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博碩士論文 etd-0824111-165234 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0824111-165234
The research for the international dynamic competitive in Taiwan Drain Cleaners industry,one of the section industry of Hand Tool—A case study of A company
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strategy, internationalization, dynamic competition, core competence
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摘 要
論文研究主要是本論文將以創新策略及競爭力文獻相關探討,並以J. Barney資源基礎理論為基礎進行個案公司之研究架構,期盼透過本論文質性研究之個案分析法及紮根根理論研究,達成以下研究目的:
1. 分析台灣手工具業通管器產業的經營現況分析及競爭利基
2. 個案公司如何因應動態競爭經營環境下,依據資源基礎理論提出公司主要競

1. 個案公司有關國外市場競爭力,建議不以成本競爭優勢為主要營運策略;建議針 對通管器高價利基市場深耕開發。
2. 面對全球化經濟市場中,亞洲市場的興起及中國大陸經濟消費市場逐步興起,建議個案公司在有關區域經濟的優勢及文化相近同文同種中,跟歐美區域本土廠考慮策略聯盟或者合資併購等相關策略行為;並且善用大陸通管器市場經濟資訊不對稱因素進行進行市場套利等相關策略賽局運用。
3. 建議個案公司在有關競爭市場資訊提供中,公司有關成本會計流程制度及相關 數量化管理性報表等應該及早建立,以提供未來管理者理性決策報表參考之重 要依據。
4. 面對國際化時代來臨,個案公司有關國際人才培訓制度及相關策略性人力資源 等制度規劃設計,建議公司應該予以盡早設計。

With the trend of globalization and the pricing competition caused by China’s manufacturing business, the quality of products is not the only issue that companies are facing now. There are some external as well as internal challenges that companies must face. External challenges include the competitive trend caused by the dynamic environmental movements and the operation pressure caused by facing competitors; internal operation issues concern the integration of the value chain and the continuous improvements in innovative managing skills.
The case of research is the largest company professionally specialized in manufacturing drain cleaners in Taiwan. The company’s sales are entirely dedicated to exporting to the international market; and OEM and ODM are its main type of business. Since drain cleaners are categorized as part of the hand tools industry, we must study the trends and activities in such industry. The business opportunities in the hand tools industry mainly depend on consumer’s demand, providing different services to different individual buyers, and the opportunities derived from the rise of the home improvement market. Therefore, in the hand tools market, drain cleaner manufacturers should take into consideration that products which suit the new generation’s need better and are with high economic values are more likely to satisfy the consumer needs.
For the main thesis of this paper, we will be looking at discussions about the innovative and competitive strategies from literatures related, and the research will be based on J. Barney’s resource base theory. Through the individual case analysis and roots study in grounded theory, I hope to achieve the following research purposes in this paper:
1. To analyze the operating state and the competitive advantages in the drain cleaner market in hand tools industry in Taiwan.
2. How the company in case study responds to the external challenges and which competitive advantages and strategies the company should take when facing such challenges.
The conclusions to the company competitiveness in the case study based on relevant researches are as follows:
1. Regarding the case company’s competitiveness against foreign markets, cost competitiveness is not recommended as the main business strategy, but rather to develop and strengthen the high-price, high quality markets as the recommended strategy.
2. Facing the competitions that the rise of the Asian market and the emergence of the Chinese consumer market brought, I suggest that the company in the case study, with its regional economic advantage, should consider a strategic alliance with European or American buyers or strategically to consider a joint venture with them.
3. Regarding providing useful information about the competitive market for the company, cost accounting standard procedures and other statistics related forms are strongly recommended to be established within the company in the case study, in order to provide critical information for managing department.
4. With the coming of the era of internationalization, the company in the case study should design an international personnel training system as well as a strategic human resource department to face the related incoming issues that internationalization may bring.

Keyword:strategy, core competence, dynamic competition, internationalization

目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景暨研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 競爭策略文獻相關之探討 4
第二節 資源基礎理論文獻探討 12
第三節 動態競爭力文獻探討 19
第四節 國際企業文獻探討 34
第三章 研究方法 71
第一節 研究架構設計 71
第二節 質性研究方法 72
第三節 紮根理論的探討 76
第四節 研究問卷說明 91
第四章 通管器北美市場暨個案公司概述 92
第一節  通管器北美市場暨個案公司概述 92
第二節  個案公司競爭力概述—以實務觀點 96
第五章 結論與建議 102
第一節  問卷結果暨研究結論 102
第二節  建議與期許 118
參考文獻 119

圖2-1 資源基礎觀點的整合性分析架構 16
圖2-2 動態競爭策略理論模型 20
圖2-3 動態資源觀點 22
圖2-4 破壞與新7'S的關係圖 28
圖2-5 企業間對立的模式 31
圖2-6 國外市場進入模式決策圖 46
圖2-7 進入模式折衷理論之決策架構 47
圖2-8 Agarwal and Ramaswami 國外市場進入模式研究架構 48
圖2-9 國際策略決策模式 56
圖2-10 Porter 型態-協調架構 58
圖2-11 環境整合與差異回應壓力架構 60
圖2-12 Prahalad & Doz 整合-回應架構 62
圖2-13 全球策略觀念性架構 65
圖2-14 Stopford and Wells 多國籍企業模式 66
圖3-1 紮根理論執行流程 84

表2-1 資源基礎理論核心觀匯總念整理 14
表2-2 NEW 7'S的三層動態策略規劃 26
表2-3 虛構的延伸的四領域分析 29
表2-4 動態分析模式彙整表 32
表2-5 全球競爭策略類型 64
表3-2 研究目的分類 74
表3-3 抽樣類型分類及原理 75

參考文獻 References
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