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論文名稱 Title |
以價值為基礎採用模式探討中華電信用戶使用5G行動服務意圖 Using Value-Based Adoption Model to Study the Chunghwa Telecoms' customers' Intention for 5G mobile service. |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
70 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2021-09-17 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2021-10-06 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
5G 行動網路、價值採用模型、個人 IT 創新接受度、感知價值、炫 耀性消費行為 5Gmobile internet, Value-based adoption model, perceived value, Personal Innovativeness in IT, Conspicuous Consumption |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 390 次,被下載 125 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 390 times, has been downloaded 125 times. |
中文摘要 |
2020 年 6 月,中華電信董事長謝繼茂宣布 5G 行動服務開台,台灣邁入 5G 時 代,全台各地不斷的部署 5G 的基地台,期望在最短的時間內將 5G 訊號涵蓋全台 各地,為此,中華電信砸下大筆資金建設以及投標 5G 的執照,當務之急就是將資 金回收,資金來源想必就是消費者了,而 5G 主打著月繳 1399 的高昂月租費,加 上 3 年前的「499 之亂」重挫行動服務市場行情,用戶不願再以高資費申租電信服 務。 本人於中華電信門市服務,隨著 5G 的開放,首要績效目標就是提升 5G 用戶 數,但至今始終無法有效的提升用戶數。故本研究將以「價值接受模型」探討中華 電信用戶對於 5G 行動服務的價值感受以及採用意願,並加入了人格特質及上網使 用目的兩項一同探討,一共有 9 項研究假設以驗證研究的架構,透過問卷調查的 方式,一共回收有效問卷 251 份。研究過程採用 SmartPLS 軟體進行驗證,研究結 果將識別用戶對於 5G 行動服務的「高速率」、「低延遲」、「價格高」、「訊號差」、 「重度影音使用者」、「重度遊戲使用者」、「創新接受度」、「炫耀心理」與「感知價 值」兩兩之間交互衡量的影響,最後再將「感知價值」與「採用意願」兩者分析衡 量,用戶對於 5G 行動服務所得到的總體價值感,對其採用 5G 行動服務的意願有 著顯著的影響。 最後,本研究將影響「感知價值」的各項構念加以解釋,再給予業者些許理論 面和實務面的建議。 |
Abstract |
In June 2020, Hsieh Ji-Mao, Chairman of Chunghwa Telecom announced the launch of 5G mobile services officially. 5G base stations are continuously built throughout Taiwan. It is hoped that 5G signals will be covered throughout Taiwan as soon as possible. Chunghwa Telecom spent a large amount of funds for 5G based construction and bidding for 5G licenses. The top priority is to recover the funds back. Therefore, the target must aim to consumers of CHT. The price of 5G services is 1399 NTD/monthly with unlimited usage, which is an expensive cost for customers. Furthermore, there were a historical event 3 years ago, people in Taiwan called it "499 Chaos" has destruct the mobile service market literally. Thus, it is a tough mission to recover the market for mobile services, consumers are reluctant to afford high-price mobile services. I serve in Chunghwa Telecom's store. The primary goal is to increase the number of 5G users, but so far It has been an impossible issue to increase the number of users effectively. Therefore, this study will use the "value-based adoption model" to research customers’ value perception and intention to use 5G mobile services, and in order to make this research model complete, we add personality traits and the purpose of using the mobile service to into our research model. There are 9 research hypotheses used to verify the structure of the research. Through the questionnaire survey, a total of 251 valid questionnaires were collected. The research process was verified by using SmartPLS software. The research results will identify users’ “high speed”, “low latency”, “high price”, “bad signal”, “heavy audiovisual users”, and “gaming users” for 5G mobile services”, “innovation acceptance”, “showoff” and “perceived value”. Finally, the hypotheses “perceived value” and “intention to adopt” are analyzed and measured. The user’s experience of 5G mobile services Its overall sense of value has a significant impact on its intention to adopt 5G mobile services. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 ........................................................................................................ i 誌謝................................................................................................................... ii 摘要.................................................................................................................. iii ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... iv 目錄.................................................................................................................. vi 圖次................................................................................................................ viii 表次.................................................................................................................. ix 第一章 緒論......................................................................................................1 第一節 研究背景................................................................................................1 第二節 研究動機................................................................................................2 第三節 研究目的................................................................................................5 第四節 研究流程圖...........................................................................................6 第二章 文獻探討..............................................................................................7 第一節 行動網路相關文獻之發展 ....................................................................7 第二節 以電信業者所提供之資訊探討 5G 行動服務特色 .............................. 9 第三節 5G 行動服務應用.................................................................................10 第四節 感知價值..............................................................................................11 第五節 價值接受模型 VALUE-BASED ADOPTION MODEL .........................................13 第六節 個人 IT 創新接受度(PERSONAL INNOVATIVENESS IN IT , PIIT )......................14 第七節 炫耀性消費行為 ..................................................................................15 第三章 研究模型與假說................................................................................. 16 第一節 研究模型..............................................................................................16 第二節 研究假說..............................................................................................17 第三節 控制變數..............................................................................................23 第四節 操作型定義..........................................................................................23 第五節 問卷受測對象......................................................................................25 第四章 研究結果分析..................................................................................... 26 第一節 樣本資料分析......................................................................................26 第二節 人口統計分析......................................................................................26 第三節 模型假說與驗證 ..................................................................................29 第四節 假說驗證..............................................................................................38 第五章 結論與建議 ........................................................................................ 41 第一節 研究結果與建議 ..................................................................................41 第二節 理論及實務面檢討 ..............................................................................42 第三節 研究限制..............................................................................................44 第四節 未來研究方向......................................................................................44 中文參考文獻.................................................................................................. 45 英文參考文獻.................................................................................................. 47 附錄 本研究正式問卷..................................................................................... 52 |
參考文獻 References |
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