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博碩士論文 etd-0926123-164957 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0926123-164957
Continuous Monitoring of Acute Hypotensive Episodes Based on Non-Invasive Physiological Signals
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Hypotension, Blood Pressure Estimation, Non-Invasive, Calibration, Deep Learning
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急性低血壓(Acute Hypotension)可能導致心臟衰竭、急性腎衰竭等併發症,常常在短時間內威脅患者的生命。如何提前準確地預測急性低血壓已經成為了醫學界和工程界廣泛關注的臨床熱門議題。如果能提前預警可能發生的低血壓事件,臨床醫生便能盡早採取相應的措施以避免風險的發生與影響。
近年來,得益於機器學習(Machine Learning, ML)、深度學習(Deep Learning, DL)的發展。這些技術得以被應用至各種不同的醫療場景,作為創新、有效且可行的解決方案。主流研究透過從侵入式量測的血壓提取特徵,將其用作預測未來可能發生的急性低血壓。而另一個受到廣泛關注的研究領域則是透過光體積變化描記圖法(Photoplethysmography, PPG)、心電描記術(Electrocardiography, ECG/EKG)等非侵入式生理訊號估計動脈壓(Arterial Blood Pressure, ABP)。
本研究的實驗設計基於真實加護病房(Intensive Care Unit, ICU)臨床收集的大型資料庫MIMIC,以模擬實際應用場景的方式,探討了基於非侵入式訊號之連續低血壓監測方法的可行性與限制,並嘗試透過簡單有效的校準(Calibration)方式,改善模型的泛用性能。理想測試環境的實驗結果顯示本研究提出的方法具有相當程度的潛力,而所提出的校準方法也有助於改善實際應用時的模型預測性能。

Acute hypotension can lead to complications such as heart failure and acute kidney injury, often posing a life-threatening risk to patients in a short timeframe. The accurate prediction of acute hypotension has become a widely discussed clinical issue in both the medical and engineering communities. Early warning of potential hypotensive events could enable clinicians to take timely measures to mitigate risks and their impact.
In recent years, advancements in machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) have opened doors for innovative, effective, and feasible solutions across various healthcare scenarios. Mainstream research has focused on extracting features from invasively measured blood pressure for predicting future episodes of acute hypotension. Another extensively studied area involves estimating arterial blood pressure (ABP) through non-invasive physiological signals like photoplethysmography (PPG) and electrocardiography (ECG/EKG).
This study builds upon non-invasive ABP estimation methods and further develops a non-invasive continuous monitoring approach for acute hypotension. It adapts the classic Unet model, commonly used in computer vision for image segmentation, to 1D representations of temporal waveform data within deep learning. Techniques such as transfer learning and multitask learning are employed to learn underlying mapping relationships from relevant physiological signals. The fitted model is used for automated feature extraction, which is then utilized for predicting future acute hypotensive episodes.
The experimental design of this study is based on a large database, MIMIC, collected from real Intensive Care Unit (ICU) clinical settings, simulating practical application scenarios. It investigates the feasibility and limitations of continuous non-invasive monitoring methods based on physiological signals and attempts to enhance the model's generalizability through a straightforward and effective calibration process. The results in an ideal testing environment demonstrate a significant potential for the proposed method in this study, and the calibration techniques suggested also contribute to improving the model's predictive performance in real-world applications.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖次 vii
表次 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 1
1.3 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 血壓估計(Blood Pressure Estimation) 4
2.1.1 收縮壓/舒張壓/平均動脈壓(SBP/DBP/MAP) 4
2.1.2 連續動脈壓(ABP)波形 4
2.2 實時低血壓事件預測(Real-Time Hypotension Prediction) 5
2.2.1 基於侵入式生理訊號 5
2.2.2 基於非侵入式生理訊號 6
2.3 深度學習方法 6
2.3.1 卷積神經網路(CNN) 7
2.3.2 一維卷積神經網路(1D CNN) 8
2.3.3 殘差網路(ResNet) 8
2.3.4 U-net 8
2.3.5 多任務學習(Multi-task Learning, MTL) 9
第三章 研究資料與方法 10
3.1 資料集建立 10
3.1.1 原始資料來源 10
3.1.2 紀錄選擇 11
3.1.3 可用時間段提取 11
3.1.4 訊號濾波 11
3.1.5 血壓特徵值提取及標註 12
3.1.6 低血壓事件標註 12
3.1.7 排除無效的訊號片段 15
3.1.8 彙總訓練、驗證及測試子集 15
3.2 深度學習架構(Deep Learning Architecture) 17
3.2.1 輸入卷積塊(In-convolution Block) 18
3.2.2 殘差塊(Residual Block) 18
3.2.3 輸出卷積塊(Out-convolution Block) 19
3.2.4 編碼器(Encoder) 19
3.2.5 解碼器(Decoder) 19
3.2.6 血壓估計器/低血壓分類器(BP Estimator/HPO Classifier) 19
3.2.7 校準(Calibration) 20
第四章 實驗結果與討論 22
4.1 實驗流程設計 22
4.1.1 生理訊號建模 22
4.1.2 低血壓預測 23
4.1.3 校準 24
4.2 評估指標 24
4.2.1 血壓估計方法評估 24
4.2.2 低血壓事件預測方法評估 26
4.3 實驗結果 28
4.3.1 評估血壓估計 28
4.3.2 急性低血壓事件預測評估 32
4.4 綜合討論 33
4.4.1 SBP之高變異性 34
4.4.2 受試者生理訊號的過擬合 35
第五章 結論 37
第六章 參考文獻 38

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