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Title page for etd-0905123-221023
The Advertising Effectiveness of Different Types of Co-branding Partner on the Convenience Store Delicacies
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Co-branding, Experts, Social Media Influencers, Perceived Trustworthiness, Curiosity, Non-verbal Communication Cues, Typeface
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實驗一利用餐飲專家和社群影響者的超商聯名鮮食貼文,目的為驗證兩種不同類型聯名人(餐飲專家 vs. 美食社群影響者)搭配不同超商(7-11 vs. 全家)之二因子組間設計,總共回收有效樣本數為180份;實驗二利用餐飲專家和社群影響者有無搭配人像和不同姓名字體的超商聯名鮮食海報,目的為驗證兩種不同類型聯名人搭配人像有無和不同姓名字體的效果,2(聯名人類型:餐飲專家 vs.美食社群影響者) x2(人像呈現:有 vs.無) x2(姓名字體呈現:機器字 vs.手寫字)之三因子組間設計,總共回收有效樣本數為420份。本研究為實驗法,透過廣告操弄不同類型之聯名人、人像呈現有無與姓名字體呈現的搭配,會如何藉由知覺信任感和好奇感中介,影響人們對於聯名鮮食的產品態度與購買意圖。
本研究根據文獻探討為以下結果:(1)餐飲專家聯名人相較於美食社群影響者聯名人會產生較高程度的信任感與好奇感、(2)知覺信任感和好奇感會帶來較高程度的產品態度與購買意圖、(3) 有呈現人像搭配餐飲專家聯名人相較於美食社群影響者聯名人會產生較高程度的知覺信任感,但對於餐飲專家聯名人與美食社群影響者聯名人的好奇感無顯著差異;無呈現人像搭配餐飲專家聯名人相較於美食社群影響者聯名人會產生較高程度的知覺信任感和好奇感、(4)機器姓名字體搭配餐飲專家聯名人相較於美食社群影響者聯名人會產生較高程度的知覺信任感與好奇感;手寫姓名字體搭配餐飲專家聯名人相較於美食社群影響者聯名人會產生較高程度的知覺信任感,但對於餐飲專家聯名人與美食社群影響者聯名人的好奇感無顯著差異、(5)人像有無呈現不會影響信任感和好奇感的中介、(6) 字體呈現會影響信任感和好奇感的中介。
In the past, convenience stores collaborated extensively with renowned caterers to enhance the quality of their fresh food offerings through the expertise of culinary professionals. This allowed consumers to enjoy high-quality delectable food at convenience stores at any time. However, in the past year, convenience stores have expanded their collaborations beyond just culinary experts, and partnering with social media influencers has become a new trend. Whenever these collaborations result in the development of new products, it generates significant attention and boosts sales for the convenience stores. Therefore, this study aims to investigate whether consumers' "product attitudes" and "purchase intentions" regarding co-branded fresh food are influenced by different " co-branding partner type." Additionally, when convenience stores collaborate with individuals, they often use eye-catching advertising visuals in addition to news media reports. However, these visual advertisements rely solely on non-verbal cues. Hence, this study focuses on non-verbal cues within advertisements, such as " portrait " and " typeface of names," to examine whether consumers perceive varying degrees of "perceived trustworthiness " and "curiosity" based on the " co-branding partner type," consequently affecting their "product attitudes" and "purchase intentions."
Experiment one utilized social media posts featuring co-branded fresh food products with culinary experts and social media influencers. The objective was to verify the effects of two factors: "co-branding partner type" (culinary expert vs. food influencer) and "convenience store type" (7-11 vs. Family Mart) in a two-factor between-groups design. A total of 180 valid samples were collected. In experiment two, co-branded fresh food posters were used, featuring culinary experts and social media influencers, with or without the inclusion of their images and using different typeface for their names. The goal was to examine the effects of two factors: "co-branding partner type" (culinary expert vs. food influencer) and " portrait " (presence vs. absence) as well as " typeface of names" (machine-generated vs. handwritten) in a two-factor between-groups design. A total of 420 valid samples were collected. This study, conducted as an experimental design research, explores how different combinations of co-branding partners, the presence or absence of portrait, and typeface impact consumers' attitudes and purchase intentions towards co-branded fresh food through the mediation of perceived trustworthiness and curiosity. Based on a review of the literature, the following results were found:
(1)Culinary experts as co-branding partners generate higher levels of perceived trustworthiness and curiosity compared to food influencers.、(2)Perceived trustworthiness and curiosity lead to higher levels of product attitudes and purchase intentions.、(3)The presence of portrait in conjunction with culinary experts leads to higher levels of perceived trustworthiness compared to food influencers, but there is no significant difference in curiosity between expert and influencer co-branding partners.、(4) Machine-written typeface in conjunction with culinary experts generate higher levels of perceived trustworthiness and curiosity compared to food influencers, while handwritten typeface lead to higher perceived trust only in the case of culinary experts, with no significant difference in curiosity between expert and influencer co-branding partners.、(5)The presence or absence of portrait does not impact the mediation of perceived trustworthiness and curiosity.、(6) Typeface do impact the mediation of perceived trustworthiness and curiosity.
This study aims to leverage advertising design to enhance sales of co-branded fresh food products with different types of co-branding partners and to provide practical guidance for convenience stores in selecting co-branding partners and creating advertisements when launching co-branded products.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iv
Abstract vi
目錄 viii
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 7
第三節 研究問題 9
第四節 研究目的 9
第貳章 文獻回顧 11
第一節 品牌聯名(CO-BRANDING ) 11
第二節 代言人定義 (ENDORSER) 19
第四節 好奇感(CURIOSITY) 25
第六節 字體類型(TYPEFACE) 32
第參章 研究架構與假說推論 37
第一節 研究架構 37
第二節 假說推論 37
第肆章 實驗前測 47
第一節、前測選擇與招募 47
第二節、前測結果 48
第伍章 實驗一 50
第一節、研究方法 50
第二節、分析結果 55
第陸章 實驗二 61
第一節 研究方法 61
第二節、分析結果 67
第柒章、結論與建議 100
第一節 研究發現與討論 100
第二節 理論意涵 105
第三節 實務意涵 107
第四節 研究限制與未來研究方向 109
參考文獻 114
附錄 134
附錄一:前測問卷 134
附錄二:實驗一問卷 136
附錄三:實驗二問卷 140

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