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論文名稱 Title |
雙元領導對團隊創新行為的影響:檢視團隊學習導向的中介角色及團隊心理資本與安全性的調節作用 The Effect of Ambidextrous Leadership on Team Innovative Behaviors: Mediation Role of Team Learning Goal Orientation and Moderation Effects of Team Psychological Capital and Psychological Safety |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
77 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2022-09-15 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2022-09-17 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
雙元領導、團隊學習導向、團隊創新行為、團隊心理資本、團隊心理安全性 ambidextrous leadership, team learning orientation, team innovative behaviors, team psychological capital, team psychological safety |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 525 次,被下載 76 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 525 times, has been downloaded 76 times. |
中文摘要 |
本研究探討在雙元領導與團隊創新行為之間的中介效果,並且檢視團隊心理資本及安全性的調節作用。問卷採兩階段方式發放給主管及團隊成員,中間間隔兩周時間,最終取得63位主管和274位團隊成員的63個團隊配對資料進行後續的統計分析。研究發現,主管開放式領導對團隊學習導向有正向影響,團隊學習導向正向影響團隊創新行為,團隊學習導向在主管開放式領導及團隊創新行為之間扮演完全中介的角色,同時,團隊心理資本與團隊心理安全也分別正向調節主管開放式領導行為對團隊學習導向的關係。然而,主管封閉式領導卻無顯著性影響。另一方面,事後分析結果則顯示,當主管同時展現開放式與封閉式領導時,將顯著影響團隊成員的團隊學習導向,進而促進團隊創新行為的產生。 根據分析結果,本研究建議主管應重視團隊學習導向對團隊創新行為的影響,以及團隊成員的心理資本及心理安全對團隊學習導向的正面調節效果。本研究最後分別對主管在領導方式的選擇及其對團隊氛圍的營造方向提供實務意涵,同時也提出對未來研究的建議,期望對企業團隊的後續研究提供實質的幫助。 |
Abstract |
This study aimed at revealing the mediation effect between ambidextrous leadership and team innovative behaviors. Meanwhile, the moderation effects of team psychological capital and team psychological safety are also examined. Two-phase surveys were distributed to leaders and team members with two-week intervals. A total of 63 leaders pairing with 274 team members’ data were collected eventually for quantitative analysis. Research findings were listed below. First, opening leadership behaviors are positively associated with team learning orientation which is also positively associated with team innovative behaviors. Second, team learning orientation fully mediates the relationship between opening leadership behaviors and team innovative behaviors. Third, team psychological capital and safety are found to positively moderate the relationship between opening leadership behaviors and team learning orientation. However, closing leadership behaviors do not produce same results with previous statements. Besides, the combination effect of opening and closing leadership behaviors was also positively confirmed with team learning orientation and team innovative behaviors. According to the analysis results, it is suggested that leaders should value the influence of team learning orientation on team innovative behaviors as well as the moderation effects of psychological capital and safety in strengthening team learning orientation. With practical implications for leaders choosing leadership style and building up team climate provided in the end along with some suggestions toward future researches, this study is expected to offer future researches in organizational teams some useful insights. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書.......................................................................i Acknowledgement...........................................................ii 摘要.................................................................................iii Abstract............................................................................iv 1. Introduction..................................................................1 1.1 Research Background..........................................1 1.2 Research Purpose................................................4 2. Literature Review..........................................................7 2.1 Ambidextrous Leadership Theory.......................7 2.2 Studied Variables.................................................9 2.3 Hypotheses Development.................................21 3. Methodology..............................................................28 3.1 Research Framework........................................28 3.2 Summary of Hypotheses..................................29 3.3 Sample and Data Collection.............................30 3.4 Measurements...................................................33 3.5 Analytic Strategies.............................................37 4. Results.........................................................................40 4.1 Data Aggregation................................................40 4.2 Correlation Analysis...........................................41 4.3 Regression Analysis and Hypotheses Test........43 4.4 Post Hoc Analysis...............................................50 5. Discussion...................................................................53 5.1 Summary of Research Findings.........................53 5.2 Theoretical Implications....................................54 5.3 Practical Implications........................................57 5.4 Limitations and Future Research......................59 References......................................................................61 |
參考文獻 References |
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