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博碩士論文 etd-1101123-155708 詳細資訊
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content characteristics, user engagement, news media characteristics, protection motivation theory, threat appraisal, coping appraisal
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This research delves into how threat and coping appraisal messages in news content influence user engagement on social media, particularly focusing on a gap in existing research regarding the impact of these message types. Previous research has investigated how the characteristics of content influence on user behavior, the specific influence of threat and coping appraisals has remained unclear. Analyzing news content related to vaccines and using secondary social media data, the research finds that threat appraisal messages significantly boost user engagement, more so than coping appraisal messages, and even have a negative effect on engagement. It also reveals that news media characteristics can positively influence the impact of response-efficacy on engagement, especially in terms of likes and shares, with severity affecting comments. The study highlights how news media characteristics can balance the positive effects of susceptibility. These insights inform a strategic approach for news media agencies to craft social media content that effectively uses coping appraisal messages to enhance user engagement.
目次 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Table of Figures v
Table of Tables vi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Questions 3
2 Literature Review and Hypothesis Development 5
2.1 User Engagement 5
2.2 Protection Motivation Theory 7
2.3 Content Characteristics 11
2.4 News Media Characteristics 15
2.5 Hypothesis Development 19
3 Research Methods 25
3.1 Data Collection 25
3.2 Operationalization of Variables 28
4 Results 43
4.1 Descriptive Statistics 43
4.2 Main Effect 45
4.3 Moderating Effect 47
5 Discussion and Conclusion 52
5.1 Theoretical Contribution 56
5.2 Practical Contribution 57
5.3 Limitations 58
References 59
Appendix A: Word Embedding Analysis Results 70
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