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博碩士論文 etd-0906115-224532 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0906115-224532
台灣跨國企業策略性人力資源管理應用於企業社會責任之實踐: 高效率資源利用以達到持續競爭優勢
Engagement of Strategic Human Resource Management in Corporate Social Responsibility Practices by Taiwan Multinational Enterprises: Effective Resources Utilization to Achieve Sustained Competitive Advantage
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Alternative Measures, CSR Communication, Human Capital Resources, Strategic Human Resource Management, Institutional Theory, Short-term Competitive Advantage, Resource-Based View, Sustained Competitive Advantage
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5965 times, has been downloaded 520 times.
In this study, we focused on ethical issues of Taiwan Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) experienced resistances and rampages from different regions in developing countries such as China and Southeast Asia discontinuously for many years. After reviewed the peculiarities on international business ethics practiced by Taiwan MNEs in developing regions and developed regions, it showed that these Taiwan MNEs were found to be ethically inclined toward the compliances of local environments and generic human rights. The findings showed that overly undervalued human capital resources is one of the major factors of the outcomes. Nevertheless, unethical practices found in these Taiwan MNEs are cross-industrial and are accused to highly ignorance and disobedience to environmental requirements or regulations by the managerial climate of deficiency in inter-cultural awareness. Using Resource-Based View, Institutional Theory and Resource Dependence Theory, measurements that can define these ethical efforts, especially Strategic Human Resource Management can enhance profit more than just in financial aspect, and further, able to decrease the risk of internal and external retribution of the enterprise. Thus, we proposed sustainability and continuous development of the enterprise will highly depend on stakeholders’ collaboration. Re-concern the importance and issues of Taiwan MNEs’ discrimination in human capital resources and provide feasible solutions will be critical to reverse negative impressions by the stakeholders.
目次 Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction……………………………………………………………1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation……………………………...…1
1.2 What so Special about Taiwan CSR Issues?..........................................2
1.2.1 Irresponsible Recruiting Agency……………………..………...5
1.2.2 Vietnam Anti-China Protest in May, 2014………………...…...6
1.2.3 Taiwan Food Safety Scandals………………………………..…8
1.3 Profit before People is not the Forte of SMEs only, Large Enterprises can be the Top of the League.............................................11
1.3.1 The Evil Food Giant—Nestle……….……..…………..........12
1.3.2 A Selfish Pharmaceutical Leader’s Conspiracy—Pfizer…....13
1.3.3 Oil can buy People and Conscience—ExxonMobil…...........15
1.3.4 Do you want Polar Bears to be Homeless?—Shell………....16
1.3.5 “Save Your Money, I Live Better”—Wal-Mart…………….18
1.3.6 Can you Smell the Moneys?—Dow Chemical……………...19
1.3.7 Seeds of the Devil—Monsanto……………………………...20
1.4 Why Taiwan MNEs Choose to establish Sites in China and Southeast Asia?.....................................................................................................22
1.5 Relation between Cultural Similarity and Enterprise Ethics…………25
1.6 Affection of Individual Life Story to Value System…………………29

Chapter 2 Literature Review…………………….....……………………………37
2.1 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)……………………...............37
2.2 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)…………….…….42
2.3 Resource Based View (RBV)………………………………………..48
2.4 Institutional Theory (IT)……………………………………………..54
2.4.1 Theory of Institutional Deficiencies (TIDE)………………..58
2.5 Resource Dependent Theory (RDT)…………………………………58
2.5.1 Merger and Acquisitions (M&As)/Vertical Integration…….60
2.5.2 Joint Ventures (JVs)………………………………………...61
2.5.3 Board of Directors………………………………………..…62
2.5.4 Political Action……………………………………………...63
2.5.5 Executive Succession……………………………………….64
2.6 Alternative Measures………………………………………………...65
2.7 Definition and Quotation of Research Specific Terms……………...67
Chapter 3 Research Methodology……………………………………….………76
3.1 Interview Questions……………………………………………….....79
3.1.1 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)……........79
3.1.2 CSR Communication………………………….…………….80
3.1.3 Alternative Measures……………………….……………….81
3.1.4 Short-term Competitive Advantage (StCA)….…………......82
3.1.5 Sustained Competitive Advantage (SCA)……………..…....82
3.1.6 Mediating Effect of SHRM to CSR Communication….……83
3.1.7 Mediating Effect of Alternative Measures to SHRM…….…83
3.1.8 Mediating Effect of Alternative Measures to StCA……..…..84
3.2.9 Mediating Effect of CSR Communication to SCA………….84
Chapter 4. Analysis and Findings………………………………….…………….85
4.1 List of the Comparative Conducted Interviews………………………86
4.2 SHRM………………………………………………………………...97
4.3 CSR Communication…………………………………………………99
4.4 Alternative Measures…………………………………………..……102
4.5 StCA………………………………………………...…………….…104
4.6 SCA………………………………………………………………….108
4.7 Mediating Effect of SHRM to CSR Communication……………….111
4.8 Mediating Effect of Alternative Measures to StCA………………….113
4.9 Mediating Effect of Alternative Measures to SHRM……..…………114
4.10 Mediating Effect of CSR Communication to SCA…………………..116
Chapter 5. Conclusions, Suggestions and Limitations……………….………...119
5.1 Implications…………………………………………….……………..119
5.2 Suggestions……………………………………………………………122
5.3 Limitations…………………………………………………………….124
5.4 Conclusions……………………………………………………………125

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