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博碩士論文 etd-1011123-191911 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1011123-191911
Exploring Attribution Theory: A Comparative Analysis of the Credibility of Moral and Guilt Perceptions Under Crisis
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Attribution theory, Crisis response strategy, Individual morality, Perceived morality, Perception of guilt, Credibility
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本研究以歸因理論為基礎,引入個人道德、感知道德、感知罪惡和可信度等變量,分析了危機回應策略(否認、道歉、蔑視)的調節效果和比較分析。研究一(557 名參與者)透過問卷調查法深入探索了名人危機事件。而研究二(341 名參與者),採用實驗法和關鍵事件技術研究非名人的危機事件。研究結果顯示,研究一中否認和蔑視的調節效果增強了外部歸因與感知道德之間的正向關係,但在內部歸因與感知道德之間的關係中則沒有顯著效果。研究二中進行的比較分析並未有顯著結果,但表明在內部歸因情況下,蔑視是應對危機的最佳策略,而在外部歸因情況下,不做任何回應為最佳選擇。在研究一中,感知道德及感知罪惡於歸因與可信度之間的連續中介效果具有顯著的統計學意義;而研究二中個人道德、感知道德及感知罪惡於歸因與可信度之間的連續中介效果則沒有顯著效果。此外,研究二揭示了個人道德與感知道德之間存在顯著的負向關係。基於研究結果,提出了實務意義和未來研究方向。
This research is grounded in attribution theory and incorporates variables such as individual morality, perceived morality, perception of guilt, and credibility. It examines the moderating effect of crisis response strategies (Denial, Mortification, and Defiance) and provides a comparative analysis. In Study 1 (557 participants), a questionnaire survey method was employed to explore celebrity crisis incident. Study 2 (341 participants) utilized experimental methods and Critical Incident Technique to investigate non-celebrity crisis incidents. The research results demonstrated that the moderating effect conducted in Study 1 of both Denial and Defiance strengthens the positive relationship between external attribution and perceived morality but not in the relationship between internal attribution and perceived morality. The comparative analysis conducted in Study 2 did not provide a significant result but suggested that Defiance is the best as a response to crisis under the internal attribution, while no response strategy is the best as a response under the external attribution. In Study 1, the sequential mediation of perceived morality and perception of guilt between attribution and credibility is statistically significant; however, in Study 2, the sequential mediation involving individual morality, perceived morality, and perception of guilt does not show a significant effect between attribution and credibility. In addition, a negative relationship between individual morality and perceived morality is observed. Based on the research findings, it presents practical implications and directions for future research.
目次 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Objectives 11
2. Literature Review 13
2.1 Crisis and Its Impact on Organizations and Individuals 13
2.2 Image Repair Theory (IRT) 14
2.3 Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) 16
2.4 Crisis response strategy 18
2.5 Attribution theory 24
2.6 Credibility 26
2.7 Consideration of non-celebrity 27
2.8 Attribution and Its Impact on Credibility 27
2.9 Perceived Morality 29
2.10 Attribution and Its Impact on Perceived Morality 29
2.11 Perceptions of Guilt 31
2.12 Perceived Morality and Its Impact on Perceptions of Guilt 32
2.13 Perceived Morality and Its Impact on Credibility 33
2.14 Perceptions of guilt and Its Impact on Credibility 34
2.15 Mediation role of Perceived Morality 36
2.16 Conjunction Fallacy 38
2.17 Mediation role of Perception of Guilt 40
2.18 Downstream Consequences of Perceived Morality Through Perceptions of guilt 42
2.19 The Moderation Effect of Crisis Response Strategy 44
2.20 The Effectiveness of Crisis Response Strategies 49
2.21 A Comparative Analysis of Crisis Response Strategies 50
2.22 Individual Morality 55
2.23 The Role of Cognitive Dissonance in Individual Morality During Crises 56
2.24 Individual Morality and Its Impact on Perceived morality 57
2.25 Individual Morality and Its Impact on Credibility 58
2.26 Mediation role of Individual Morality 60
2.27 Downstream Consequences of Individual Morality Through Perceived Morality and Perceptions of guilt 61
3. Method 65
3.1 Overview of studies 65
3.2 Study 1 67
3.3 Study 1: Results 75
3.5 Study 1: Discussion 94
3.6 Study 2 96
3.7 Study 2: Results 105
3.8 Study 2: Discussion 127
4. General Discussion 130
5. Conclusion 138
Reference 139
Appendix: Questionnaire 168
List of Figures
Figure 2-1. Research Framework 64
Figure 3-1. INT1 (External Attribution x Denial) 87
Figure 3-2. INT1 (External Attribution x Mortification) 88
Figure 3-3. INT1 (External Attribution x Defiance) 89
Figure 3-4. Facing crises or threatened reputations examples 109
Figure 3-5. Moral Foundations 112
Figure 3-6. Moral Relevance and Moral Judgments 115

List of Tables
Table 3-1. Results of Descriptive Statistic 77
Table 3-2. Means, Standard Deviations and Correlations 79
Table 3-3. CFA Results 83
Table 3-4. CFA Results 83
Table 3-5. CFA Results 83
Table 3-6. The Results of Hypothesis Testing of Study 1 90
Table 3-7. Frequency & Percentage - Group 106
Table 3-8. Results of Descriptive Statistic 116
Table 3-9. Means, Standard Deviations and Correlations. 118
Table 3-10. Means, Standard Deviations, and Results of the MANOVAs for Study Variables at Group I to Group VII. 123
Table 3-11. Means, Standard Deviations, and Cohen’s d for Study Variables at Group I to Group VIII. 124
Table 3-12. The Results of Hypothesis Testing of Study 2 126
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