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博碩士論文 etd-0910121-184244 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0910121-184244
A study on the participant’s opinion for international joint teaching program
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Joint teaching Program, Joint degree, International Cooperation, Globalization, Survey method
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 248 times, has been downloaded 36 times.
1. 參加學生在參加本學程之前均具有不同程度的國際經驗;顯示學生應有足夠的家庭經濟支持,方會參加聯合教學學程。
2. 參加學生對於該學程整體形象的滿意度最高,而對於該學程中各面向的滿意度則低於整體形象的滿意度;顯示學生對於該學程有著較佳的整體評價,而不會受到不同面向較低滿意度的影響。
3. 參加學生對於該學程中各向度的評價上,對課程反饋的滿意度為最低;顯示學生可能因在必須在各校之間異地流動,而無法及時得到授課老師的課程回饋。
More and more students are willing to study abroad for more advanced education programs recently. International collaboration regarding education becomes important nowadays. Joint program offers strong academic and institutional partnerships among universities and trains participants' global mindset and cultural adjustment.
This study is focusing on 32 participants of 2017ACT/MGB Joint program which is an International cooperation among educational institutions. Quantitative method is adopted, and online questionnaire is applied. The key findings as below:
1. Students who joined this program all have international experience prior program and financial support from family.
2. Due to time restriction between modules, professors cannot provide feedback in time. Thus, course feedback has the lowest rank among all elements.
3. Participants in generally had positive experience during this program despite that the average score of all elements (except overall image) is less than overall image.
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis Validation Letter i
Chinese Abstract ii
Abstract iii
Contents iv
Tables vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Study Background 1
1.2 Study Purpose 4
Chapter 2 Literature Review 5
2.1 International Collaboration 5
2.2 Inter- Institutional Cooperation 10
2.3 International Education Joint Program 12
2.4 Related Research in International Education Joint Program 15
Chapter 3 Methodology 18
3.1 A Quantitative Approach 18
3.2 Instrument/questionnaire 19
3.3 Study Objects 22
3.4 Data Collection 30
3.4 Study Hypothesis 31
Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Findings 32
4.1 International experience before ACT/MGB Program 32
4.2 Overall Image about ACT/MGB Program 35
4.3 Support from my University 37
4.4 Instructors of ACT/MGB Program 40
4.5 Course Design of ACT/MGB program 43
4.6 Grading System of ACT/MGB program 46
4.7 Course Feedback of ACT/MGB program 49
4.8 Familiar with culture and environment of Canada 52
4.9 Familiar with culture and environment of Taiwan 56
4.10 Familiar with culture and environment of Austria 60
Chapter 5 Conclusions & Discussions 64
5.1 Results 64
5.2 Discussion 69
5.3 Limitations 72
5.4 Suggestions 74
References 75
Appendix: 81
Questionnaire 81
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