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博碩士論文 etd-1101120-233145 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1101120-233145
有「拜」有保庇! 宗教網站設計因素對使用者行為意圖之影響
Worship makes you calm!The influence of religious website design on user’s behaviors.
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Religiosity, Temple awareness, Locus of control, Religious donation, Telepresence, Temple website
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本研究旨在探討宮廟網站的設計因素如何影響宗教網站中受眾的體驗?而不同的受眾心理特質如何影響對於宗教網站的態度?透過實驗設計的方式,以網路問卷進行便利抽樣。實驗一以神像圖片(有 vs. 無)搭配背景音效(有 vs. 無)二因子實驗,探討受眾在瀏覽網站時的遠距臨場感程度,並確定不同的控制傾向特質與宗教虔誠度是否會影響遠距臨場感的作用;實驗二則是加入廟宇知名度,探討其如何影響遠距臨場感,並進一步確定網站態度在遠距臨場感與捐獻意願的中介關係。根據結果顯示,當宮廟網站首頁放置神像圖片並搭配背景音效時,受眾會有較高的遠距臨場感;此外,知名度較高的廟宇亦能使受眾產生較高的遠距臨場感,其中,遠距臨場感程度並不會因不同控制傾向與宗教虔誠度而有所差異。網站態度作為中介變項,當受眾的遠距臨場感程度越高,對於宮廟網站的態度越正向,因而有更高
Temples can be seen everywhere in Taiwan, and people have to burn incense and worship Buddha during the festivals, showing the popularity of Taiwanese religion. With the advancement of Internet technology and the increase in the use of the population, lots of religious groups have set up online websites to provide online services. For example, the famous Donggang Zhenhai Palace, which is famous of online draw lots, and believers from all over the world will come to the temple for fulfillment of a vow. However, online religious websites are becoming prosperous, and their communication effects are rarely discussed in depth by scholars. Therefore, according to the definition of online religion, this research sets the theme as a temple website that has physical temples and provides
various online services. The research has helped religious groups find better ways of communication.

The purpose of this research is to explore how the design factors of the temple website affect the audience's experience in the religious website? And how do different audiences’ psychological characteristics affect their attitudes towards religious websites?
Convenience sampling is carried out through the use of online questionnaires through experimental design. Experiment 1 uses God images (yes vs. none) with background sound effects (yes vs. none) two-factor experiment to explore the audience’s sense of telepresence when browsing the website, and determine whether different locus of control and religiosity will affect the effect of telepresence. The second experiment is to add temple awareness to explore how it affects telepresence, and to further determine the
intermediary relationship between telepresence and willingness to donate. According to the results, under the combination of God images and background sound effects, the audience can indeed have a higher sense of telepresence. In addition, the well-known
temples can also make the audience have a higher sense of telepresence. The degree of telepresence does not vary due to different locus of controls and religiosity. Website attitude is an intermediary variable. The higher the audience’s sense of telepresence, the
more positive the attitude towards the temple website and the higher the willingness to donate. The results of this research can help religious groups to design websites more effectively, so that the audience can have a better experience and achieve better communication effects.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書........................................................................................ i
誌謝........................................................................................... ii
摘要.......................................................................................... iii
Abstract................................................................................... iv

第壹章 緒論 .............................................................................. 1
第一節、研究背景與動機..................................................... 1
第二節、研究問題................................................................ 4
第三節、研究目的................................................................ 5
第貳章 文獻探討 ...................................................................... 7
第一節、宮廟網站................................................................ 7
第二節、遠距臨場感.......................................................... 10
第三節、捐獻意願.............................................................. 14
第四節、實體廟宇知名度................................................... 15
第五節、控制傾向............................................................... 16
第六節、宗教虔誠度........................................................... 18
第七節、假說推論............................................................... 19
一、神像圖片、背景音效與遠距臨場感 ........................ 19
二、實體廟宇知名度與遠距臨場感 ................................ 21
三、網站態度的影響 ....................................................... 22
四、內外控制傾向的干擾作用 ........................................ 24
五、宗教虔誠度的干擾作用 ............................................ 25
第參章 研究方法 ...................................................................... 27
第一節、研究架構................................................................ 27
第二節、變數操作性定義與衡量......................................... 27
一、遠距臨場感 ............................................................... 27
二、宮廟網站態度 ........................................................... 28
三、實體廟宇知名度 ....................................................... 28
四、捐獻意願 .................................................................. 28
五、控制傾向 .................................................................. 28
六、宗教虔誠度 .............................................................. 29
七、控制變數 .................................................................. 29
第三節、實驗一................................................................... 29
一、樣本與實驗設計 ....................................................... 29
二、實驗刺激與前測 ....................................................... 30
三、預試 .......................................................................... 35
四、實驗一程序 ............................................................... 36
第四節、實驗二.................................................................... 36
一、樣本與實驗設計 ........................................................ 37
二、實驗刺激與前測 ........................................................ 37
三、預試 ........................................................................... 40
四、實驗二程序 ................................................................ 41
第肆章 資料分析 ....................................................................... 42
第一節、實驗一 .................................................................... 42
一、樣本結構分析 ............................................................ 42
二、假說驗證 .................................................................... 42
第二節、實驗二 .................................................................... 48
一、樣本結構分析 ............................................................. 48
二、假說驗證 ..................................................................... 48
第伍章 結論 ............................................................................... 54
第一節、研究發現 ................................................................ 54
第二節、研究貢獻 ................................................................ 57
一、學術貢獻 .................................................................... 57
二、實務貢獻 .....................................................................58
第三節、研究限制與未來方向 ..............................................59

參考文獻 .................................................................................... 61
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