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博碩士論文 etd-0827123-193205 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0827123-193205
大專院校專利申請及運用維護實證研究 -以國立中山大學為例
Research on Patent Application and Utilization in Higher Education Institutions: Taking National Sun Yat-sen University for example
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Academic Patents, Open Innovation, Science and Technology Fundamental Law, Descriptive Statistical Analysis, In-depth Interview Method
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大學擁有豐碩的研發能量,引起各界關注。如何將其轉化成產業,進一步促進 國家科研發展,是當前重要的課題。過去,大學被視為與現實生活脫節的象牙塔。 然而,隨著時代的變遷和資訊科技的發展,大學扮演的角色逐漸改變,由純粹教學 轉向研究發展,成為科研創新的重要場所。在此趨勢之下,我國於 1999 年通過『科 學技術基本法』,旨在提升科學技術水準、推動經濟發展和增進國家競爭力。自科 技基本法通過至今已逾 20 年,因此本研究欲探討該法之成效。以國立中山大學為 研究個案進行實證研究,探討科技基本法是否促進教師申請專利,並且加入管理理 論「開放式創新」,進一步探究學校如何運用此理論管理專利,促使衍生價值產生。
研究者透過文獻回顧整理大學如何運用開放式創新及專利的重要性,接著進 行敘述性統計分析國立中山大學教師的研究經費與專利請領及維護情況,共計 1,013 人。再透過訪談 3 位教授進一步了解無法從敘述性統計數據得知的細節。藉 由研究過程檢視整體制度和相關法案的有效性,並提供相應的管理機制和策略建 議,使開放式創新在學術界和產業界得到應用。
Universities possess significant research and development capabilities, drawing attention from various sectors. Converting these capabilities into tangible industries to further foster national scientific research and development is a crucial contemporary challenge. In the past, universities were perceived as ivory towers detached from real-life applications. However, with the changing times and advancements in information technology, their role has gradually evolved from purely academic to research-oriented, becoming essential hubs for scientific and innovative endeavors.
In light of this trend, we passed the "Science and Technology Fundamental Law" in 1999, aiming to elevate scientific and technological standards, drive economic development, and enhance national competitiveness. Over two decades have passed since the enactment of this law, prompting the present study to explore its efficacy. Focusing on National Sun Yat-sen University as a case study, this empirical research investigates whether the Science and Technology Fundamental Law has indeed encouraged faculty members to apply for patents and how the university has employed the management theory of "open innovation" to effectively govern these patents, fostering value creation.
I begin by conducting a literature review on how universities apply open innovation and the significance of patents. Subsequently, they employ descriptive statistical analysis to examine the research funding, patent applications, and maintenance status of 1,013 faculty members at National Sun Yat-sen University. To further explore details not apparent from descriptive statistics, the researchers conduct interviews with three professors. Through this research process, the effectiveness of the overall system and related legislation is evaluated, and corresponding management mechanisms and strategic recommendations are provided to facilitate the application of open innovation in both academic and industrial domains.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書............................................................................................ i
中文摘要 .............................................................................................. ii
Abstract ................................................................................................ iii
圖次 ..................................................................................................... vi
表次 ..................................................................................................... vii
第壹章 緒論 .......................................................................................... 1
第一節 研究背景 .................................................................................. 1
第二節 研究動機 .................................................................................. 4
第三節 初步觀察 .................................................................................. 5
第四節 研究流程 .................................................................................. 6
第貳章 文獻探討 .................................................................................. 8
第一節 開放式創新理論之介紹與應用_以大學為中心 .................... 8
第二節 大學實踐開放式創新_論專利申請與維護專利之必要 ....... 19
第三節 國內學者對於科技基本法與專利的相關研究 ..................... 23
第參章 研究方法 ................................................................................. 25
第一節 研究架構與方法 ..................................................................... 25
第二節 研究範圍與對象 ..................................................................... 26
第三節 研究程序與步驟 ..................................................................... 27
第肆章 敘述性統計分析...................................................................... 30
第一節 資料來源與處理 ..................................................................... 30
第二節 研究變數描述與分析 ............................................................. 39
第三節 綜合分析 ................................................................................. 51
第四節 界定訪談對象與確立研究問題 ............................................ 58
第伍章 訪談資料分析與歸納 ............................................................ 60
第一節 研究工具_深度訪談法 ......................................................... 60
第二節 訪談對象 ............................................................................... 60
第三節 訪談題目 .............................................................................. 61
第四節 訪談資料分析 ....................................................................... 62
第陸章 綜合討論 ................................................................................ 86
第柒章 結論與建議............................................................................. 95
第一節 研究結論與建議 .................................................................... 95
第二節 研究限制與未來研究建議 .................................................... 96
參考文獻 ............................................................................................. 97
附錄一 研究訪綱.................................................................................103
參考文獻 References
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