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博碩士論文 etd-0827121-163753 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0827121-163753
An Exploration of the Relationship and the Mediating Mechanisms Between Abusive Supervision and Psychological Well-Being
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Date of Exam
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Abusive Supervision, Psychological Well-being, Self-focused, Other-focused, Mediating Mechanisms, Boundary Condition
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研究一採用資源理論的觀點來探討不當督導與心理健康分別是自我關注(憂鬱)和其他關注(同理關懷)相關結果之間的關係。研究 一 的模型把來自組織層面的資源,也就是員工所資源的組織支持度,作為進一步檢驗減輕不當督導與心理健康之間關係的邊界條件。研究的結果暗示,資源理論對透過障礙評價解釋不當督導對於情緒的關係有效,但與過去研究的發現結果一致,對於透過挑戰型評價的中介作用卻無法解釋不當督導與情緒關係。另一方便,研究發現了知覺的組織支持的限制,特別是對於經驗他人焦點情緒的不當督導的員工而言。除了從資源理論來說明不當督導與心理健康之間的關係外,研究 二在理論上採用了更廣泛且豐富的中介機制視角,作為補充於研究一當中只採用單一中介機轉來解釋不當督導到心理健康的關係。通過這樣的研究設計,本論文可以能夠提出更多已經被驗證過的中介機轉和相對應的邊界條件來闡明一系列實際干預措施。最後,本論文提出一個綜合橋接理論,以認知信念作為對未來研究的理論討論與臨床工作者在實際介入不當督導下處遇層次和策略作為本論文對未來研究的方向和建議。
The goal of this dissertation was to explore the relationship between abusive supervision and psychological well-being. Through an empirical study (Study one) and literature review (Study two), the results of these two studies can illustrate the impacts of abusive supervision on employees' psychological well-being from the integration of the mediating mechanisms proposed by previous scholars.
Study one adopted the viewpoint of resource theory to explore the relationship between abusive supervision and outcomes related to self-focus (depression) and other-focus (empathic concern). In addition, the model of Study one also involved resources from the organizational context to further examine as a boundary condition mitigating the relationship between abusive supervision and psychological well-being. In line with the previous studies, resource theory could partially explain the relationship between abusive supervision and emotions. Challenge appraisal was not able to mediate the relationship between abusive supervision and empathic concern. This leads to further direction in theoretical development.
Apart from regarding resource theory illustrating the relationship between abusive supervision and psychological well-being in Study one, Study two adopted a wider perspective of mediating mechanisms theoretically. By doing so, this dissertation can recommend a series of practical interventions by more proposed boundary conditions corresponding to mediating mechanisms. Finally, an overarching theory with cognitive beliefs was proposed for future research and practitioners.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
General Introduction ii
Acknowledgements 致謝 iv
中文摘要 v
Abstract vi
目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 viii
Study One 1
Introduction 1
Literature Review 3
Method 10
Analytical Strategies 12
Study Two 21
Introduction 21
Methods 23
Conceptualization of Psychological Well-Being 24
Mechanisms Connecting Abusive Supervision and Psychological Well-Being 30
An Over-Arching Perspective from Current Mediating Mechanisms 34
Boundary Conditions 36
General Discussion 41
Theoretical Contributions 42
Practical Contributions 43
Future Directions and Limitations 44
Conclusion 46
References 47
Appendices 53
Appendix1: Questionnaire for leaders (wave1) 53
Appendix2: Questionnaire for middle level leaders and employee (wave2) 57

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