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Exploring the relationship between off-work hours technology assisted job demands and organizational identification: A moderated mediation model
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Off-work hours technology-assisted job demands, subjective career success, organizational identification, perspective taking, workplace friendships
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隨著網路科技快速發展、行動技術提高工作與生活的便利性,並改變人與人的溝通模式。公司在下班後以即時通訊軟體傳遞工作要求的情形日漸普遍,本研究結合高成本信號理論與社會認定理論觀點,探討非工作時間之即時通訊工作要求是否能提高員工個人主觀認知的職涯成功,並進一步影響到組織認同。同時,本研究也依據特質活化理論觀點,探討在組織中擁有換位思考特質與職場友誼時,可否幫助員工在過程中獲得更高的職涯成功感受,並且認知到自己對組織的價值,更加認同自己的公司。本研究以不同產業別的全職從業人員為研究對象,分兩個時間點蒐集問卷,經配對後之有效問卷共計485份。研究結果顯示:(1) 非工作時間的即時通訊工作要求與主觀職涯成功呈正相關;(2) 主觀職涯成功與組織認同呈正相關;(3) 主觀職涯成功會中介非工作時間的即時通訊工作要求與組織認同的關係;(4) 換位思考對非工作時間的即時通訊工作要求與主觀職涯成功間之關係並不具調節效果;(5) 職場友誼與換位思考之交互作用,會對非工作時間的即時通訊工作要求與主觀職涯成功具調節效果;(6) 當具有高職場友誼與低換位思考或是低職場友誼且高換位思考時,對非工作時間的即時通訊工作要求與主觀職涯成功具調節效果,並對組織認同產生調節式中介效果。綜合本研究之結果,本文亦提出研究理論之意涵、研究限制與未來研究方向建議以作為其他相關研究之參考。
With the rapid development of network technology, mobile technology has improved the convenience of work and life and has changed communication mode between people. Companies are becoming more common to use instant messaging software to deliver work demands during off-work hours. Based on costly signaling theory and social identity theory, this study explores the positive impact of off-work hours technology-assisted job demands on employees, whether it can improve the personal subjective career success and further increase organizational identification. Drawing on the trait activation theory, this study examines whether the employees with perspective taking and workplace friendship in the organization can help them gain a higher sense of subjective career success and identify with their company. The current study collected survey data from full-time employees from different industries at two time periods. After matching the surveys, there were a total of 485 valid respondents for data analyses. The results showed that: (1) Off-work hours technology-assisted job demands significantly positively related to subjective career success; (2) Subjective career success significantly positively related to organizational identification; (3) Subjective career success mediated the relationship between off-work hours technology-assisted job demands and organizational identification; (4) Perspective-taking did not moderate the relationship between off-work hours technology-assisted job demands and subjective career success; (5) The interaction between workplace friendship and perspective-taking moderated the positive relationship between off-work hours technology-assisted job demands subjective career success; (6) Either workplace friendship or perspective-taking had a moderating effect on the relationship between off-work hours technology-assisted job demands and subjective career success, and it had a moderated mediation effect on organizational identification. Based on the findings, this study proposes the implications of theories, research limitations, and suggestions for future researchers.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論1
第二章 文獻探討與假設7
第一節 非工作時間的即時通訊工作要求7
第二節 非工作時間的即時通訊工作要求與員工主觀職涯成功的關係8
第三節 非工作時間的即時通訊工作要求與組織認同間的關係:主觀職涯成功的中介效果13
第四節 換位思考的調節效果17
第五節 職場友誼的調節效果19
第三章 研究方法23
第一節 研究樣本與施測程序23
第二節 研究工具28
第三節 資料分析方法37
第四章 研究結果38
第一節 測量模型分析38
第二節 相關分析39
第三節 假設檢驗41
第五章 研究結論與建議46
第一節 研究結論與理論貢獻46
第二節 實務意涵51
第三節 研究限制與未來建議54

圖2-1 研究架構圖22
圖4-1 換位思考與職場友誼調節非工作時間的即時通訊工作要求對主觀職涯成功之三階交互作用45

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