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博碩士論文 etd-0929120-141208 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0929120-141208
The Pursuit of Luxury Is To Love You! The Impact of Mating Mind-Sets on Different Types of Luxury Consumption
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self-presentation, self-control, self-permission, conspicuous luxury consumption, hedonic luxury consumption, mating mind-sets
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預試與實驗一皆為雙因子實驗設計,影片類型 (浪漫 vs. 非浪漫) 為組間因子,以操弄求偶思維的有vs.無激發,奢侈品廣告類型 (炫耀性vs.享樂性) 為組內因子;實驗二同樣為雙因子實驗設計,以異性素人的面孔吸引力 (高 vs. 低) 為組間因子,來操弄求偶思維的有激發vs.無激發,而奢侈品廣告類型 (炫耀性vs.享樂性) 為組內因子。三項實驗皆透過問項詢問當前感情狀態(有伴侶vs.無伴侶)。研究結果發現:(一)不論消費者性別、屬於何種感情狀態,都能被成功激發求偶思維;(二)在無伴侶的情況下激發求偶思維,會提升自我呈現動機,進而增加奢侈炫耀性消費;(三)在有伴侶的情況下激發求偶思維,會透過自我控制影響自我許可機制,進而增加奢侈享樂性消費;(四)在沒有預算限制的情況下,不論處於何種感情狀態,都會連帶驅動購買其他奢侈品項;(五)消費者性別不會干擾激發求偶思維對中介機制、應變數的影響。
Luxury marketing mostly relies on advertising as a tool. The style of advertising is often simple and honorable, and usually uses celebrity endorsements. However, luxury brands should also consider the psychological factors of consumers to stimulate purchase desire. Previous studies have focused on how consumers use luxury goods as a strategy to increase prestige, and less examined whether there are other motives that may also drive consumers to purchase luxury goods. This research starts from the perspective of “mating mind-sets”, examining the difference in the influence of activating mating mind-sets on different types of luxury consumption. It also uses the current relationship state in love of consumers as a moderator to explain how mating mind-sets affect luxury consumption by the mechanisms of self-presentation, self-control, and self-licensing under different relationship state conditions. One pilot study and two formal experiments were conducted to test the propositions.
Both the pilot study and the first experiment were two-factor experimental designs with the film type (romantic vs. non-romantic) as a between-subjects factor, and type of luxury advertising (conspicuous vs. hedonistic) as a within-subjects factor. Experiment 2 was also a two-factor experimental design, using the facial attractiveness of the opposite-sex noncelebrity models (high vs. low) as a between-subjects factor to manipulate the activation vs. non-activation of mating mind-sets, and type of luxury advertising (conspicuous vs. hedonistic) as a within-subjects factor. All the three experiments asked questions about the current relationship status in love (with partner vs. without partner). The research results revealed the following important findings. (1) Regardless of the gender and relationship state of consumers, their mating mind-sets can be successfully activated. (2) Activating mating mind-sets in consumers without a partner in love would increase motivation for self-presentation, thereby increasing conspicuous luxury consumption. (3) Activating mating mind-sets in consumers with a partner in love would drive the self-control mechanism and then self-licensing, thereby increasing hedonic luxury consumption. (4) In the absence of budget constraints, no matter what kind of relationship state they are in, activating mating mind-sets would drive the purchase of other luxury items. (5) Consumer gender would not moderate the influence of activating mating mind-sets on the internal mechanisms and luxury consumption.
This research focuses on the influence of mating mind-sets on different types of luxury consumption, expands the understanding of mating mind-sets effect in the marketing field, innovatively considers the moderation of consumer relationship state in love, and has theoretical contributions to related fields. In terms of practical contributions, practitioners can try to use text or pictures in luxury advertisements to activiate consumers’ mating mind-sets, or embed branded products in a media situation that evokes mating mind-sets. With subsequent psychological mechanisms, consumers can rationalize their purchase of luxury goods and reduce the negative associations of guilt. This could be the means that the practitioners can try to increase the sales of luxury goods.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景 1
第二節、研究動機 4
第四節、研究目的 8
第二章、文獻探討 9
第一節、求偶思維(Mating Mind-Sets) 9
第二節、印象管理之自我呈現(Self-Presentation) 13
第三節、自我控制(Self-control) 14
第四節、准許作用的自我許可(Self- licensing) 15
第五節、奢侈性消費(Luxury consumption) 16
第三章、研究架構與假說推論 20
第一節、研究架構 20
第二節、研究假說 20
第四章、預試及實驗一 25
第一節、研究方法 25
一、樣本與實驗設計 25
二、實驗刺激與前測 26
第二節、預試 38
(一)實驗程序 38
(二)變數衡量-操弄性檢驗 39
第三節、預試預結果分析 40
(一)研究樣本組成 40
(二)變數之平均數、標準差及量表信度分析 41
(三)操弄性檢驗與控制變數的檢定 42
(四)結果分析 44
第四節、實驗一 47
(一) 實驗程序 47
(二)變數衡量-操弄性檢驗 48
(三)實驗一結果分析 49
第五章、實驗二 64
第一節、研究方法 65
一、樣本與實驗設計 65
二、實驗刺激與前測 65
三、實驗程序 79
四、變數衡量 79
第二節、分析結果 81
一、研究樣本組成 81
二、變數之平均數、標準差及量表信度分析 83
四、控制變數之檢定 86
五、假說驗證 87
六、討論 93
第六章、結論與建議 95
第一節、研究發現 95
第二節、研究意涵 97
一、理論意涵 97
二、實務意涵 98
第三節、研究限制及未來研究方向 100
參考文獻 104
附錄 115
附錄一:前測一問卷 115
附錄二:前測二問卷 118
附錄三:預試問卷 122
附錄四:實驗一問卷 131
附錄五:前測三問卷 138
附錄六:前測四問卷 144
附錄七:實驗二問卷 156
圖1-1 GUCCI香水廣告的風格簡約...........................................................................2
圖1-2 Cartier手錶廣告展現尊榮及彰顯地位.............................................................2
圖1-3 CHANEL N5香水與好萊塢男星Brad Pitt合作代言.....................................3
圖1-4 DIOR JOY香水與好萊塢女星Jennifer Lawrence合作代言..........................3
表4-14求偶思維操弄與感情狀態對於求偶思維評分之PROCESS Model 1分析結果.................................................................................................................................45
表4-15求偶思維操弄與感情狀態對於自我呈現之PROCESS Model 1分析結果.45
表4-17求偶思維操弄與感情狀態對於自我控制之PROCESS Model 1分析結果.46
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