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論文名稱 Title |
大小型社群影響者對消費者的影響機制:贊助揭露程度與圖片背景的干擾效果 The Mechanisms of Micro- and Macro-Social Media Influencers on Consumer: Moderating Effects of Sponsorship Disclosure and Photo Background |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
173 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2023-09-06 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2023-10-04 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
社群影響者類型、真誠性、專業性、贊助揭露程度、圖片背景 social media influencer types, sincerity, expertise, sponsorship disclosure, photo background |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 216 次,被下載 14 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 216 times, has been downloaded 14 times. |
中文摘要 |
隨著社群媒體影響者(Social media influencers, SMI)產業逐漸成熟,大型SMI的來源可信度及社會影響力逐漸擴大,也有越來越多高真實性的小型SMI進入社群市場,以高互動、親密度的特性受到粉絲及企業喜愛。由此可見,大小型SMI的差異將成為企業進行SMI行銷時的決策關鍵,然而過去研究多專注於SMI與傳統名人的比較,探討SMI群體間差異的研究則相對缺乏。因此,本研究將深入探討不同類型的SMI對消費者的影響機制差異,以真誠性及專業性作為中介變數,並加入SMI與企業合作時常見的內容創作策略-圖片背景及贊助揭露程度,以進一步發展不同類型SMI進行企業合作時的適配策略。 本研究採用實驗法進行三項實驗,實驗一針對SMI類型(大型vs. 小型)進行實驗,並將SMI性別(男vs. 女)納入實驗設計,排除了該變數對後續實驗的影響,共收回138份有效樣本;實驗二加入干擾變數,並增加奈米SMI的組別以觀察更大粉絲數差距時,SMI之間的機制差異,採用3(SMI類型:大型vs. 小型vs. 奈米) x 2(贊助揭露程度:高vs. 低)x 2(圖片背景:實景vs. 素色)的三因子組間設計,共收回630份有效樣本;由於前兩項實驗的結果不一致,實驗三欲再次驗證不同SMI類型的差異,採用2(SMI類型:大型vs. 小型)x 2(贊助揭露程度:高vs. 低)x 2(圖片背景:實景vs. 素色)的三因子組間設計,共收回409份有效樣本。研究結果發現:(1)大型SMI比小型SMI有更高的專業性及真誠性,並進而影響消費者反應;(2)真誠性無法作為小型SMI之影響機制;(3)相較於大型SMI,小型SMI使用低贊助揭露及實景背景貼文時,更有機會凸顯其真誠性。研究結果為不同SMI類型差異進行了初步研究,並為SMI及品牌方釐清了不同SMI的特性及優勢情境。 |
Abstract |
As the influencer industry evolves, Macro-Social Media Influencers (Macro-SMIs) gain prominence, while authentic Micro-Social Media Influencers (Micro-SMIs) also rise in popularity. Distinguishing between these two is crucial for businesses in influencer marketing decisions. Past research mostly compared SMIs to traditional celebrities, leaving gaps in understanding SMI types. This study explores these distinctions, using sincerity and expertise as mediating factors, and incorporates photo background and sponsorship disclosure. This study conducted three experiments. In Experiment 1, we looked at SMI types (macro vs. micro) and included SMI gender (male vs. female) to account for potential effects on subsequent experiments, with 138 valid samples collected. In Experiment 2, we introduced moderating variables and added Nano-SMI groups to observe differences among SMIs with larger follower gaps, collecting 630 valid samples using a 3 (SMI types: macro vs. micro vs. nano) x 2 (sponsorship disclosure: high vs. low) x 2 (photo backgrounds: contextual vs. white) design. Experiment 3, in response to inconsistent results, aimed to reaffirm differences between SMI types, with 409 valid samples and a 2 (SMI types: macro vs. micro) x 2 (sponsorship disclosure: high vs. low) x 2 (photo backgrounds: contextual vs. white) design. The findings of the study reveal: (1) Macro-SMIs demonstrate more expertise and sincerity, influencing consumer responses; (2) Sincerity doesn’t serve as a mechanism of Micro-SMIs; (3) Micro-SMIs can highlight their sincerity effectively, especially with low sponsorship disclosure and contextual backgrounds. The study offers initial insights into the differences among SMI types and clarifies their traits and beneficial situations. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 誌謝 ii 摘要 iii Abstract iv 壹、緒論1 第一節、研究背景1 第二節、研究動機9 第三節、研究問題12 第四節、研究目的12 貳、文獻探討13 第一節、社群媒體影響者(social media influencers, SMI)13 第二節、專業性(expertise)20 第三節、真誠性(sincerely)23 第四節、贊助揭露 (sponsorship disclosure)26 第五節、圖片背景(photography background)29 第六節、產品態度 (product attitude)32 第七節、購買意願 (purchase intention)33 第八節、社群參與 (social engagement)34 參、假說推論35 第一節、研究架構35 第二節、假說推論36 肆、實驗一45 第一節、研究方法45 第二節、分析結果51 伍、實驗二60 第一節、研究方法60 第二節、分析結果65 陸、實驗三94 第一節、研究方法94 第二節、分析結果99 柒、結論114 第一節、主要發現與討論114 第二節、理論貢獻119 第三節、實務貢獻121 第四節、研究限制與未來方向124 參考文獻127 附錄145 |
參考文獻 References |
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