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Title page for etd-0902109-112238
Sexual differences in proteomics of the sonic muscles in three Johnius (Sciaenidae) species.
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Johnius distinctus, Johnius dussumieri, sonic muscle, Johnius amblycephalus, phylogeny, proteomics
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叫姑魚屬(Johnius) 隸屬於石首魚科(Sciaenidaae),在台灣水域共有五種,分別為頓頭叫姑魚(Johnius amblycephalus)、皮氏叫姑魚(Johnius belengerii)、大鼻孔叫姑魚(Johnius macrohynus)、道氏叫姑魚(Johnius dussumieri)和鱗鰭叫姑魚(Johnius distinctus)。石首魚能發出鳴音主要是經由發音肌的快速收縮及放鬆以震動泳鰾而產生。其中皮氏叫姑魚與大鼻孔叫姑魚僅雄魚有發音肌其它三種則雌雄個體均具有此肌肉。以雌雄都具有發音肌之道氏叫姑魚、鳞鰭叫姑魚及頓頭叫姑魚進行研究,利用組織學與蛋白體學的特徵比較雌雄叫姑魚之發音肌差異。另外利用CO1基因之分子演化探討其親緣關係,以了解發音肌在雌雄間存缺在此屬內之演變情形。發音肌重量及長寬厚度指數皆為雄魚大於雌魚。雌雄發音肌共分辨出17個蛋白質點,被鑑定為以下蛋白質種類: 5種結構性蛋白(Actin alpha skeletal muscle, Tropomyosin-1, Myosin light chain 2, Myosin light chain 3, Myosin light polypeptide 4)、10種能量代謝性蛋白(Parvalbumin, ATP synthase subunit beta, GTP cyclohydrolase, creatine kinase isoform α, Muscle-type creatine kinase, Putative pterin-4-alpha-carbinolamine dehydratase, Beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase, Protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase 4, Triosephosphate isomerase, creatine kinase1)及1種壓力蛋白(Heat shock protein 70)。其中加以討論蛋白質表現量有性別差異之可能原因。在親源關係上皮氏叫姑魚與大鼻孔叫姑魚之親緣關係較近,而道氏、鳞鰭及頓頭叫姑魚為較原始的種類且並未成一單系群,此屬之祖先是否兩性均具有發音肌尚無法確定。
Johnius specis (Sciaenidae) in Taiwanese waters include five species, Johnius amblycephalus, Johnius belengerii, Johnius macrohynus, Johnius dussumieri and Johnius distinctus. They are soniferous fishes. Contraction and relaxation of the sonic muscles cause the swim bladder to pulsate thus generating and amplifying the sounds. Among these species, only males of J. belengerii and J. macrohynus possess sonic muscle, whereas both sexes of the other three species possess sonic muscles. Proteomic characteristics in the male and female sonic muscles are studied in order to observe if obvious dimorphism exists. CO1-gene sequences were used to reconstruct the phylogenetic tree for these five species. The evolutionary pathway of this tree should suggest the evolutionary change of the sexual dimorphism in the sonic system. Various indices relating to muscle size were higher in male. 17 protein spots were shown in the 2D page for male and female sonic muscles, including 5 structural proteins (Actin alpha skeletal muscle, Tropomyosin-1, Myosin light chain 2, Myosin light chain 3, Myosin light polypeptide 4) and 10 metabolic proteins (Parvalbumin, ATP synthase subunit beta, GTP cyclohydrolase, creatine kinase isoform α, Muscle-type creatine kinase, Putative pterin-4-alpha-carbinolamine dehydratase, Beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase, Protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase 4, Triosephosphate isomerase, creatine kinase1 ) and stress protein(Heat shock protein 70) . Differences in expression between the sexes were discussed. The resulted phylogenetic trees show that J. belengerii and J. macrohynus are more closely related than to the other three species, which are more basal and members not belong to a specific clade. Whether the common ancestor of Johnius possessed the sonic muscles remains unclear.
目次 Table of Contents
謝詞 i

中文摘要------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
英文摘要------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
目錄------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ v

表目錄---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii

圖目錄---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- viii
前言------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
發音肌------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
蛋白質體學------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
親缘關係--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
研究目的--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
實驗材料與方法---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
實驗材料--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
台灣常見叫姑魚屬之親缘關係分析------------------------------------------------------------ 6
發音肌外部型態及組織學分析----------------------------------------------------------------- 8
蛋白質體分析---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
統計分析--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
結果------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
雌雄發音肌觀察-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
雌雄發音肌肌纖維面積的差異----------------------------------------------------------------- 14
發音肌蛋白的差異----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
親缘關係之研究-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
討論------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
參考文獻------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
表---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
圖---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
個人履歷------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39
參考文獻 References
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