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博碩士論文 etd-0920121-204357 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0920121-204357
Automatic Firmware Vulnerability Detection Based on Machine Learning
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Third-party Library, Firmware, Automation, Cross Architecture, Similarity Detection
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As the prevalence of the Internet of Things and its flourishing advancement, many industries and organization has taken advantage of Internet of Thing in their daily operations, and the IoT security has become a significant issue. Nowadays, third-party libraries are usually imported to IoT device in order to expand their functionalities. However, once there are vulnerabilities in third-party libraries, many IoT devices will be influenced and more prone to cyber-attacks. Moreover, the widespread vulnerable third-party libraries will also be the adversities for researcher to detect and patch the system.
Firmware analysis is usually the primary method when examining IoT devices. However, the diversity of firmware architectures and humongous amounts of files in file system can procrastinate the progress of firmware analysis significantly. Therefore, conducting firmware analysis effectively requires researchers to possess certain sophisticated expertise and experiences.
To solve the abovementioned issues and mitigate workloads from researchers, this study developed an automated cross-platform firmware detection system. This study summarized previous methodology and design a neural network model to perform similarity check with vulnerable code segments. The proposed system can identify potential malicious function as well as discover sensitive information in file system. The analysis report can help researchers and investigators examine the IoT devices and discover embryonic security risks.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖次 vi
表次 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 韌體 7
2.2 動態分析 8
2.3 靜態分析 10
2.3 相似度檢測 11
2.4 控制流程圖(Control Flow Graph,CFG) 13
2.5 韌體分析工具 14
2.5.1 拆解工具 14
2.5.2 檢測工具 15
2.5.3 二進制檔分析工具 15
2.6 神經網路模型 17
2.6.1 深度神經網路(DNN) 18
2.6.2 孿生神經網路(Siamese Networks) 18
第三章 研究方法 20
3.1 韌體解壓縮模組 24
3.2 敏感資訊檢索模組 25
3.3 函式特徵提取模組 28
3.3.1. 屬性控制流程圖特徵 29
3.3.2.特徵預處理 32
3.4 檢測模組 34
3.4.1神經網路模型訓練 36
3.4.2 相似度計算 37
第四章 系統評估 38
4.1 實驗一 ACFG特徵提取方法比較 41
4.2 實驗二 相似度模型評估 44
4.3 實驗三 系統成效驗證 50
4.4 實驗四 韌體分析工具比較 52
第五章 研究貢獻與未來展望 55
參考文獻 56

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