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論文名稱 Title |
柑桔窄胸天牛Philus antennatus生殖行為及族群生態學 Reproductive Behavior and Population Ecology of Philus antennatus |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
85 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2006-07-20 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2006-09-01 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
柑桔窄胸天牛、生殖行為、族群生態學 Population Ecology, Reproductive Behavior, Philus antennatus |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5818 次,被下載 1881 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5818 times, has been downloaded 1881 times. |
中文摘要 |
文旦柚於清康熙四十年從福建漳州引進台灣栽植,早期主要產區為台南縣麻豆鎮,柑桔窄胸天牛危害麻豆文旦,是近幾年的事,其肆虐情形比台灣常見的星天牛嚴重。尤於柑桔窄胸天牛為麻豆文旦新發現土棲害蟲,相關的研究,如基本食性分析,生殖行為模式,族群動態,生殖季節的族群數量變動,環境耐受性等等的資料,仍是相當少的。故本研究目的是想要藉由野外實際的觀察紀錄以研究麻豆地區文旦果園的柑桔窄胸天牛生殖行為及族群與棲地間的變動,以及與寄主植物間的關係為主,並對文旦園的綜合防治做一概述。柑桔窄胸天牛 Philus antennatus (Gyllenhal,1817) 的幼蟲前胸背板有皺摺成T型斑紋,為該幼蟲種的特徵,成蟲為夜行性,成蟲大發生期時於夜間出土後交配,雌天牛交尾後會開始找尋縫隙較小的地方產卵,孵化之幼蟲會鑽入土中,其主要啃食寄主植株之危害柚子鬚根、主根之靱皮部,柚子樹幹外圍的幼嫩細根鬚根受害較嚴重。造成根部疏導功能受損,無法運輸水分及養分,以致葉片稀疏,黃化,樹勢逐漸衰落,終致死亡。 柑桔窄胸天牛為1- 2年以上一世代,經歷卵,幼蟲,蛹,成蟲四階段,屬於完全變態,成蟲壽命短羽化後蛰伏於土中不取食,出土後目的僅在生殖交配,約1- 5日即死亡,大發生期約30日,出土高峰期約5- 7日,時間通常在五月下旬,卵期約13- 18日,幼蟲期約1- 2年以上不等,遇氣候,環境不佳,可以延長蛻皮,或者不羽化。蛹為裸蛹,約7- 11日.大多數柑桔窄胸天牛於夜晚20:00- 24:00交配和產卵。成蟲出土孔圓形,直徑8∼13mm,各孔獨立。柑桔窄胸天牛雄蟲體較細長,敏捷,剛羽化出土後即飛至樹上活動,具強烈趨光性,能在短距離內識別雌蟲。雌蟲對光線無強烈趨光反應,雌蟲羽化出土後對刺激的不反應性很高。在綜合防治方面主要是在大發生期以徒手方式捕捉成蟲,並輔以DIY誘蟲燈誘引雄成蟲最具成效,在卵期,幼蟲期,孵化期,大發生期也要配合不同的施治方法才能達到防治的效果,在農藥毒殺方面仍沒有確切有效的藥劑可供使用。 |
Abstract |
Wendan Citrus grandis was introduced from FuJian province to Taiwan in 1701 (Kanghsi 40 years, Ching dynasty), and wide planted around Madou county, Tainan since. In recent years, it was found that Wendan was easily infected and damaged by long-horn beetle Philus antennatus, which caused damage even worse than another destructive insect, white-spotted Long-horned beetle Anoplophoa malasiaca. From May 2003 to May 2009, I investigated the reproduction, development and population dynamics of the beetle in a shaddock orchard in Madou, and conducted experiments on its behavior. The results showed that wrinkled triple like T character in the front chest and pronotum is one of the characteristics of Philus antennatus larva. The adults were nocturnal and often came out of the excavation in the night to copulate. After copulation, female would lay eggs in a small crack. After hatched, the larvae drilled into soil and dwelled in the host plant, eating wendan’s fibrous roots, the phloem of the major roots, etc. Tender fibrous roots of shaddock’s trunk were severely damaged by the larvae, resulting in host plants not able to transport water and nutrients to the leaves, which would dry out and drop. Consequently, the host plants would gradually die. The life cycle of Philus antennatus lasted about one to two years. Four stages, egg, larva, pupa and adult were observed to complete metamorphosis. The adult’s life is short. After eclosion, the adults hide in the soil and do not eat. They will come out of the excavation only for copulation, and then died about 5 days after copulation. Eclosion stage lasts about 30 days, starting in late May, and incubation of egg takes about 13 -18 days. The larva stage lasts 1-2 years. But with bad climate or unfavorable environment, ecdysis would extend, and larvae would not eclosion |
目次 Table of Contents |
謝辭…………………………………………………………i 中文摘要……………………………………………………ii 英文摘要……………………………………………………iv 目錄…………………………………………………………v 圖目錄………………………………………………………vi 表目錄………………………………………………………viii 前言…………………………………………………………1 研究材料與方法……………………………………………4 結果…………………………………………………………9 討論…………………………………………………………27 參考文獻……………………………………………………35 附圖…………………………………………………………39 附表…………………………………………………………71 附錄…………………………………………………………75 |
參考文獻 References |
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