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博碩士論文 etd-1022120-154323 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1022120-154323
Extracting Cyber Threat Intelligence by Using Information Retrieval
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NLP, Word Vector, Information Retrieval, APT, CTI
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資通科技在硬體與軟體上的快速進步,帶給組織與個人更好的生活品質。但是,伴隨而來許多資安的風險與威脅,加上近年來APT (Advanced Persistent Threat,簡稱APT)的興起,越來越多針對特定組織進行一系列複雜且多方位的攻擊。因此,若能利用網路威脅情資(Cyber Threat Intelligence,簡稱CTI),即時掌握各種威脅行為,使攻擊事件從過去的事後偵測與分析,轉變為事件發生前的預防與部屬,才能應對越來越多的APT攻擊。
隨著資安意識的抬頭,多樣化的資料來源和開源社群的高速發展,使得網路威脅情資漸漸成為大數據的問題。若僅依靠傳統的人工進行分析,將耗費大量的時間與資源。然而駭客組織發起的APT攻擊活動,不能視為單一的威脅行為。在每一次入侵的過程中,往往需要以不同的威脅手法來達到不同的目標,而藉由搜集威脅情資中的TTP (Tactics Techniques and Procedures),能使組織快速偵測、應對,使防禦從被動變為主動。
有鑑於此,開發一套自動化威脅行為擷取系統,來即時獲取威脅行為,是有其必要性。因此,本研究提出名為「TAminer」(Threat Action Miner)威脅行為檢索系統,收集大量的APT報告和資安新聞,透過自然語言處理(Natural Language Processing,NLP)、神經網路和詞向量技術,自動化提取網路威脅情資中的威脅行為。實驗結果顯示,TAminer擁有94.7%的精確度與95.8%的召回率,進一步證實TAminer能提供資安人員在短時間內,從網路威脅情資中自動化提取有效的威脅行為。
The rapid progress of ICT(Information Communication Technology) in hardware and software brings better quality of life to organizations and individuals. However, there are many risks and threats to information security, especially with the rise of more APT(Advanced Persistent Threat)incidents in recent years. More complex and diverse attacks have been carried out against specific organizations. Therefore, if we can use Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) to grasp all kinds of threat actions in real time and proactively adjust security measures, we can deal with more and more APT attacks.
Because of diverse sources of threat intelligence, such as news, reports, social media, and forums, CTI has gradually become a problem of big data. If we only rely on traditional manual analysis to CTI, it will cost a lot of time and resources. APT attacks cannot be regarded as a single threat behavior. In the process of each invasion, different techniques and threat behavior are used to achieve different goals. Therefore, by collecting TTP(Tactics Techniques and Procedures) in CTI, the organization can quickly detect and respond, and turn the defense from passive to active.
In view of this, it is necessary to develop an automated threat behavior retrieval system to obtain threat behavior in real time. Thus, this research proposes the system called "TAminer" (Threat Action Miner), which collects a large number of APT reports and news, uses Natural Language Processing (NLP), and word vector technologies to automatically extract threat actions from CTI. Experimental results show that TAminer has an accuracy of 94.7% and a recall rate of 95.8%. It is proved that TAminer can provide automatically extract effective threat actions from CTI in a short time.
目次 Table of Contents
Abstract........................................................................................................................ iii
第一章 緒論............................................................................................................1
1.1 研究背景....................................................................................................1
1.2 研究動機....................................................................................................3
第二章 文獻探討....................................................................................................6
2.1 背景相關研究............................................................................................6
2.2 網路威脅情資............................................................................................9
2.3 進階持續威脅..........................................................................................10
2.4 文字探勘..................................................................................................12
2.5 威脅行為擷取..........................................................................................20
第三章 研究方法..................................................................................................22
3.1 資料蒐集..................................................................................................25
3.2 資料清洗..................................................................................................26
3.3 候選威脅行為提取模組..........................................................................27
3.4 關鍵威脅行為提取模組..........................................................................30
3.5 相似度演算法訓練模組..........................................................................32
3.6 威脅行為檢索模組..................................................................................32
第四章 系統評估..................................................................................................36
4.1 實驗一、威脅行為提取模組的參數比較與篩選..................................42
4.2 實驗二、評估威脅行為過濾方法..........................................................43
4.3 實驗三、評估威脅行為過濾方法與匹配方法......................................48
4.4 實驗四、威脅行為相關論文比較..........................................................53
4.5 實驗五、真實世界資料評估..................................................................54
第五章 研究貢獻與未來展望..............................................................................56
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