, brotherly love rappers and rich rappers. Rappers with “wen” and “wu” present a special masculinity by writing clever lyrics with rhymes. The “real” rappers use direct words to present their inner and vulnerable self. Toxic rappers reinforce the patriarchal hegemony by harmful behavior. Brotherly love rappers emphasize the male-only brotherhood. Under the influence of capitalism, rich rappers present the image of being wealthy.
In conclusion, there is a new type of hegemonic masculinity, called “the neutral man”. This kind of masculinity requests people to be “wen” and “wu”, or have a “real” image. In addition, “the neutral man” needs to avoid being too violent, and prevent themselves from falling into the position of complicit masculinity.
Masculinities are in constant changes, vary with time. This study tried to document the modern masculinities of Taiwan’s rap music, and find out that there is a new kind of hegemonic masculinity, called “the neutral man”. But this study has its limits, due to the limitation of time and researcher’s personal ability. This study can only analyze eleven music videos. In order to have a more thorough discussion about masculinities of Taiwan’s rap music, researchers should include more diverse samples. The researcher of this study is a heterosexual male who grow up in a middle-class family. This kind of background might have some blind spot while doing the analysis. For the researchers who are interested in the same field of study, culture studies about fans and participants in the hip-hop culture might be worthy of some interesting and valuable discussions.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
謝誌 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract vi
目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與背景 1
一、音樂、語言與文化 1
二、嘻哈和陽剛特質 3
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 8
第二章 文獻回顧 10
第一節 音樂與社會 10
第二節 陽剛特質 13
第三節 嘻哈文化與陽剛特質 21
第三章 研究方法 31
第一節 抽樣 32
第二節 論述分析 36
第四章 論述分析結果 39
一、又文又武的饒舌歌手 42
二、真摯情感的饒舌歌手 48
三、有毒的饒舌歌手 52
四、照顧兄弟的饒舌歌手 55
五、有錢的饒舌歌手 59
第五章 結論 61
第一節 臺灣饒舌音樂的陽剛特質 61
第二節 研究限制與建議 66
參考文獻 68
一、中文文獻 68
二、英文文獻 71

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